Ubuntu Server - installatie software

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Terugkerende gebruiker
Lid geworden
14 dec 2004
Bij het configureren van mijn server moeten er uiteraard diverse applicaties worden geïnstalleerd.
Ik denk dat het overzichtelijker is als ik alle applicaties in één keer installeer aan het begin, direct na het installeren van het OS.
Ik begin dan met

sudo su
waarna ik het wachtwoord ingeef.

Dan volgt
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot

gevolgd door:

apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y install apache2 php7.2 bzip2 libapache2-mod-php php-gd php-json php-mysql php-curl php-mbstring php-intl php-imagick php-xml php-zip mysql-server php-mysql net-tools locate software-properties-common python-certbot-apache unzip putty-tools libatomic1 redis-server php-redis certbot

Ik kom er maar niet achter wanneer ik
apt-get install
en wanneer ik
apt install
moet/mag gebruiken.
Wie kan mij dit uitleggen?

Vriendelijke groet,
apt-get - APT package handling utility - command-line interface

apt-get [options] [-o config=string] [-c=cfgfile] command [pkg]
apt-get is the command-line tool for handling packages, and may be considered the user's "back-end" to other tools using the APT library. Several "front-end" interfaces exist, such as synaptic and aptitude.

apt - Advanced Package Tool

APT is a management system for software packages. Originally written for Debian and the deb package format, APT was ported and became APT-RPM to manage the rpm(8) package format. APT-RPM can be used by any RPM-based distribution, such as Conectiva, Red Hat, SUSE, ALT-Linux, etc.

apt covered zover ik weet alles
apt-get is beperkter.

Dus dan zou "apt" de voorkeur hebben omdat het alles covered.

Vond er nog meer uitleg bij:
There is a sound logic in introducing the apt command. Previously, access to the Advanced Package Tool has been via the apt-get and apt-cache set of commands (or via Synaptic or other package managers on the desktop). However, due to the way these have been expanded over time, things have become rather disorganized.

Which Linux Package Manager (and Distro) Is Right for You?
Which Linux Package Manager (and Distro) Is Right for You?
A key difference between the main Linux distros is the package manager; the differences are strong enough that it can influence your choice of distro. Let's look at how the various package managers work.

By introducing apt, which features the most commonly used options from apt-get and apt-cache, not only are the commands slightly shorter, there are also fewer of them. This avoids duplication and other problems that have arisen over the years.

But apt isn’t just about unifying two similar, disorganized command structures. It also enhances the command line experience. For instance, a progress bar is displayed when installing or removing a program.

So, that’s why apt was introduced. But why should you use it? These examples explain.

In Short: No More GET
We’ve previously looked at the apt-get command in-depth. The commands you previously used can still be employed, simply by dropping the “-get” portion.

A Beginner's Guide to Installing Software in Ubuntu with APT
A Beginner's Guide to Installing Software in Ubuntu with APT
If you've used Ubuntu you have probably used the apt command at some point. But did you know there's so much more to it than apt-get install and apt-get upgrade?

apt-get install [packagename]

apt install [packagename]
In general, this change occurs across all previous apt-get commands. But with the introduction of apt comes some extra functionality. Software upgrades and removal now all have additional options, from installing multiple packages to purging packages from your system.
Laatst bewerkt:
Haha, ik weet dat wat persoon A op Google als zoekresultaat krijgt, niet hetzelfde hoeft te zijn als wat persoon B krijgt en dat het zelfs kan verschillen per dag of per uur.
Ik heb het, na jouw reactie, nogmaals gezocht en toen kon ik het wel vinden. Merkwaardig, maar toch reuze handig als je een forum als Helpmij achter de hand hebt.
Ik ben, denk ik, geholpen (als ik het artikel heb gelezen).


Vriendelijke groet,
De 1e link zit vol adds... .herinnerde mij eraan dat ik mijn DNS nog niet op Pi Hole (op mijn RPi) had staan..... nu is er wel weer goed te surfen.....
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