docmd.outputto geeft fout

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Function GetUNC(strMappedDrive As String) As String
Dim objFso As FileSystemObject
Dim strDrive As String
Dim strShare As String

    Set objFso = New FileSystemObject
    'Separated the mapped letter from
    'any following sub-folders
    strDrive = objFso.GetDriveName(strMappedDrive)
    'find the UNC share name from the mapped letter
    strShare = objFso.Drives(strDrive).ShareName
    'The Replace function allows for sub-folders
    'of the mapped drive
    GetUNC = Replace(strMappedDrive, strDrive, strShare)
    Set objFso = Nothing 'Destroy the object
End Function
Heb de oplossing gevonden: ligt bij Microsoft (oef niet mijn fout, :cool:). Er worden voor dit probleem work arounds voorgesteld ( Heb de code
    DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPerScholenProcenten", acViewPreview, , , acDialog
vervangen door
    DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPerScholenProcenten", acViewPreview, , , [B][U]acWindowNormal[/U][/B]
en alles werkt! :D.
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