Text label toevoegen aan een function in een javascript bestand

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Lid geworden
1 mrt 2011

Voor een luchtvaart volg website wil ik het een een ander aanpassen om het mobiel vriendelijk te maken.
Maar omdat mijn kennis in javascript nihil is schakel ik jullie hulp in.

De bedoeling is om in een bestaand script een label toe te voegen met div. gegevens zoals hoogte, snelheid etc.
Als voorbeeld en voor de duidelijkheid heb ik dan ook een screenshot toegevoegd met hoe het nu is en wat er bij moet komen.

zoals ik het nu zelf lees kunnen deze gegevens via this.speed, this.altitude etc, worden opgehaald.

alvast bedankt voor jullie hulp

Nu: Naamloos.png

Moet worden: 14 - 1.jpg

script waar het om gaat:
var planeObject = {
	oldlat		: null,
	oldlon		: null,
	oldalt		: null,

	// Basic location information
	altitude	: null,
	speed		: null,
	track		: null,
	latitude	: null,
	longitude	: null,
	// Info about the plane
	flight		: null,
	squawk		: null,
	icao		: null,
	is_selected	: false,	

	// Data packet numbers
	messages	: null,
	seen		: null,

	// Vaild...
	vPosition	: false,
	vTrack		: false,
        mlat            : false,

	// GMap Details
	marker		: null,
	markerColor	: MarkerColor,
	lines		: [],
	trackdata	: new Array(),
	trackline	: new Array(),

	// When was this last updated?
	updated		: null,
	reapable	: false,

	// Appends data to the running track so we can get a visual tail on the plane
	// Only useful for a long running browser session.
	funcAddToTrack	: function(){
			// TODO: Write this function out
			this.trackdata.push([this.latitude, this.longitude, this.altitude, this.track, this.speed]);
			this.trackline.push(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude));

	// This is to remove the line from the screen if we deselect the plane
	funcClearLine	: function() {
			if (this.line) {
				this.line = null;

	// Should create an icon for us to use on the map...
	funcGetIcon	: function() { 
                        if (this.mlat == true) {
                                this.markerColor = MlatMarkerColor;
			// If this marker is selected we should make it lighter than the rest.
			if (this.is_selected == true) {
				this.markerColor = SelectedColor;
			// Plane marker
            var baseSvg = {
				               planeData : 
						"M 1.9565564,41.694305 C 1.7174505,40.497708 1.6419973,38.448747 " +
                    "1.8096508,37.70494 1.8936398,37.332056 2.0796653,36.88191 2.222907,36.70461 " +
                    "2.4497603,36.423844 4.087816,35.47248 14.917931,29.331528 l 12.434577," +
                    "-7.050718 -0.04295,-7.613412 c -0.03657,-6.4844888 -0.01164,-7.7625804 " +
                    "0.168134,-8.6194061 0.276129,-1.3160905 0.762276,-2.5869575 1.347875," +
                    "-3.5235502 l 0.472298,-0.7553719 1.083746,-0.6085497 c 1.194146,-0.67053522 " +
                    "1.399524,-0.71738842 2.146113,-0.48960552 1.077005,0.3285939 2.06344," +
                    "1.41299352 2.797602,3.07543322 0.462378,1.0469993 0.978731,2.7738408 " +
                    "1.047635,3.5036272 0.02421,0.2570284 0.06357,3.78334 0.08732,7.836246 0.02375," +
                    "4.052905 0.0658,7.409251 0.09345,7.458546 0.02764,0.04929 5.600384,3.561772 " +
                    "12.38386,7.805502 l 12.333598,7.715871 0.537584,0.959688 c 0.626485,1.118378 " +
                    "0.651686,1.311286 0.459287,3.516442 -0.175469,2.011604 -0.608966,2.863924 " +
                    "-1.590344,3.127136 -0.748529,0.200763 -1.293144,0.03637 -10.184829,-3.07436 " +
                    "C 48.007733,41.72562 44.793806,40.60197 43.35084,40.098045 l -2.623567," +
                    "-0.916227 -1.981212,-0.06614 c -1.089663,-0.03638 -1.985079,-0.05089 -1.989804," +
                    "-0.03225 -0.0052,0.01863 -0.02396,2.421278 -0.04267,5.339183 -0.0395,6.147742 " +
                    "-0.143635,7.215456 -0.862956,8.845475 l -0.300457,0.680872 2.91906,1.361455 " +
                    "c 2.929379,1.366269 3.714195,1.835385 4.04589,2.41841 0.368292,0.647353 " +
                    "0.594634,2.901439 0.395779,3.941627 -0.0705,0.368571 -0.106308,0.404853 " +
                    "-0.765159,0.773916 L 41.4545,62.83158 39.259237,62.80426 c -6.030106,-0.07507 " +
                    "-16.19508,-0.495041 -16.870991,-0.697033 -0.359409,-0.107405 -0.523792," +
                    "-0.227482 -0.741884,-0.541926 -0.250591,-0.361297 -0.28386,-0.522402 -0.315075," +
                    "-1.52589 -0.06327,-2.03378 0.23288,-3.033615 1.077963,-3.639283 0.307525," +
                    "-0.2204 4.818478,-2.133627 6.017853,-2.552345 0.247872,-0.08654 0.247455," +
                    "-0.102501 -0.01855,-0.711959 -0.330395,-0.756986 -0.708622,-2.221756 -0.832676," +
                    "-3.224748 -0.05031,-0.406952 -0.133825,-3.078805 -0.185533,-5.937448 -0.0517," +
                    "-2.858644 -0.145909,-5.208974 -0.209316,-5.222958 -0.06341,-0.01399 -0.974464," +
                    "-0.0493 -2.024551,-0.07845 L 23.247235,38.61921 18.831373,39.8906 C 4.9432155," +
                    "43.88916 4.2929558,44.057819 3.4954426,43.86823 2.7487826,43.690732 2.2007966," +
                    "42.916622 1.9565564,41.694305 z"

			// If the squawk code is one of the international emergency codes,
			// match the info window alert color.
			if (this.squawk == 7500) {
				this.markerColor = "rgb(255, 85, 85)";
			if (this.squawk == 7600) {
				this.markerColor = "rgb(0, 255, 255)";
			if (this.squawk == 7700) {
				this.markerColor = "rgb(255, 255, 0)";

			// If we have not overwritten color by now, an extension still could but
			// just keep on trucking.  :)

			return {
                strokeWeight: (this.is_selected ? 2 : 1),
                path:  "M 0,0 "+ baseSvg["planeData"],
				scale: 0.4,
                fillColor: this.markerColor,
                fillOpacity: 0.9,
                anchor: new google.maps.Point(32, 32), // Set anchor to middle of plane.
                rotation: this.track

	// TODO: Trigger actions of a selecting a plane
	funcSelectPlane	: function(selectedPlane){

	// Update our data
	funcUpdateData	: function(data){
			// So we can find out if we moved
			var oldlat 	= this.latitude;
			var oldlon	= this.longitude;
			var oldalt	= this.altitude;

			// Update all of our data
			this.updated	= new Date().getTime();
			this.altitude	= data.altitude;
			this.speed	= data.speed;
			this.track	= data.track;
			this.latitude	= data.lat;
			this.longitude	= data.lon;
			this.flight	= data.flight;
			this.squawk	= data.squawk;
			this.icao	= data.hex;
			this.messages	= data.messages;
			this.seen	= data.seen;
                        this.mlat       = data.mlat;

			// If no packet in over 58 seconds, consider the plane reapable
			// This way we can hold it, but not show it just in case the plane comes back
			if (this.seen > 58) {
				this.reapable = true;
				if (this.marker) {
					this.marker = null;
				if (this.line) {
					this.line = null;
				if (SelectedPlane == this.icao) {
					if (this.is_selected) {
						this.is_selected = false;
					SelectedPlane = null;
			} else {
				if (this.reapable == true) {
				this.reapable = false;

			// Is the position valid?
			if ((data.validposition == 1) && (this.reapable == false)) {
				this.vPosition = true;

				// Detech if the plane has moved
				changeLat = false;
				changeLon = false;
				changeAlt = false;
				if (oldlat != this.latitude) {
					changeLat = true;
				if (oldlon != this.longitude) {
					changeLon = true;
				if (oldalt != this.altitude) {
					changeAlt = true;
				// Right now we only care about lat/long, if alt is updated only, oh well
				if ((changeLat == true) || (changeLon == true)) {
					if (this.is_selected) {
						this.line = this.funcUpdateLines();
				this.marker = this.funcUpdateMarker();
			} else {
				this.vPosition = false;

			// Do we have a valid track for the plane?
			if (data.validtrack == 1)
				this.vTrack = true;
				this.vTrack = false;

	// Update our marker on the map
	funcUpdateMarker: function() {
			if (this.marker) {
				this.marker.setPosition(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude));
			} else {
				this.marker = new google.maps.Marker({
					position: new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude),
					map: GoogleMap,
					icon: this.funcGetIcon(),

					visable: true

				// This is so we can match icao address
				this.marker.icao = this.icao;

				// Trap clicks for this marker.
				google.maps.event.addListener(this.marker, 'click', this.funcSelectPlane);

			// Setting the marker title
			if (this.flight.length == 0) {
			} else {
				this.marker.setTitle(this.flight+' ('+this.icao+')');
			return this.marker;

	// Update our planes tail line,
	// TODO: Make this multi colored based on options
	//		altitude (default) or speed
	funcUpdateLines: function() {
			if (this.line) {
				var path = this.line.getPath();
				path.push(new google.maps.LatLng(this.latitude, this.longitude));
			} else {
				this.line = new google.maps.Polyline({
					strokeColor: '#000000',
					strokeOpacity: 1.0,
					strokeWeight: 3,
					map: GoogleMap,
					path: this.trackline
			return this.line;
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