Cue weigert

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Lid geworden
16 sep 2004

Ik kan op eens geen cue bestanden meer afspelen.

Ik heb Winamp 5.35.
En ik heb CUE_player.exe voor de zekerheid nog eens gedownload, ook van de winamp site: Link.
De cue bestanden staan hier. Ik kan helaas de mp3's niet uploaden want die zijn beide ongeveer 100 mb.
Maar voor de wizkidz onder ons: ik kon het vanmiddag (maand na de upload) nog compleet binnen halen van usenet: FTD: 428910 .

Ik heb alles gedaan wat in de handleiding staat, ook nog even de gegevens, zoals "FILE" en "TITLE" in de goede volgorde gezet, want het is mij opgevallen dat niet elk cue bestand op dezelfde manier is ingedeeld. Ook de gegevens gecheckt uiteraard.

En het helpt allemaal niets, er valt praktisch niets te configureren, in ieder geval niets belangrijks.

Onderaan dit bericht staat de handleiding beschreven zoals die wordt aangemaakt door CUE_player.exe . Maar die kan mij dus ook niet helpen.

Ik hoop dat iemand mij kan helpen. Bij voorbaat dank

CUE Player for Winamp
Copyright © Henning Färnström

* First off, it has some issues (the list is getting shorter though):
1. Glitch in the spectrum analyzer when it switches to the next track.
2. Plug-in with built-in equalizers produces questionable output when the equalizer is enabled.

If you are having trouble with the sound quality, disable the internal equalizer in for example in_mp3.dll by turning off the Fast Layer 3 EQ setting.

If it plays the beginning of the mp3 when the plug-in seeks to the beginning of a track, try disabling the cross fading in the DirectSound output-plug-in.

If someone cares about these issues send me an e-mail, and I'll send you the source. If it was a mess before, it has gotten a lot uglier now =P.

* Experimental media library support:
Support for the media library has been there all the time. But Winamp has refused to add the songs to the local media folder, since it couldn't find the files on disc. I tried a bunch of different solutions until I finally found one that worked. The method I use it to simple overwrite the head of the Win32 API function CreateFileA with a jump to my own function. There I, if needed, change the input parameters to the real CreateFileA which I then call through a trampoline function. So where in lies the dilemma? Well if I overwrite the beginning of the function, I am altering its behavior. So in order to preserve that, I will need to copy the first few instructions to the trampoline function. This is not a trivial matter. I assume that my implementation is far from bug free. And I have not tested it on the Win9x platform, so anything could happen there.

Because I don't want any more bad reviews on these features are disabled by default. If you have any problems at least have the courtesy of emailing me so I can fix it. (Advanced title formatting is done by Winamp, and I haven't noticed any problems even though I always use it.)

* Playlist extensions:
The plugins add three new features to the playlist management. These features make the handling of CUE-files more transparent and more similar to the way regular playlists are handled by the playlist editor.

- Handling of drag and drop, dropping a CUE-file on the playlist causes the tracks to be expanded instantly.
- When a CUE-file is queued through either the shell or Media Library, it is immediately expanded.
- When a dialog-box is spawned through the function GetOpenFileNameA, CUE-files are automatically expanded before the function returns. This feature uses the same hooking technique as the media library support described above.

* User guide:
Move/Copy the files, in_cue.dll and gen_cue.dll to <winamp-folder>\plugins
Add desired cue file to the playlist. Depending on if you are using the playlist extensions or not you will have to play the file in order to expand it.
Play the added files.

Now supports files with different formats. Tested formats are MP3, APE and FLAC. Files are classified by their file extension.

* Troubleshooting:
Q: It expands the virtual files but when I play a file nothing happens.
A: This could depend on a few things, usually not that it failed to parse the cue-file.
- File was not found.
- File is invalid.
- No plug-in was found to play the file.

Q: Winamp crashes when I load the plug-in, when playing a file or when displaying a dialog box.
A: If you have enabled the experimental media library support/playlist features, then this could be the cause. Contact me if you want to help me debug the problem. Remove gen_cue.dll from your plug-in-folder or edit the configuration file to disable it.

* The cue files should be on this format:
FILE "filename" MP3 //if the filename is without absolute path it is assumed to be in the same folder as the cue file, relative path is probably not relative to the position of the cue file
TITLE "name of the album"
PERFORMER "name of artist" //this is optional and will be used if performer is omitted from any of the tracks
INDEX IGNORED 00:00:00 //starting time, mm:ss:ff the last parameter is ignored
TITLE "name of track 1"
PERFORMER "name of artist on track 1"
TITLE "name of track 2"
PERFORMER "name of artist on track 2"

* Future plans:
- A proper installer.
- Improve seek-accuracy for mp3s encoded with variable bit rate, when decoding with in_mp3.dll.
- Fix problems with crossfading and internal equalizers.
- Function for automatically extracting a cue sheet from a FLAC-file or archive.
- Ability to play tracks from a FLAC, MP3 or archive without having to bother about extracting the cue sheet.
- Search for other possible files if the file specified in the cue is not found.

* Version history:
Version 0.5b
- Fixed some problems that people had with the new hooking features under Windows XP SP2. This was caused by bug in the code that calculated the opcode length.

Version 0.5
- Added internal title formatting for those of you that still don’t use Winamp’s advanced title formatting.
- Finally added Media Library support, even though it is a bit experimental.
- Adding CUE-files to the playlist will now work similarly to how M3U-playlists work. Files will be expanded when loaded and not when played.
- Fixed the support for AudioScrobbler winamp-plugin (even though nobody pestered me about it =P). Problem was a case-sensitive string compare with the metadata type string.

Version 0.46
- Fixed a problem relating to the MP4 decoder (reported by trush). The decoder didn't have a functioning GetFileInfo function. CUE Player now falls back to the GetExtendedFileInfo function if it gets bogus values from GetFileInfo.

Version 0.45
- Delayed the loading of all plug-ins, previously this caused some plug-ins that required initialization to be registered incorrectly.
- Added the possibility to edit the name and artist of a track in the file info dialog.

Version 0.4
- Support for files that are longer than 100 minutes.
- Support for other formats than those handled by in_mp3.dll.
- Now starts playing the tracks after adding the virtual files.

Version 0.3
- Continuous play added after complaints from Todes Angst.
- The skipping of tracks, that Todes Angst commented on, _should_ have been fixed.
- Added a little file info dialog. Only read-only so far though.

Version 0.2
- Fixed the issue with the spectrum analyzer. That had caused in_mp3 to report an invalid timestamp for regular mp3s.

Version 0.1
- Fixed the issue with the spectrum analyzer.
- Fixed the problem that caused the track names to be incorrectly displayed sometimes.

Version 0.1
This was the initial release.

Henning Färnström <> - http(s)://
Thanks to Lars Nilsson for creating the "cube" in the CUE Player logo.
Ik heb zelf ondertussen doorgezocht en ben op een andere nieuwere versie van cue player tegen gekomen.

Als iemand nou Winamp 3.35 gebruikt en hij wil cue player hebben en niets werkt probeer de nieuwste versie van deze site eens. Bij mij werktie wel en van zelf werkt'ie niet.

Dus ik kan weer cue bestanden afspelen. :cool:
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