Script werkt niet na update naar PHP 5.5

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Lid geworden
11 sep 2007
Ik kom er niet uit waarom onderstaand script niet meer werkt na een update van PHP 5.4 naar PHP 5.5.
Wat moet er aangepast worden zodat het wel weer werkt?

	// flat file database engine
	// by e. wenners
	// settings
	$delimiter = "|";
        //$db_location = "/home/ijsclub/domains/";
	//$db_location = "/wamp/www/dir/data/";
	$db_location = "/home/user/domains/";

	Function DeleteRecord($db_table, $find_condition) {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;
		// deletes a record with the given conditions
		// example: DeleteRecord("user", "id+=2");
		$db_file = $db_location.$db_table.".tsv"; 	// open the table for reading and writing
        @unlink ($db_file."_");					// it might exist if a previous deletion failed
		rename ($db_file, $db_file."_");		// lock the table
		$old_table = fopen($db_file."_",'r'); 	// open the locked table
		$new_table = fopen($db_file,'w'); 		// open the new table

		// lets first transfer the first line, which holds the fields
		$record = fgets($old_table);
		$field  = explode($delimiter, $record);
		fwrite($new_table, $record);
		if ($find_condition != '*') { // are there conditions?
			$condition = explode(",", $find_condition);
			$num_condition = 0;
			foreach ($condition as $current_condition) {
				$num_condition += 1;
				list($condition_field[$num_condition], $condition_value[$num_condition]) = explode("=", $current_condition);
				$compare_method[$num_condition] = substr($condition_field[$num_condition], -1);
				$condition_field[$num_condition] = substr($condition_field[$num_condition], 0, strlen($condition_field[$num_condition]) -1);
		while ( $record = fgets($old_table) ) {
			$record_values = explode($delimiter, $record);
			$delete_record = FALSE;
			$num_compare = 0;
			if ($find_condition != '*') {			// there are conditions
				for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_condition; $i++) {
					$record_value = trim($record_values[FindField($db_table, $condition_field[$i])]);
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "+" && $record_value == $condition_value[$i]) { $num_compare += 1; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "-" && $record_value != $condition_value[$i]) { $num_compare += 1;; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "~" && strrpos($record_value, $condition_value[$i]) !== FALSE) { $num_compare += 1;; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "<" && intval($record_value) < intval($condition_value[$i])) { $num_compare += 1; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == ">" && intval($record_value) > intval($condition_value[$i])) { $num_compare += 1; }
				if ($num_compare == $num_condition) { $delete_record = TRUE; }
			else { $delete_record = TRUE; }	// no conditions and no specific id			
			if (!$delete_record) {
				fwrite($new_table, $record);
		unlink ($db_file."_");			// delete lock table
		return TRUE;
	Function UpdateRecord($db_table, $db_values) {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;
		$value = explode($delimiter, $db_values);
		DeleteRecord($db_table, "id+=". $value[0]);
		AddRecord($db_table, $db_values);
	Function AddRecord($db_table, $db_values) {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;

		// can add a new record
		// example: AddRecord("user", "AUTO|Y|".$username.$delimiter.md5($userpass)."|N|".$email)

		$db_file = $db_location.$db_table.".tsv"; // open the table for reading and writing
		if (trim($value[0]) == "AUTO") {
			$db_handle = fopen ($db_file, "r+"); // cursor in beginning of file
		else {
			$db_handle = fopen ($db_file, "a+"); // cursor at the end of the file
		if (!$db_handle) { return FALSE; }
		$record = fgets($db_handle); // first line lists all table fields
		$value = explode($delimiter, $db_values);
		if (trim($value[0]) == "AUTO") { // if the first field is an auto incremented id, then find the highest ID and add +1
			$auto_id = 0;
			while ( $record = fgets($db_handle) ) {
				$current_record = explode($delimiter, $record);
				if ($current_record[0] > $auto_id) { $auto_id = $current_record[0]; }
			$value[0] = $auto_id +1;
		$new_record = implode($delimiter, $value);
		fwrite($db_handle, $new_record."|\r\n");
		fclose($db_handle); // close table
		return $value[0];
	Function OpenRecord($db_table, $select_fields, $find_condition, $sort_order='', $auto_join='false', $limit='') {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;

		// open records that suit the conditions and only return the requested fields.
		// syntax:
		// $db_table : name of the text file without extension
		// $select_fields : {fieldx,fieldy,fieldz} or {*}
		// $find_conditions :  (default = '*')
		// field+=value > field must be equal to value
		// field-=value > field must not be equal to value
		// field~=value > field must contain the substring value
		// OPTIONAL: $sort_order: {field type direction}
		// sort by fieldx and sort it as a number or as a string either ascending or descending
		// OPTIONAL: $auto_join: {true/false}
		// automaticly join tables so ID fields will contain text
		// OPTIONAL: $limit: empty = all records. any number will return that number of records
		// example: OpenRecord("bug", "*", "status_id+=0", "id num desc", "true","10")
		// shows 10 bugs that have the status "unconfirmed" and start with the newest

		$db_table		= trim($db_table);
		$find_condition	= trim($find_condition);
		$sort_order		= trim($sort_order);
		$db_file = $db_location.$db_table.".tsv"; // open the table for reading and writing
		$db_handle = fopen ($db_file, "r+");
		if (!$db_handle) {
			return FALSE; // error opening table
		$record = fgets($db_handle); 			// first line lists all table fields
		$field = explode($delimiter, $record);		// all fields in an array
		if ($find_condition != '*') { // are there conditions?
			$condition = explode(",", $find_condition);
			$num_condition = 0;
			foreach ($condition as $current_condition) {
				$num_condition += 1;
				list($condition_field[$num_condition], $condition_value[$num_condition]) = explode("=", $current_condition);
				$compare_method[$num_condition] = substr($condition_field[$num_condition], -1);
				$condition_field[$num_condition] = substr($condition_field[$num_condition], 0, strlen($condition_field[$num_condition]) -1);
		if ($sort_order != '') { // do we need to do some sorting?
			list($sort_field, $sort_type, $sort_direction) = explode(" ", $sort_order);
		$search_result = "";				// if no records are found this will prevent an error
		$record_counter = -1;				// no records.. yet
		while ( $record = fgets($db_handle) ) {
			$record_values = explode($delimiter, $record);	// process the record
			$add_record = FALSE;
			$num_compare = 0;
			if ($find_condition != '*') {			// there are conditions
				for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_condition; $i++) {
					$record_value = trim($record_values[FindField($db_table, $condition_field[$i])]);
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "+" && $record_value == $condition_value[$i]) { $num_compare += 1; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "-" && $record_value != $condition_value[$i]) { $num_compare += 1;; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "~" && strrpos($record_value, $condition_value[$i]) !== FALSE) { $num_compare += 1;; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == "<" && $record_value < $condition_value[$i]) { $num_compare += 1; }
					if ($compare_method[$i] == ">" && $record_value > $condition_value[$i]) { $num_compare += 1; }
				if ($num_compare == $num_condition) { $add_record = TRUE; }
			else { $add_record = TRUE; }	// no conditions and no specific id
			if ($add_record) {
				$record_counter += 1;			// add a record
				$search_result[$record_counter] = $record;
				if ($sort_order != '') {
					$sort_array[$record_counter] = $record_values[FindField($db_table, $sort_field)];

		if ($record_counter == -1) { return false; }
		if ($auto_join == 'true') {
			foreach ($field as $fieldkey => $_field) { 
				$_field = trim($_field);
				if (substr($_field, -3) == "_id") {	// an _ID field linked to another table
					foreach ($search_result as $searchkey => $_search_result) {
						$value = explode($delimiter, $_search_result);		// divide the record values
						$table = explode ("_", $_field);			// and id field syntax is tablename_id
						$value[$fieldkey] = FindValue($table[0], $value[$fieldkey], "name");	// replace the id by the name field
						$search_result[$searchkey] = implode($delimiter, $value);	// merge it back into a record
		if ($sort_order != '') { // let's sort the record array according to the sort_array
			if ($sort_direction ==  "asc" && $sort_type == "str") 	{ array_multisort($sort_array, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $search_result); }
			if ($sort_direction ==  "asc" && $sort_type == "num") 	{ array_multisort($sort_array, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $search_result); }
			if ($sort_direction ==  "desc" && $sort_type == "str") 	{ array_multisort($sort_array, SORT_DESC, SORT_STRING, $search_result); }
			if ($sort_direction ==  "desc" && $sort_type == "num") 	{ array_multisort($sort_array, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, $search_result); }
		if ($select_fields != '*') { // we don't return all fields, just the ones in $select_fields
			$selection = explode(",", $select_fields);
			foreach ($search_result as $result_key => $record) {
				$field = explode($delimiter, $record);
				foreach ($selection as $key => $sel_field) {
					$new_record[$key] = $field[FindField($db_table, $sel_field)];
				$search_result[$result_key] = implode($delimiter, $new_record);
		fclose($db_handle); // close table
		// now trim all values in the recordset and maybe apply a limit.
		$copy_result = $search_result;
		unset ($search_result);
		foreach ($copy_result as $result_key=>$trim_result) {
			$value = explode($delimiter, $trim_result);
			foreach ($value as $trim_key => $trim_value) {
				$value[$trim_key] = trim($trim_value);
			$search_result[$result_key] = implode($delimiter, $value);
			if ($result_key+1 == $limit) { break; }
		return $search_result;

	Function FindField($db_table, $find_field) {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;

		// find a  field in a table and return it's position (0, 1, 2.. etc). 
		// ONLY USED INTERNALLY BY db_engine.php!!

		$db_table		= trim($db_table);
		$find_field		= trim($find_field);
		$db_file = $db_location.$db_table.".tsv"; // open the table for reading and writing
		$db_handle = fopen ($db_file, "r+");

		if (!$db_handle) {
			return FALSE; 					// error opening table
		$record = fgets($db_handle); 			// first line lists all table fields
		$field = explode($delimiter, $record);		// all fields in an array
		$counter = -1;						// nothing found yet
		foreach ($field as $compare_field) {	// loop through the fields
		    $counter += 1;
			if (trim($compare_field) == trim($find_field)) { $search_result = $counter; } // if we have a match, remember it's position
		fclose($db_handle); 					// close table
		return $search_result;				// return result
	Function FindValue($db_table, $find_record_id, $find_field) {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;

		// find a  value in a record by it's recordID. 
		// ONLY USED INTERNALLY by db_engine.php!!

		$db_table		= trim($db_table);
		$find_record_id	= trim($find_record_id);
		$find_field		= trim($find_field);
		$db_file = $db_location.$db_table.".tsv"; // open the table for reading and writing
		$db_handle = fopen ($db_file, "r+");
		if (!$db_handle) {
			return FALSE; // error opening table
		$record = fgets($db_handle); 		// first line lists all table fields
		$field = explode($delimiter, $record);		// all fields in an array
		$search_result = "";				// if no records are found this will prevent an error
		while ( $record = fgets($db_handle) ) {
			$current_record = explode($delimiter, $record);
			if (trim($current_record[0]) == trim($find_record_id)) { 
				// we have the correct record, now find the right field
				$search_result = $current_record[FindField($db_table, $find_field)];
		fclose($db_handle); // close table
		return $search_result;
	Function FindFieldName($db_table, $find_field) {
		global $delimiter;
		global $db_location;

		// find a  fieldname
		// ONLY USED INTERNALLY by db_engine.php!!

		$db_table		= trim($db_table);
		$find_field		= trim($find_field);
		$db_file = $db_location.$db_table.".tsv"; // open the table for reading and writing
		$db_handle = fopen ($db_file, "r+");
		if (!$db_handle) {
			return FALSE; // error opening table
		$record = fgets($db_handle); 		// first line lists all table fields
		$field = explode($delimiter, $record);		// all fields in an array
		$search_result = "";				// if no records are found this will prevent an error
		foreach ($field as $key => $fieldname) {
			if ($key == $find_field) {
				$search_result = $fieldname;
		fclose($db_handle); // close table
		return $search_result;
Laatst bewerkt:
Misschien is het handiger om te vertellen WAT er niet werkt, wat je DOET, en wat er GEBEURT.

Ik ga geen > 300 regels code doorlezen.
De verschillende pagina's maken via dit script connectie met de database. Ik denk dat er daar iets mis gaat.
Het werkte altijd, alleen na de update naar PHP 5.5. werkt het niet meer.
Maar wat gebeurt er? Zie je iets wat niet hoort?
Normaal gesproken haalt de pagina via dit script alle data uit de database en toont deze op het scherm. Nu krijg ik alleen een leeg scherm. Ook geen foutmelding of iets dergelijks. Ik denk dat er in het begin van het script iets fout gaat.
Dan zal de error_reporting en de display_errors uitstaan. Zet die eens aan.
optie 1: (overboord smijten en onmiddelijk naar een database gaan)consiquentie is dat het trager zal zijn en daar uw script basic is en snel maar je zal compactible blijven

optie 2: omzetten naar OO en
global $delimiter; zal dan veranderen in private $delimiter;
en dan naar een classe gaan. Maar dat kan ik niet bepalen of er meer files zijn.(indien ja hoeveel) code bestaat mogelijks al meer of 10 jaar en behoordt tot de effientere soort
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