Range to Image

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Lid geworden
8 jul 2012
Vriend zocht een manier om een help(gebruiksaanwijzing) in Excel, hij wilde gebruik maken van een Userform om het weer te geven.
Om het Simpel te houden heb ik de volgende oplossing gebruikt: in het werkblad een WordObject gezet.
Het gebied wat het Worddocument beslaat wordt omgezet naar een plaatje in jpg formaat, welke gemakkelijk ingeladen kan worden in een Userform.image
Dit plaatje wordt opgeslagen in Ms Windows tijdelijke map, waaruit de Userform.image het plaatje kan inladen.
Om in een Userform iedere keer een WordObject in te laden duurde te lang, en mocht het help wordbestand er niet zijn, werkt de help niet.
Vandaar de oplossing om een WordObject in te voegen in een Worksheet, en daar dan een jpg plaatje van te maken

Hoop dat er iemand wat aan heeft. Heb de code voorzien van Rem regels.

Module Code
Option Explicit

'Type used for RangeToImage
Public Type PicFormat
  Height As Double
  Width As Double
  PicTemDir As String
  PicFormatError As Boolean
  PicFormatErrorMessage As String
End Type

'******     RangeToImage - created by Mr. Magoo The Netherlands - january 2021                                                                                                                 ******
'******     Creates a picture from a Range in a worksheet                                                                                    ******
'******     put the picture in the temporary folder of Ms Windows                                                                          ******
'******     Return the values in the variable Type PicFormat                                                                               ******
'******     PicFormat has the following variable members                                                                                   ******
'******     Public Type PicFormat             'Type                                                                                        ******
'******       Height As Double                'Returns the height of the (Range) Picture in pixels                                         ******
'******       Width As Double                 'Returns the width of the (Range) Picture in pixels                                          ******
'******       PicTemDir As String             'the temporary directory where the picture is = Directory + picture.jpg                      ******
'******       PicFormatError As Boolean       ' PicFormatError = False -> No Error - PicFormatError = True -> Error has occurred           ******
'******       PicFormatErrorMessage as String 'Returns the Error message -> No Range, -> Worksheet not Exist                               ******
'******     End Type                                                                                                                       ******
'******     Variable: WorksheetName = the worksheet name where the Range to picture state                                                  ******
'******     Variable: ImageRange = The range from the Worksheet what gets converted to image                                               ******
'******                                                                                                                                    ******
'******     Example Call: PicFormat(Type)=RangeToImage("WorksheetName",Range("A1:C10") -> Picture info are returns in pictureType          ******
Public Function RangeToImage(WorksheetName As String, ImageRange As Range) As PicFormat
  'WorksheetName = the worksheet name where the Range to picture state
  'ImageRange = The range what gets converted to image
  Dim Tempfile As String          'Picture comes in here which is stored in tempdirectory "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\"
  Dim ErrorrMessage As String     'If error, you can see, what the problem was
  'RangeToImage.PicFormatError = False
  ErrorrMessage = Empty
  'Control if range
  If TypeName(ImageRange) <> "Range" Then
    RangeToImage.PicFormatErrorMessage = "No Range has been specified which should be converted to Picture"
    RangeToImage.PicFormatError = True
  End If
  'Control if Worksheet exist in this Workbook
  If WorksheetExist(WorksheetName) = False Then
    If RangeToImage.PicFormatErrorMessage <> Empty Then
      RangeToImage.PicFormatErrorMessage = RangeToImage.PicFormatErrorMessage & vbNewLine & " And" & vbNewLine & "The Worksheet: " & WorksheetName & "Is not exist in this Workbook!"
      RangeToImage.PicFormatError = True
      RangeToImage.PicFormatErrorMessage = "The Worksheet: " & WorksheetName & "Is not exist in this Workbook!"
      RangeToImage.PicFormatError = True
    End If
  End If
  'If error stop function RangeToImage
  If RangeToImage.PicFormatError = True Then GoTo Error_RangeToImage 'ook nog ander controleren
  '******* Convert start of range to picture ******

  'Take temp directory and tempfile
  Tempfile = (Environ("Temp") & Application.PathSeparator & "Temp.jpg") 'No Png file, can userform.image not load
  'Delete tempfile if exist
  On Error Resume Next
  Kill Tempfile
  On Error GoTo 0
  'Set Error for unknown critical error
  On Error GoTo CriticalError_RangeToImage
  'Control or Range Exist
  If TypeName(ImageRange) = "Range" Then
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WorksheetName)
      'Copy Range
      .Range(ImageRange.Address).CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
      'set the Height en Width from the picture -> you can use this in the image in the Userform
      RangeToImage.Height = .Range(ImageRange.Address).Height + 1
      RangeToImage.Width = .Range(ImageRange.Address).Width + 1
      'Take range and convert to Picture -> Make one ChartObjects is for temporary use
      With .ChartObjects.Add(Left:=.Range(ImageRange.Address).Left, Top:=.Range(ImageRange.Address).Top, _
                                        Width:=.Range(ImageRange.Address).Width + 1, Height:=.Range(ImageRange.Address).Height + 1)
        DoEvents  'Temporarily pauses a running macro,Take time for Worksheet functions
        With .Chart
          Do Until .Pictures.Count = 1
            DoEvents 'Temporarily pauses a running macro,Take time for Worksheet functions
            .Paste   'Copy to ChartObjects
          .ChartArea.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse 'No Line
          .Export Tempfile 'Save the image of the ChartObject in the directory Temp
          RangeToImage.PicFormatError = False 'There are no mistakes
        End With
        .Delete 'Delete the ChartObject
      End With
    End With
    'Return the temporary directory + image.jpg. This can be used in Image..Picture = LoadPicture (TempDirPicure)
    RangeToImage.PicTemDir = Tempfile
  End If
  Exit Function 'Exit Everything went well
Error_RangeToImage: 'Exit if no Range of Worksheet not Exist
  Exit Function
CriticalError_RangeToImage: 'Exit if unknown error
  RangeToImage.PicFormatErrorMessage = "An unknown error has occurred! Error: " & Err & " -> " & Err.Description
  RangeToImage.PicFormatError = True
End Function

'Check of worksheet exists in active workbook
Private Function WorksheetExist(WorksheetName As String) As Boolean
  Dim Worksheet As Integer 'Worksheet Number
  WorksheetExist = False
  With ThisWorkbook
    For Worksheet = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
      If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Worksheet).Name = WorksheetName Then
        WorksheetExist = True 'Worksheet exist in workbook
        Exit Function
      End If
  End With
End Function
Userform Code
Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  Dim TempPic As String, Picture As PicFormat
  Picture = RangeToImage("Blad1", Range("A1:H29"))
  If Picture.PicFormatError = False Then
    With Me
      .ImageFrame.Left = 10
      .ImageFrame.Top = 10
      .ImageFrame.Height = Me.Height - 50
      .ImageFrame.Width = Picture.Width + 18
      .ImageFrame.ScrollHeight = Picture.Height
      .Image.Picture = LoadPicture(Picture.PicTemDir)
      .Image.Left = 0
      .Image.Top = 0
      .Image.Height = Picture.Height
      .Image.Width = Picture.Width
      .CloseCB.Left = .ImageFrame.Width + 20
      .Width = .ImageFrame.Width + 120
    End With
    MsgBox Picture.PicFormatErrorMessage, vbCritical, "Error"
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub CloseCB_Click()
  Unload Me
End Sub


  • Range to Image(Userform).xlsm
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*knip* het staat nu op de juiste plaats.
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mooie toepassing !
Mr. Magoo, long time no see, still alive and kicking !?!
mooie toepassing !
Mr. Magoo, long time no see, still alive and kicking !?!

Tja op forums ben ik niet meer heel actief sinds Worksheet nl niet meer bestaat, maar programmeer nog wel eens, en ik dacht dit is een mooi voorbeeld waar meer mensen wat aan hebben :)
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