button plaatsen voor 1 pagina

Niet open voor verdere reacties.


Lid geworden
8 sep 2009

ik heb een vraagje,

ik heb een php betand die functioneerd voor meedere pagina's maar ik wil op 1 pagina 2 buttons aan maken en dat niet op alle andere pagina's laat weergeven.


Zonder code te plaatsen wordt het moeilijk om te helpen.

In dat php bestand wordt waarschijnlijk onderscheid gemaakt tussen de paginas op basis van een $_GET variabele. Als je zoekt naar een if/else of switch constructie op basis van die variabele zou je moeten kunnen zien welk stukje code verantwoordelijk is voor de pagina die je wilt wijzigen. Daarin kun je dan een wijziging aanbrengen.
mmmh ja nou het zit zo er staan meerdere buttons in het bestand en worden wel op alle pagina's weergeven en dat hoort ook zo, en nu wil ik dan er nog 2 buttons er bij doen die op 1 pagina van de 4 wordt weergegeven, dus naar mijn mening kan ik daar geen code over sturen is meer de vraag wat is daar de code voor om dat te laten werken??


dan zul je toch echt moeten kijken hoe er wordt bepaald wat er wordt weergegeven. Een voorbeeld:
$paginas = array(1,2,3);
foreach ($paginas as $p) { echo '<a href="?p='.$p.'">pagina '.$p.'</a><br />'; }

if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && isset($_GET['p']) && in_array($_GET['p'],$paginas)) {
	//dit staat op elke pagina, als $_GET['p'] bestaat en geldig is
	echo 'dit is pagina '.$_GET['p'].'<br />';
	//dit staat alleen op pagina 2
	if ($_GET['p'] == 2) {
		echo 'uniek stukje tekst<br />';
Alléén als $_GET['p'] gelijk is aan 2 wordt "uniek stukje tekst" weergegeven. Je zult in je eigen code een soortgelijke constructie moeten maken als je de bestaande code niet wilt/kunt aanpassen.
dankjewel ben eenklein beetje veder gekomen alleen ik denk dat ik het even beter moet uitleggen. in ze geheel

ik heb request systeem er zijn meerdere gebruikers, vanwege omdat er allemaal verschillende onderdelen in de berichten komen en ieder ze eigen specialiteit heeft, het is namelijk allemaal in catogrieen verdeeld de berichten, en hij mag namelijk niet in 2 catogrieen komen plus er moet in 1 pagina komen hier bij de bestand waar het allemaal om draait en waar de buttons in moet geplaats worden

PS: het bestand is wel 592 regels groot zodat je excat kan zien waar het allemaal om draait, het is namelijk allemaal door elkaar heen verwerkd ik hoop misschien dat je er zo uit komt.



// DETAIL.PHP: DETAIL bestand voor Support Request System
// datum: 9-04-2003

// inhoud: 
// detail.php - show details of a single request with possibility to make changes

// includes

$maxKB=$max_file_size / 1024;

/**** Browser Title ****/


function upload($attachment="", $attachment_type="text/plain") 
global $map, $attachment_name, $hostname;

	$error = validate_upload($attachment, $attachment_type);

	if ($error)
		// cool, we can continue
		if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $map . "/" . basename($attachment))) 
			javaalert("Could not move the uploade file ro its destination! Click OK to try to copy.");
			if (!@copy($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $map . "/" . basename($attachment))) 
				javaAlert("Unknown error while copying the file to its destination: check the path to and the permissions for the upload directory!");
		else // attachment was uploaded successfully:
			$connection = odbc_connect("$hostname", "", "") or die("Database unavailable!");
			$ID = getRequestId($connection);
			$markeerBijSabern = "true";
			$markeerBijKlant = "false";
			if ($_SESSION["SESSION_UserLevel"] == "Medewerker")
				$markeerBijSabern = "false";
				$markeerBijKlant = "true";
			$updateQuery = "UPDATE Request SET MarkeerBijSabern = ".$markeerBijSabern.", MarkeerBijKlant = ".$markeerBijKlant." WHERE ID = ".$ID;
			$updateResult = odbc_exec($connection, $updateQuery) or die ("Unable to update request data!");
} // END upload

function validate_upload($attachment, $attachment_type) 
global $max_file_size, $max_image_width, $max_height_width,$allowed_types,$registered_types;
	$start_error = "Error: ";

	if ($attachment == "") 
		//do we even have a file?
		$error .= "You have not chosen a file to attach/upload!";

	//possible check for type of attachment (jpg, txt, etc.): see checkattachment_part.php
	if ($error) 
		$error = $start_error . $error;
		return $error;
		return false;

} // END validate_upload

/**************************END FUNCTIONS*****************************************/

// check for valid user session

if (!session_is_registered("SESSION_UserID"))
	header("Location: index.php?ec=1");
	function CheckLength(fieldname, maxlen)
		var invoer=	document.forms[0].elements[fieldname].value;

		if (invoer.length > maxlen) 
			alert("You have entered more text (" + invoer.length + " chars.) than this field can store (maximum number of characters is " + maxlen + "). Please correct.");
			return false;

	function dateupdate(RID)
		str = "changesolvedate.php?RID=" + RID;

	function hoursspend(RID, RKlant)
		str = "fillhours.php?RID="+RID+"&RKlant="+RKlant;

// First, check whether the current user is either:
// - a Sabern employee
// - employee of the customer that submitted the current request
$connection = odbc_connect("$hostname", "", "") or die("Database unavailable!");
$ID = getRequestId($connection);

if ($send=="Send")	
	$map=sprintf("Attachment/%05d", $ID);
	if (!is_dir($map)) 
		if (!mkdir($map)) 
			JavaAlert("Sorry: no map could be made to store the attachment you want to upload");
	if ($send=="Send")	
		if ($attachment=="") 
		//user sent or pushed button to send
		upload($attachment, $attachment_type);


$Type = $_SESSION["SESSION_UserLevel"];

$query = "SELECT * from Gebruiker, Klant WHERE Gebruiker.ID = ".$_SESSION["SESSION_UserID"]." AND Gebruiker.Klant = Klant.Klantnaam";
$result = odbc_exec($connection, $query) or die ("Unable to retrieve customer data!");
if (odbc_fetch_row($result))
	$Klant = odbc_result($result,"Klantnaam");
	echo "ERROR: User not attached to customer<br>";

if ($Type == "Medewerker")
	printf("<p class=\"User\">%s (%s)</p>", $_SESSION["SESSION_FullName"], $Type);
	printf("<p class=\"User\">%s (%s)</p>", $_SESSION["SESSION_FullName"], $Klant);

if ($Type == "Medewerker")
	$Filter .= "";
if ($Type == "Klant")
	$Filter .= " AND Request.Klant='$Klant'";

$query = "SELECT Request.ID As RID, Request.Klant As RKlant, * FROM Request, Contactpersoon, Status WHERE Request.ID=".$ID;
$result = odbc_exec($connection, $query) or die ("Unable to retrieve request and customer data! Query: ".$query);
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="srs.css" media="screen"></link>
<form action="save.php" method="POST" class="DetailForm" >
<input type="hidden" name="RID" value="<?php echo $ID; ?>"/>
<table class="list" border="0">
if (odbc_fetch_row($result))
	printf("  <tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"DetailHeader\">Request %05d</td></tr>\n", $ID);
	printf("  <tr style=\"height: 20px\"><td colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;</td></tr>\n");

	echo "<tr>\n";
	echo "<td class=\"Detail\">Short description:</td>";
	echo "<td><textarea name=\"titel\" maxlength=\"$maxlen\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"1\">";
	printf(	"%s </textarea></td>\n", trim (odbc_result($result,"Titel")));

	//-----------Select Priority---------------//
	printf("    <td class=\"Detail\">Priority:</td><td><select name=\"prioriteit\">\n");
	$queryPrio = "SELECT * FROM Prioriteit ORDER BY Waarde";
	$resultPrio = odbc_exec($connection, $queryPrio) or die ("Unable to retrieve priorities!");
	while (odbc_fetch_row($resultPrio))
		$Prio = odbc_result($resultPrio,"Prioriteitnaam");
		if (odbc_result($result,"Prioriteit") == $Prio || odbc_result($result,"PrioriteitID") == $PrioriteitID)
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>\n", $PrioriteitID, $PrioLabel);
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $PrioriteitID, $PrioLabel);
	printf("  </select></td></tr>\n");

	$omschrijving = odbc_result($result,"Omschrijving");
	$rowcount = getRowCount($omschrijving,2,15);
	printf("  <tr>\n    <td class=\"Detail\">Detailed description:</td><td rowspan=\"2\">");
	printf("<textarea name=\"omschrijving\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"".$rowcount."\"  onchange=\"javascript: CheckLength('omschrijving', $maxlen);\">");
	printf("%s</textarea></td>", $omschrijving);

	//-----------Select Category---------------//
	printf("  <td class=\"Detail\">Category:</td><td class=\"Detail\"><select name=\"categorie\">\n");
	$queryCat = "SELECT * FROM Categorie";
	$resultCat = odbc_exec($connection, $queryCat) or die ("Unable to retrieve categories!");
	while (odbc_fetch_row($resultCat))
		$Cat = odbc_result($resultCat,"Categorienaam");
		$CatLabel = odbc_result($resultCat,"Categorielabel");
		if (odbc_result($result,"Categorie") == $Cat || odbc_result($result,"CategorieID") == $CategorieID)
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>\n", $CategorieID, $CatLabel);
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $CategorieID, $CatLabel);
	printf("  </select></td></tr>\n");

	($Type == "Medewerker") ?	$ReadOnly = "" : 	$ReadOnly = "disabled";

	//-----------Select Status---------------//
	$Stat = odbc_result($result,"Status");
	$StatusID = odbc_result($result,"StatusID");
	echo "<tr><td></td><td class=\"Detail\">Status:</td><td class=\"Detail\">\n<select name=\"status\" $ReadOnly>\n";
//	$queryStat = "SELECT * FROM Status, StatusOvergang WHERE Statusnaam = '$Stat' AND Statusnaam = HuidigeStatus ORDER BY Waarde";
	$queryStat = "SELECT * FROM Status, StatusOvergang WHERE Status.ID=$StatusID ";
	$queryStat.= "AND Status.ID = StatusOvergang.HuidigeStatusID ORDER BY Waarde";

	$resultStat = odbc_exec($connection, $queryStat) or die ("Unable to retrieve status!");
	if (odbc_fetch_row($resultStat))
		//===Vorige status
		$queryPrev="SELECT * FROM Status WHERE ID=".odbc_result($resultStat,"VorigeStatusID");
		$resultPrev=odbc_exec($connection, $queryPrev) or die("Unable to retrieve previous status!");
//		$Stat2 = odbc_result($resultStat,"VorigeStatus");
		$Stat2 = odbc_result($resultPrev,"Statuslabel");
		$StatusID = odbc_result($resultPrev,"ID");
		if ($Stat2 != "")
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $StatusID, $Stat2);

		//===Huidige status
		$queryCurrent="SELECT * FROM Status WHERE ID=".odbc_result($result,"StatusID");
		$resultCurrent=odbc_exec($connection, $queryCurrent) or die("Unable to retrieve current status!");
		$StatCurrent = odbc_result($resultCurrent,"StatusLabel");
		$StatusID = odbc_result($resultCurrent,"ID");
		printf("  <option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>\n", $StatusID, $StatCurrent);

		//===Volgende status
//		$Stat2 = odbc_result($resultStat,"VolgendeStatus");
		$queryNext="SELECT * FROM Status WHERE ID=".odbc_result($resultStat,"VolgendeStatusID");
		$resultNext=odbc_exec($connection, $queryNext) or die("Unable to retrieve next status!");
		$Stat2 = odbc_result($resultNext,"Statuslabel");
		$StatusID = odbc_result($resultNext,"ID");
		if ($Stat2 != "")
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $StatusID, $Stat2);

	printf("  </select></td></tr>\n");

	$ReadOnly = "";
	$oplossing = "";
	$rowcount = 5;
	if ($Type != "Medewerker")
		$ReadOnly = "readonly";
		$oplossing = odbc_result($result,"Oplossing");
		$rowcount = getRowCount($oplossing,2,15);
	printf("  <tr>\n    <td class=\"Detail\">Answer:</td><td rowspan=\"2\">\n");
	printf("<textarea name=\"oplossing\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"".$rowcount."\" $ReadOnly onchange=\"javascript: CheckLength('oplossing', $maxlen);\">\n");
	printf("%s</textarea></td>\n", $oplossing);

	$ReadOnly = "";
	if ($Type != "Medewerker")
		$ReadOnly = "disabled";
	printf("  <td class=\"Detail\">Assigned To:</td><td class=\"Detail\"><select name=\"toegewezenaan\" $ReadOnly>\n");
	$query2 = "SELECT * FROM Gebruiker,GebruikersType WHERE TypeNaam='Medewerker' AND Gebruiker.Type = GebruikersType.ID ORDER BY VolledigeNaam";//<----- ORBER BY is op ALFABETISCH het ligt er aan welk Tabel je kiest
	$result2 = odbc_exec($connection, $query2) or die ("Unable to retrieve Sabern employees!");
	while (odbc_fetch_row($result2))
		$Name = odbc_result ($result2,"VolledigeNaam" );
		if (odbc_result($result,"ToegewezenAan") == $Name )
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>\n", $Name, $Name);
			printf("  <option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $Name, $Name);
	printf("  </select></td></tr>\n");

	if ($Type == "Medewerker")
		printf("  <tr>\n<td></td>\n<td class=\"Detail\">Customer:</td>\n<td class=\"Detail\"><select name=\"klant\">\n");
		$query2 = "SELECT * FROM Klant";
		$result2 = odbc_exec($connection, $query2) or die ("Unable to retrieve customers!");
		while (odbc_fetch_row($result2))
			$Cust = odbc_result($result2,"Klantnaam");
			if (odbc_result($result,"RKlant") == $Cust)
				printf("  <option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>\n", $Cust, $Cust);
				printf("  <option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $Cust, $Cust);
		printf("  </select></td></tr>\n");
		printf("  <tr><td></td></td><td></td></tr>\n");

	$DateFormat = "d-m-Y";

	if ($Type == "Medewerker")
		$history = odbc_result($result,"History");
		$rowcount = getRowCount($history,2,5);
		echo "<tr>\n    <td class=\"Detail\">History:</td>\n";
		echo "<td rowspan=\"5\">\n";
		echo "<textarea name=\"history\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"".$rowcount."\" onchange=\"javascript: CheckLength('history', $maxlen);\">";
		printf("%s\n</textarea>\n", $history);
		$solution = odbc_result($result,"Oplossing");
		$rowcount = getRowCount($solution,2,36);
		echo "<br/>";
		echo "<textarea name=\"history2\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"".$rowcount."\" onchange=\"javascript: CheckLength('history', $maxlen);\">";
		//printf("%s\n</textarea></td>\n", $solution);
		printf("%s\n</textarea></td>\n", $solution);
		$comments = odbc_result($result,"AdditionalInfo");
		$rowcount = getRowCount($comments,2,15);
		echo "<tr>\n    <td class=\"Detail\">Add Comment:</td>\n";
		echo "<td rowspan=\"5\">\n";
		echo "<textarea name=\"comments\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"".$rowcount."\"  onchange=\"javascript: CheckLength('history', $maxlen);\">";
		printf("%s\n</textarea></td>\n", $comments);

	$SubmitDate = odbc_result($result,"Ingediend");
	if ($SubmitDate != "")
		$SubmitDate = date($DateFormat, strtotime($SubmitDate));
	echo "  <td class=\"Detail\">Date submitted:</td>\n<td class=\"Date\">".$SubmitDate."</td></tr>\n";
	$SubmittedBy = odbc_result($result,"SubmittedBy");
	printf("  <tr><td></td><td class=\"Detail\">Submitted by:</td>");
	printf("  \n<td class=\"Date\">".$SubmittedBy."</td></tr>\n");
	$SolvedDate = odbc_result($result,"Opgelost");
	if ($SolvedDate != "")
		$SolvedDate = date($DateFormat, strtotime($SolvedDate));
	printf("  <tr><td></td><td class=\"Detail\">Date solved:</td>");
	printf("<td class=\"Date\">".$SolvedDate."</td></tr>\n");

	$ClosedDate = odbc_result($result,"Gesloten");
	if ($ClosedDate != "")
		$ClosedDate = date($DateFormat, strtotime($ClosedDate));
	printf("  <tr><td></td><td class=\"Detail\">Date closed:</td>");
	printf("<td class=\"Date\">".$ClosedDate."</td></tr>\n");

	$SolveDate = odbc_result($result,"Streefdatum");
	$SolveTime = strtotime($SolveDate);
	$Color = "";
	if ($SolveDate != "")
		$SolveDate = date($DateFormat, strtotime($SolveDate));
		if (time() >= $SolveTime)
			$Color = "red";
	echo "<tr>\n<td></td><td class=\"Detail\">Solve before:</td>";
	echo "<td class=\"Date$Color\">".$SolveDate;
	if ($Type == "Medewerker")
		echo " <a href=\"javascript:dateupdate(".$ID.");\" >Change</a> ";
	echo "</td></tr>\n";

	//13-05-2003: show attachments (if map exists then attachments exist)
	$map=sprintf("Attachment/%05d", $ID);

	if (is_dir($map)) 

		while (!(($filename=readdir($dp)) === False))
			if (is_file("$map/$filename")) 
		if (is_array($attachments)) 
			echo "<tr>\n<td class=\"Detail\">Attachment(s):</td>\n";
			foreach ($attachments as $attachmentname)
				$att_name = str_replace("%20", "%2520", $attachmentname);
				echo "<td colspan=\"2\" >";
				echo "<a name=\"attachments\" target=\"_blank\" href =\"$map/$att_name\">";
				echo $attachmentname."\n</a></td></tr>\n<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
			echo "</tr>\n";

	$markeerBijSabern = false;
	echo "<tr>";
	if ($Type == "Medewerker")
		echo "<td class=\"Detail\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align: left; width: auto;\">";
		echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"wachtopklant\"";
		echo " value=\"true\"";
		if (odbc_result($result, "WachtOpKlant"))
			echo " checked>Waiting on customer\n";
			echo ">&nbsp;Waiting&nbsp;on&nbsp;customer";
		echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"markeerbijklant\"";
		if (odbc_result($result, "MarkeerBijKlant"))
			echo " checked";
		echo "/>Highlight this SRS at Customer";
		echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"markeerbijsabern\"";
		if (odbc_result($result, "MarkeerBijSabern"))
			if ($_SESSION["SESSION_FullName"] != odbc_result($result, "ToegewezenAan") || PostGet('referer') != 'list')
				echo " checked";
				$markeerBijSabern = true;
		echo "/>Highlight this SRS at Sabern";
		echo "</td>";

		echo "<td class=\"Hours\" align=\"center\">&nbsp;</td>";
		//timesheet option removed for now
		//echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"hoursspend('".$ID."', '".odbc_result($result,"RKlant")."')\" name=\"hours\" value=\"Hours spent\"></td>";
		echo "<td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
	echo "<td align=\"center\">";
	if ($Type == "Medewerker") 
		echo "<input type=\"button\" name=\"delete\" value=\"DELETE\" onClick=\"location.href='delete.php?RID=".$ID."';\">";
		if ($Stat == "AANGEMELD")
			echo "<input type=\"button\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"CANCEL REQUEST\" onClick=\"location.href='cancel.php?RID=".$ID."';\">";
	printf("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"save\" value=\"SAVE\"></td>\n");
	printf("<tr height=\"20\"></tr>\n");
	echo "</form>\n\n";

	if ($Type == "Medewerker")
		$query = "UPDATE Request SET MarkeerBijSabern = ";
		if ($markeerBijSabern)
			$query .= "true";
			$query .= "false";
		$query .= " WHERE ID=".$ID;
		$resultUpdate = odbc_exec($connection, $query) or die ("Unable to update request data!".$query);
	//<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="$max_file_size">
	//<b  valign="top"> NOTE: Maximum file size is $maxKB kB</b>
	<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="$PHP_SELF" method="POST">
	<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="$ID">
	<td class="Detail">Add attachment:</td>
	<td Align="left">	<input type="file" name="attachment" size="50"></td>
	<td colspan="0" align="left"><input type="submit" name="send" value="Send"></td>
	<td colspan="0" align="left"></td>

<!---<input type="submit" name="previous" value="Previous">
	<input type="submit" name="next" value="Next">


echo "<p class=\"User\">";
if ($Type == "Medewerker")
	echo "<a href=\"search.php\">Back to search page</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<a href=\"list.php\">Back to list</a>";
echo "</p></html>";
//not strictly necessary
// close connection

function getRowCount($str, $minRows, $maxRows)
	$rowCount = 0;
	$lines = explode("\n",$str);
	for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
		$rowCount += ceil(strlen($lines[$i]) / 60);
	if ($rowCount < $minRows)
		$rowCount = $minRows;
	else if ($rowCount > $maxRows)
		$rowCount = $maxRows;
	return $rowCount;

function getRequestId($connection)
	$ID = PostGet("ID");
	if (! is_numeric($ID))
		header("Location: menu.php");		
	$Type = $_SESSION["SESSION_UserLevel"];
	if ($Type == "Klant")
		$userId = $_SESSION["SESSION_UserID"];
		$query = "SELECT * FROM Request, Gebruiker WHERE Request.Klant = Gebruiker.Klant AND Gebruiker.Id = ".$userId." AND Request.ID = ".$ID;
		$result = odbc_exec($connection, $query) or die ("Unable to verify this request! Query: ".$query);
		while (odbc_fetch_row($result))
			return $ID;
		header("Location: menu.php");
		$query = "SELECT * FROM Request WHERE ID = ".$ID;
		$result = odbc_exec($connection, $query) or die ("Unable to verify this request! Query: ".$query);
		while (odbc_fetch_row($result))
			return $ID;
		header("Location: menu.php");
Gezien de lengte van de code heb ik niet alles doorgelezen, maar zo op het eerste gezicht is er geen onderscheid in categorieën, alleen in medewerker/klant. Ook als ik specifiek zoek naar categorieën kom ik op regels 226 t/m 243 niets tegen dat -voor jouw vraag- van toepassing is.

Ik ben bang dat ik je er verder niet mee kan helpen :(
Niet open voor verdere reacties.
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