positioneren in formulier

Niet open voor verdere reacties.


Lid geworden
14 sep 2010
In het formulier
wil ik graag dat de antwoorden ja en nee achter de vraag komen te staan.
De twee vakjes van de security wil ik 15 px naar links, kan deze niet vinden in de CSS, vermoed dat het ergens in de php staat, ben daar niet in thuis.


// if the from is loaded from WordPress form loader plugin, 
// the phpfmg_display_form() will be called by the loader 
if( !defined('FormmailMakerFormLoader') ){
    # This block must be placed at the very top of page.
    # --------------------------------------------------
	require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/form.lib.php' );
    # --------------------------------------------------

function phpfmg_form( $sErr = false ){
		$style=" class='form_text' ";

<div id="total">
<div id="linkerkolom">
    <p>Tekst enz. enz. in de linkerko</p></div>
<div id="middenkolom">

<form name="frmFormMail" action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' onsubmit='return fmgHandler.onsubmit(this);'>
<input type='hidden' name='formmail_submit' value='Y'>
<div id='err_required' class="form_error" style='display:none;'>
  <label class='form_error_title'>Please check the required fields</label>
<ol class='phpfmg_form' >
  <li class='field_block' id='field_0_div'><div class='col_label'>
	<label class='form_field'>email</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div>
	<div class='col_field'>
	<input type="text" name="field_0"  id="field_0" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_0", ""); ?>" class='text_box'>
	<div id='field_0_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_1_div'><div class='col_label'>
	<label class='form_field'>naam</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div>
	<div class='col_field'>
	<input type="text" name="field_1"  id="field_1" value="<?php  phpfmg_hsc("field_1", ""); ?>" class='text_box'>
	<div id='field_1_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='field_2_div'><div class='col_label'>
	<label class='form_field'>ziek geweest</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div>
	<div class='col_field'>
	<?php phpfmg_checkboxes( 'field_2', "ja|nee" );?>
	<div id='field_2_tip' class='instruction'></div>

<li class='field_block' id='phpfmg_captcha_div'>
	<div class='col_label'><label class='form_field'>Security Code:</label> <label class='form_required' >*</label> </div><div class='col_field'>
	<?php phpfmg_show_captcha(); ?>

            <div class='col_label'>&nbsp;</div>
            <div class='form_submit_block col_field'>
                <input type='submit' value='Submit' class='form_button'>
                <span id='phpfmg_processing' style='display:none;'>
                    <img id='phpfmg_processing_gif' src='<?php echo PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL . '?mod=image&amp;func=processing' ;?>' border=0 alt='Processing...'> <label id='phpfmg_processing_dots'></label>

<div id="rechterkolom">
    <p>Tekst enz. enz. in de rechterkolom</p>
    <div class="clear"></div>


# end of form

function phpfmg_form_css(){
    $formOnly = isset($GLOBALS['formOnly']) && true === $GLOBALS['formOnly'];
<style type='text/css'>
if( !$formOnly ){
	#total {
background-color: #CCC;
width: 960px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
text-align: left;
    margin-left: 18px;
    margin-top: 18px;

    font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size : 13px;
    color : #FFF;
    background-color: transparent;

select, option{
}; // if

	width: 480px;
	background-color: red;
	 border:0px solid #000;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-khtml-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;  


ol.phpfmg_form li{
	width: 100%

.form_field, .form_required{
    font-weight : bold;
	 margin-left: 15px;



    padding-top: 3px;
	margin-left :15px;
	padding-bottom :10px;


.text_box, .text_area, .text_select {
	 margin-left: 15px;


    font-weight: bold;
    color: red;

    background-color: #F4F6E5;
    border: 1px dashed #ff0000;
    padding: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;

    background-color: #F4F6E5;
    border-bottom: 1px dashed #ff0000;

    color: red;

    color: #ccc;

    background-color: #F4F6E5;
    border: 1px dashed #ff0000;
    padding: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
#linkerkolom {
    float: left;
    width: 200px;
	margin-left: 20px;
	 border:1px solid #000;
#middenkolom {
    float: left;
    width: 480px;
    margin-left: 30px;
#rechterkolom {
    float: left;
	 background-color: #0F3;
    width: 200px;
    margin-left: 20px;
    border:1px solid #000;
.clear {
    clear: both;

<?php phpfmg_text_align();?>    


# end of css
# By: formmail-maker.com

# PHPFMG_ID:'20130512-3719'
# Date : 20130512 09:38:06
# Generated By Free PHP Formmail Generator : [url]http://phpfmg.sourceforge.net[/url]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

define( 'PAYPAL_ID' , '18N0420636862015X' ); // Put donation ID here to disable the copyright link

define( 'PHPFMG_TO' , 'henk@kreeftmeijer.nl' );
define( 'PHPFMG_REDIRECT', '' ); 

define( 'PHPFMG_ID' , '20130512-3719' ); 
define( 'PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR' , dirname(__FILE__) );
define( 'PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE' , PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR . '/form-data-log.php' ); // save submitted data to this file
define( 'PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE' , PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR . '/email-traffics-log.php' ); // log email traffics to this file
if( !defined('PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL') ) define( 'PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL' , 'admin.php' ); // might be defined already by wordpress form loader plugin


// three options : empty - always mail file as attachment, 0 - always mail file as link, N - mail file as link if filesize larger than N Kilobytes
define( 'PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE' , '' );

define( 'PHPFMG_UPLOAD_CONTROL' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS' , ".php, .html, .css, .js, .exe, .com, .bat, .vb, .vbs, scr, .inf, .reg, .lnk, .pif, .ade, .adp, .app, .bas, .chm, .cmd, .cpl, .crt, .csh, .fxp, .hlp, .hta, .ins, .isp, .jse, .ksh, .Lnk, .mda, .mdb, .mde, .mdt, .mdw, .mdz, .msc, .msi, .msp, .mst, .ops, .pcd, .prf, .prg, .pst, .scf, .scr, .sct, .shb, .shs, .url, .vbe, .wsc, .wsf, .wsh" );
define( 'PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS_MSG' , 'File is potential harmful. Upload is not allowed.' );
define( 'PHPFMG_ALLOW_EXTS' , ".jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp" );
define( 'PHPFMG_ALLOW_EXTS_MSG' , "Upload is not allowed. Please check your file type." );

define( 'PHPFMG_SUBJECT' , "ziek" );
define( 'PHPFMG_CC' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_BCC', '' );

// for auto-response email
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_ENABLE' , 'Y' );  // 'Y' to enable auto-response email, use '' or 'N' to turn off
define( 'PHPFMG_YOUR_NAME' , '' ); // name of auto-response mail address
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_EMAIL' , "" );  
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_SUBJECT' , "" ); // auto-response mail subject
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_NO_ATTACHMENT' , '' ); // Y - No attachements will be included for auto-response email

define( 'PHPFMG_CHARSET' , 'UTF-8' );
define( 'PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE' , 'html' ); // send mail in html format or plain text.
define( 'PHPFMG_ACTION' , 'mailandfile' ); // delivery method
define( 'PHPFMG_TEXT_ALIGN' , 'top' ); // field label text alignment: top, right, left
define( 'PHPFMG_NO_FROM_HEADER' , '' ); // don't make up From: header.
define( 'PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM' , '' ); // force sender's email 

define( 'PHPFMG_USE_PHPMAILER' , '' ); // Y - use phpmailer as the default

// smtp options
define( 'PHPFMG_USE_SMTP' , '' ); // Y - enable
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_USER' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_PASSWORD' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_PLAIN_PASSWORD' , '' ); // use this to overwrite above password
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_PORT' , '' ); // default 25, use 465 for gmail
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_SECURE' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_DEBUG_LEVEL' , '' ); // empty or 0 - trun off debug

if( !class_exists('PHPMailer') && file_exists(PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR.'/phpmailer.php') ){
    include_once( PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR.'/phpmailer.php' ); 

define( 'PHPFMG_SIMPLE_CAPTCHA_NAME' , phpfmg_captcha_name() ); // comment this line if you want to disable the simple built-in captcha code

define( 'HOST_NAME',getEnv( 'SERVER_NAME' ) );
define( 'PHP_SELF', getEnv( 'SCRIPT_NAME' ) );
define( 'PHPFMG_LNCR', phpfmg_linebreak() );

define( 'PHPFMG_ANTI_HOTLINKING' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_REFERERS_ALLOW', "" ); // Referers - domains/ips that you will allow forms to reside on.
define( 'PHPFMG_REFERERS_DENIED_MSG', "You are coming from an <b>unauthorized domain.</b>" ); 

define( 'PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY_METHOD' , '' );

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function phpfmg_thankyou(){

<!-- [Your confirmation message goes here] -->

    <b>Your form has been sent. Thank you!</b>


} // end of function phpfmg_thankyou()

function phpfmg_auto_response_message(){

    $msg = ob_get_contents() ;
    return trim($msg);

function phpfmg_mail_template(){

    $msg = ob_get_contents() ;
    return trim($msg);

# --- Array of Form Elements ---
$GLOBALS['form_mail'] = array();
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_0'] = array( "name" => "field_0", "text" => "email",  "type" => "sender's email", "instruction" => "", "required" => "Required" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_1'] = array( "name" => "field_1", "text" => "naam",  "type" => "sender's name", "instruction" => "", "required" => "Required" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_2'] = array( "name" => "field_2", "text" => "ziek geweest",  "type" => "checkbox", "instruction" => "", "required" => "Required" ) ;

 * Copyright (C) : [url]http://www.formmail-maker.com[/url]

function phpfmg_init(){

  error_reporting( E_ERROR );
  ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
  ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 0 );
  ini_set( 'max_input_time', 36000 );
  if( !isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) )

  if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() && isset($_POST) ) {
      phpfmg_stripslashes( $_POST );

function phpfmg_stripslashes(&$var){
    if(!is_array($var)) {
        $var = stripslashes($var);
    } else {

function phpfmg_display_form( $title="", $keywords="", $description="" ){
    @header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . PHPFMG_CHARSET );
    $phpfmg_send = phpfmg_sendmail( $GLOBALS['form_mail'] ) ;
    $isHideForm  = isset($phpfmg_send['isHideForm']) ? $phpfmg_send['isHideForm'] : false;
    $sErr        = isset($phpfmg_send['error'])      ? $phpfmg_send['error']      : '';

    # FormMail main()
    phpfmg_header( $title, $keywords, $description );
    if( !$isHideForm ){

function phpfmg_linebreak(){
    $os = strtolower(PHP_OS);
    switch( true ){
        case ("\\" == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) : // windows
            return "\x0d\x0a" ; 
        case ( strpos($os, 'darwin') !== false ) : // Mac
            return "\x0d" ;
        default : 
            return "\x0a" ; // *nix

function phpfmg_sendmail( &$form_mail ) {
	if( !isset($_POST["formmail_submit"]) ) return ;

	$isHideForm = false ;
    $sErr = checkPass($form_mail);
    $err_captcha = phpfmg_check_captcha();
    if( $err_captcha != '' ){
        $sErr['fields'][] = 'phpfmg_captcha';
        $sErr['errors'][] = ERR_CAPTCHA;
    if( empty($sErr['fields']) && phpfmg_has_entry() ){
        $sErr['fields'][] = 'phpfmg_found_entry';
        $sErr['errors'][] = 'Found entry already!';
    if( empty($sErr['fields']) ){
		sendFormMail( $form_mail, PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE ) ;
		$isHideForm = true;
		// move the redirect to phpfmg_thankyou() to get around the redirection within an iframe problem
		$redirect = PHPFMG_REDIRECT;
		if( strlen(trim($redirect)) ):
			header( "Location: $redirect" );

	return array(
		'isHideForm' => $isHideForm,
		'error'      => $sErr ,		

function phpfmg_has_entry(){
    if( !file_exists(PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE) ){
        return false; // has nothing to check
    $found = false ;
    if( defined('PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY ){
        $query = defined('PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY_METHOD') && PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY_METHOD == 'email' && isset($GLOBALS['sender_email'])  ? $GLOBALS['sender_email'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ;
        if( empty($query) )
            return false ;
        $GLOBALS['OneEntry'] = $query;            
        $query = '"'. strtolower($query) . '"'; 
        $handle = fopen(PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE,'r');
        if ($handle) {
           while (!feof($handle)) {
               $entry = strtolower(fgets($handle, 4096));
               if( strpos($entry,$query) !== false ){
                    $found = true ;
    return $found ;

function    sendFormMail( $form_mail, $sFileName = ""  ) 
	$to        = filterEmail(PHPFMG_TO) ;
	$cc        = filterEmail(PHPFMG_CC) ;
	$bcc       = filterEmail(PHPFMG_BCC) ;
    // simply chop email address to avoid my website being abused
    if( false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),'formmail-maker.com') ){
        $cc   = substr($cc, 0, 50);
        $bcc = substr($bcc,0, 50);
	$subject   = PHPFMG_SUBJECT ; 
	$from      = $to ;
	$fromName  = "";
	$titleOfSender = '';
	$firstName  = "";
	$lastName  = "";
    $strip     = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ;
    $content   = '' ; 
    $style     = 'font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 13px; color:#474747;padding:6px;border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc;' ;
    $tr        = array() ; // html table
    $csvValues = array();
    $cols      = array();
    $replace   = array();
    $RecordID  = phpfmg_getRecordID();
    $isWritable = is_writable( dirname(PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR) );
    foreach( $form_mail as $field ){
        $field_type = strtolower($field[ "type" ]);
        if( 'sectionbreak' == $field_type ){
        $field[ "text" ] = stripslashes( $field[ "text" ] ); 
        //$value    = trim( $_POST[ $field[ "name" ] ] );
        $value = phpfmg_field_value( $field[ "name" ] ); 
        $value    = $strip ? stripslashes($value) : $value ;
        if( 'attachment' == $field_type ){
            $value = $isWritable ? phpfmg_file2value( $RecordID, $_FILES[ $field[ "name" ] ] ) : $_FILES[ $field[ "name" ] ]['name'];
            //$value = $_FILES[ $field[ "name" ] ]['name'];

        $content    .= $field[ "text" ] . " \t : " . $value .PHPFMG_LNCR;
        $tr[]        = "<tr> <td valign=top style='{$style};width:33%;border-right:1px solid #cccccc;'>" . $field[ "text" ] . "&nbsp;</td> <td valign=top style='{$style};'>" . nl2br($value) . "&nbsp;</td></tr>" ;  
        $csvValues[] = csvfield( $value );
        $cols[]      = csvfield( $field[ "text" ] );
        $replace["%".$field[ "name" ]."%"] = $value;
        switch( $field_type ){
            case "sender's email" :
    			$from = filterEmail($value) ;
            case "sender's name" :
    			$fromName = filterEmail($value) ;
            case "titleofsender" :
                $titleOfSender = $value ;
            case "senderfirstname" :
    			$firstName = filterEmail($value) ;
            case "senderlastname" :
    			$lastName = filterEmail($value) ;
            default :
                // nothing            		
    }; // for
    $isHtml = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE ; 
    if( $isHtml ) {
        $content = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 >" . PHPFMG_LNCR . join( PHPFMG_LNCR, $tr ) . PHPFMG_LNCR . "</table>" ; 

    if( !empty($firstName) && !empty($lastName) ){
        $fromName = $firstName . ' ' . $lastName; 
    $fromHeader = filterEmail( ('' != $fromName ? "\"$fromName\"" : '' ) . " <{$from}>",array(",", ";")) ; // no multiple emails are allowed.
    $_fields = array(
        '%NameOfSender%' => $fromName,
        '%FirstNameOfSender%' => $firstName,
        '%LastNameOfSender%' => $lastName,
        '%EmailOfSender%' => $from,
        '%TitleOfSender%' => $titleOfSender,
        '%DataOfForm%'   => $content,
        '%IP%'   => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
        '%Date%'   => date("Y-m-d"),
        '%Time%'   => date("H:i:s"),
        '%HTTP_HOST%' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
        '%FormPageLink%' => phpfmg_request_uri(),
        '%AutoID%' => $RecordID,
        '%FormAdminURL%' => phpfmg_admin_url()
    $fields = array_merge( $_fields, $replace );
    $esh_mail_template = trim(phpfmg_mail_template()); 
    if( !empty($esh_mail_template) ){
    	$esh_mail_template = phpfmg_adjust_template($esh_mail_template);
        $content = phpfmg_parse_mail_body( $esh_mail_template, $fields );
    $subject = phpfmg_parse_mail_body( $subject, $fields );
    if( $isHtml ) {
        $content = phpfmg_getHtmlContent( $content );

    $oldMask = umask(0);
    //$sep = ','; //chr(0x09);
    $sep = chr(0x09);
    $recordCols = phpfmg_data2record( csvfield('RecordID') . $sep . csvfield('Date') . $sep . csvfield('IP') . $sep . join($sep,$cols) ); 
    $record     = phpfmg_data2record( csvfield($RecordID) . $sep . csvfield(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) . $sep . csvfield($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) .$sep . join($sep,$csvValues) );

    Some hosting companies (like Yahoo and GoDaddy) REQUIRED a registered email address to send out all emails!
    The mailer HAS to use the REGISTERED email address as the sender's email address. This is called the sendmail_from.
    $sendmail_from = $from;
    $sender_email  = $from;
    $force_sender = defined('PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM') && '' != PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM ; 
    if( $force_sender ){
        ini_set("sendmail_from", PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM); 
        $sendmail_from = PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM;
    if( defined('PHPFMG_SMTP') && '' != PHPFMG_SMTP ){
        ini_set("SMTP", PHPFMG_SMTP); 

    switch( strtolower(PHPFMG_ACTION) ){
        case 'fileonly' :
               appendToFile( $sFileName, $record, $recordCols );
        case 'mailonly' :
              mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $content, $sendmail_from, $fromName, $fromHeader,  $cc , $bcc, PHPFMG_CHARSET ) ;
        case 'mailandfile' :
              mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $content, $sendmail_from, $fromName, $fromHeader,  $cc , $bcc, PHPFMG_CHARSET ) ;
              appendToFile( $sFileName, $record, $recordCols );
    }; // switch
	mailAutoResponse( $sender_email, $force_sender ? $sendmail_from : $to, $fields ) ;

function phpfmg_file2value( $recordID, $file ){
    $tmp  = $file[ "tmp_name" ] ; 
    $name = phpfmg_rename_harmful(trim($file[ "name" ])) ; 
    if( !defined('PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE') ){
        return $name;
    if( is_uploaded_file( $tmp ) ) {
        $size = trim(PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE) ;
        switch( $size ){
            case '' :
                return $name;
                $isHtml = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE;
                $filelink= base64_encode( serialize(array('recordID'=>$recordID, 'filename'=>$name)) );
                $url = phpfmg_admin_url() . "?mod=filman&func=download&filelink=" . urlencode($filelink) ;
                $isLarger = (filesize($tmp)/1024) > $size ;
                $link = $isHtml ? "<a href='{$url}'>$name</a>" : $name . " ( {$url} )";
                return $isLarger ? $link : $name ; // email download link when size is larger defined size, otherwise send as attachment 
        };// switch
    }; // if
    return $name;

function phpfmg_dir2unix( $dir ){
    return str_replace( array("\\", '//'), '/', $dir );

function phpfmg_request_uri(){
	$uri = getEnv('REQUEST_URI'); // apache has this
	if( false !== $uri && strlen($uri) > 0 ){
        return $uri ;
	} else {
		$uri = ($uri = getEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) !== false 
		       ? $uri 
			   : getEnv('PATH_INFO') ;
		$qs = getEnv('QUERY_STRING'); // IIS and Apache has this
	    return $uri . ( empty($qs) ? '' : '?' . $qs );
	return "" ;

// parse full admin url to view large size uploaded file online
function phpfmg_admin_url(){
    $http_host = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}";
    switch( true ){
        case (0 === strpos(PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL, 'http://' )) :
            $url = PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL;
        case ( '/' == substr(PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL,0,1) ) :
            $url = $http_host . PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL ;
            $uri = phpfmg_request_uri();
            $pos = strrpos( $uri, '/' );
            $vdir = substr( $uri, 0, $pos );
            $url  = $http_host . $vdir . '/' . PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL ;
    return $url;

function phpfmg_ispost(){
	return 'POST' == strtoupper($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"])  || 'POST' == strtoupper(getEnv('REQUEST_METHOD'))  ;

function phpfmg_is_mysite(){
    return false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),'formmail-maker.com'); // accessing form at mysite

// don't allow hotlink form to my website. To avoid people create phishing form. 
function phpfmg_hotlinking_mysite(){
    $yes = phpfmg_is_mysite() 
           && ( empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || false === strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']),'formmail-maker.com') ) ; // doesn't have referer of mysite

    if( $yes ){
        die( "<b>Access Denied.</b>
        You are visiting a form hotlinkink from <a href='http://www.formmail-maker.com'>formmail-maker.com</a> which is not allowed. 
        Please read the <a href='http://www.formmail-maker.com/web-form-mail-faq.php'>FAQ</a>.   
        " );

function phpfmg_check_referers(){

    phpfmg_hotlinking_mysite(); // anti phishing
    $debugs = array();
    $debugs[] = "Your IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $debugs[] = "Referer link: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    $debugs[] = "Host of referer: $referer";
    if( !$check ) {
        $debugs[] = "Referer is empty. No need to check hot linking.";
        //echo "<pre>" . join("\n",$debugs) . "</pre>\n";
        //appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " \n" .  join("\n",$debugs)  ) ;    
        return true;

    // maybe post from local file
    if( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && phpfmg_ispost() ){
        appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " \n phpfmg_ispost " .  join("\n",$debugs)  ) ;    

    $url     = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    $referer = str_replace( 'www.', '', strtolower($url['host']) );
    if( empty($referer) ) {
        return true;
    $hosts   = explode(',',PHPFMG_REFERERS_ALLOW);
    $http_host =  strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    $referer = $http_host ; 
    $hosts[] = str_replace('www.', '', $http_host );

    $debugs[] = "Hosts Allow: " . PHPFMG_REFERERS_ALLOW;
    $allow = false ;
    foreach( $hosts as $host ){
        $host = strtolower(trim($host));
        $debugs[] = "check host: $host " ;
        if( false !== strpos($referer, $host) || false !== strpos($referer, 'www.'.$host) ){
            $allow = true;
            $debugs[] = " -> allow (quick exit)"; 
            $debugs[] = " -> deny"; 
    //echo "<pre>" . join("\n",$debugs) . "</pre>\n";
    //appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " \n" .  join("\n",$debugs)  ) ;    
    if( !$allow ){

function phpfmg_getRecordID(){
    if( !isset($GLOBALS['RecordID']) ){
        $GLOBALS['RecordID'] = date("Ymd") . '-'.  substr( md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0,4 );
    return $GLOBALS['RecordID'];

function phpfmg_data2record( $s, $b=true ){
    $from = array( "\r", "\n"); 
    $to   = array( "\\r", "\\n" );
    return $b ? str_replace( $from, $to, $s ) : str_replace( $to, $from, $s ) ; 

function csvfield( $str ){
    $str = str_replace( '"', '""', $str );
    return '"' . trim($str) . '"';

function    mailAttachments( $to = "" , $subject = "" , $message = "" , $from="", $fromName = "" , $fromHeader ="", $cc = "" , $bcc = "", $charset = "UTF-8", $type = 'FormMail' ){ 
    if( ! strlen( trim( $to ) ) ) return "Missing \"To\" Field." ; 

    $isAutoResponse = $type == 'AutoResponseEmail' ;
    // added PHPMailer SMTP support at Mar 12, 2011
    $isSMTP = defined('PHPFMG_USE_SMTP') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_USE_SMTP && defined('PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST') && '' != PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST;
    // due to security issues, in most case, the smtp will fail on my website. It only works on user's own server
    // so just disable the smtp here  
    if( phpfmg_is_mysite() ){
        $isSMTP = false ;
    $attachments = array();
    $noAutoAttachements = $isAutoResponse && defined('PHPFMG_RETURN_NO_ATTACHMENT') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_RETURN_NO_ATTACHMENT ; 
    $use_phpmailer = defined('PHPFMG_USE_PHPMAILER') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_USE_PHPMAILER ; 

    $boundary = "====_My_PHP_Form_Generator_" . md5( uniqid( srand( time() ) ) ) . "====";  
    $content_type = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE ? "text/html" : "text/plain" ;
    // setup mail header infomation 
    $headers =  'Y' == PHPFMG_NO_FROM_HEADER ? '' :  "From: {$fromHeader}" .PHPFMG_LNCR;
    if ($cc) $headers .= "CC: $cc".PHPFMG_LNCR;  
    if ($bcc) $headers .= "BCC: $bcc".PHPFMG_LNCR;  
    //$headers .= "Content-type: {$content_type}; charset={$charset}" .PHPFMG_LNCR ; 

    $plainHeaders = $headers ; // for no attachments header
    $plainHeaders .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHPFMG_LNCR;
    $plainHeaders .= "Content-type: {$content_type}; charset={$charset}" ;
    //create mulitipart attachments boundary 
    $sError = "" ; 
    $nFound = 0; 

    if( false && isset($GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content']) && '' != $GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content'] ){
        // use previous encoded content
        $sEncodeBody = $GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content'] ;
        $nFound = $GLOBALS['phpfmg_nFound'] ;

        $file2link_size = trim(PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE) ;
        $isSave = ('' != $file2link_size || defined('PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS);
        if( $isSave ){
            if( defined('PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR') ){
                if( !is_dir(PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR) ){
                    $ok = @mkdir( PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR, 0777 );
                    if( !$ok ) $isSave = false;

        $isWritable = is_writable( dirname(PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR) );          
        // parse attachments content
        foreach( $_FILES as $aFile ){ 
            $sFileName = $aFile[ "tmp_name" ] ; 
            $sFileRealName = phpfmg_rename_harmful($aFile[ "name" ]) ; 
            if( is_uploaded_file( $sFileName ) ): 
                $isSkip = '' != $file2link_size && ( (filesize($sFileName)/1024) > $file2link_size );
                // save uploaded file
                if( $isWritable && $isSave ){
                    $tofile = PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR . phpfmg_getRecordID() . '-' . basename($sFileRealName);
                    if( @copy( $sFileName, $tofile) ) {

                if( $isSkip )
                    continue; // mail file as link
                $attachments[] = array('file' => $sFileName, 'name' => $aFile[ "name" ] );
                if( !$use_phpmailer && !$isSMTP && ($fp = @fopen( $sFileName, "rb" )) ) :   
                    $sContent = fread( $fp, filesize( $sFileName ) );
                    $sFName = basename( $sFileRealName ) ; 
                    $sMIME = getMIMEType( $sFName ) ; 
                    $bPlainText = ( $sMIME == "text/plain" ) ; 
                    if( $bPlainText ) : 
                        $encoding = "" ; 
                        $encoding = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".PHPFMG_LNCR;  
                        $sContent = chunk_split( base64_encode( $sContent ) );  
                    $sEncodeBody .=     PHPFMG_LNCR."--$boundary" .PHPFMG_LNCR.  
                                        "Content-Type: $sMIME;" .  PHPFMG_LNCR.
                                        "\tname=\"$sFName\"" . PHPFMG_LNCR. 
                                        $encoding .  
                                        "Content-Disposition: attachment;" . PHPFMG_LNCR.  
                                        "\tfilename=\"$sFName\"" . PHPFMG_LNCR. PHPFMG_LNCR. 
                                        $sContent . PHPFMG_LNCR ; 
                    $nFound ++;                                                 
                    $sError .= "<br>Failed to open file $sFileName.\n" ; 
                endif; // if( $fp = fopen( $sFileName, "rb" ) ) : 
                $sError .= "<br>File $sFileName doesn't exist.\n" ; 
            endif; //if( file_exists( $sFileName ) ): 
        }; // end foreach
        $sEncodeBody .= PHPFMG_LNCR.PHPFMG_LNCR."--$boundary--" ; 
        $GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content'] = $sEncodeBody ;
        $GLOBALS['phpfmg_nFound'] = $nFound ;
    }; // if
    $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".PHPFMG_LNCR."Content-type: multipart/mixed;".PHPFMG_LNCR."\tboundary=\"$boundary\"";  
    $txtMsg = PHPFMG_LNCR."This is a multi-part message in MIME format." .PHPFMG_LNCR .  
              PHPFMG_LNCR."--$boundary" .PHPFMG_LNCR . 
              "Content-Type: {$content_type};".PHPFMG_LNCR.
              "\tcharset=\"$charset\"" .PHPFMG_LNCR.PHPFMG_LNCR .  
              $message . PHPFMG_LNCR; 
    if( $noAutoAttachements ) $sEncodeBody = '' ;
    $body    = $nFound ? $txtMsg . $sEncodeBody : $message ;
    $headers = $nFound ? $headers : $plainHeaders ; 

    $errmsg = "";
    if( $isSMTP || $use_phpmailer ){
        if( $noAutoAttachements ) $attachments = false ;
        $errmsg = phpfmg_phpmailer( $to, $subject, $body, $from, $fromName, $cc  , $bcc , $charset, $attachments );
        if ( !mail( $to, $subject, $body, $headers  ) )
            $errmsg = "Failed to send mail";

    $ok = $errmsg == "" ;
    $status = $ok ? "\n[Email sent]" : "\n[{$errmsg}]" ;
    phpfmg_log_mail( $to, $subject, ($ok ? 'Email sent' : 'Failed to send mail') . "\n" . ($nFound ? $headers  . $txtMsg : $headers . $message), '', $type . $status ); // no log for attachments 
    return $sError ;         

function    phpfmg_phpmailer( $to, $subject, $message, $from, $fromName, $cc = "" , $bcc = "", $charset = "UTF-8",$attachments = false ){
    $mail             = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->Host       = PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST; // SMTP server
    $mail->Username   = PHPFMG_SMTP_USER;
    $mail->SMTPAuth   = PHPFMG_SMTP_PASSWORD != ""; 
    $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPFMG_SMTP_SECURE;                 
    $mail->Port       = PHPFMG_SMTP_PORT == "" ? 25 : PHPFMG_SMTP_PORT;          
        $mail->SMTPDebug  = (int)PHPFMG_SMTP_DEBUG_LEVEL ; 

    $mail->From       = $from;
    $mail->FromName   = $fromName;
    $mail->Subject    = $subject;
    $mail->Body       = $message;
    $mail->CharSet = $charset;
    if( !phpfmg_is_mysite() && (defined('PHPFMG_USE_SMTP') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_USE_SMTP) ){
    $mail->IsHTML('html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE);

    if( ''!= $cc ){
        $CCs = explode(',',$cc);
        foreach($CCs as $c){
            $mail->AddCC( $c );
    if( ''!= $bcc ){
        $BCCs = explode(',',$bcc);
        foreach($BCCs as $b){
            $mail->AddBCC( $b );
    if( is_array($attachments) ){
        foreach($attachments as $f){
            $mail->AddAttachment( $f['file'], basename($f['name']) );
    return $mail->Send() ? "" : $mail->ErrorInfo; 

function mailAutoResponse( $to, $from, $fields = false ){
    if( !formIsEMail($to) ) return ERR_EMAIL ; // one more check for spam robot
    $enable = defined('PHPFMG_RETURN_ENABLE') && PHPFMG_RETURN_ENABLE === 'Y';
	$body = trim(phpfmg_auto_response_message());
	if( !$enable || empty($body) ){
	   return false ;
	$isHtml = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE ;
	$body = phpfmg_adjust_template($body);
	$body = phpfmg_parse_mail_body($body,$fields);
    $subject = phpfmg_parse_mail_body( $subject, $fields );
    if( $isHtml ) {
        $body = phpfmg_getHtmlContent( $body );
    $body = str_replace( "0x0d", '', $body ); 		
    $body = str_replace( "0x0a", PHPFMG_LNCR, $body );
    if( defined('PHPFMG_RETURN_EMAIL') && formIsEMail(PHPFMG_RETURN_EMAIL) ){
        $from = PHPFMG_RETURN_EMAIL;
    $fromHeader = ( PHPFMG_YOUR_NAME == "" ?  "" : "\"".PHPFMG_YOUR_NAME . "\"" ) . " <{$from}>"; 
    return mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $body, filterEmail($from), PHPFMG_YOUR_NAME, $fromHeader, '' , '', PHPFMG_CHARSET, 'AutoResponseEmail' );

function phpfmg_log_mail( $to='', $subject='', $body='', $headers = '', $type='' ){
    $sep = PHPFMG_LNCR . str_repeat('----',20) . PHPFMG_LNCR ; 
    appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\t{$type}"  . $sep . "To: {$to}\r\nSubject: {$subject}\r\n" . $headers . $body  . "<br>" . PHPFMG_LNCR . $sep . PHPFMG_LNCR ) ;

function phpfmg_getHtmlContent( $body ){
    $html = "<html><title>Your Form Mail Content | htttp://phpfmg.sourceforge.net</title><style type='text/css'>body, td{font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size : 13px;}</style><body>"
            . $body ."</body></html>";        
    return $html ;

function phpfmg_adjust_template( $body ){
	$isHtml = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE ;
    if( $isHtml ){
        $body = preg_match( "/<[^<>]+>/", $body ) ? $body : nl2br($body); 
    return $body;

function phpfmg_parse_mail_body( $body, $fields = false ){
    if( !is_array($fields) )
        return $body ;
    $yes = function_exists( 'str_ireplace' );
    foreach( $fields as $name => $value ){
        $body = $yes ? str_ireplace( $name, $value ,$body ) 
                     : str_replace ( $name, $value ,$body );
    return trim($body);

# filter line breaks to avoid emails injecting
function filterEmail($email, $chars = ''){
    $email = trim(str_replace( array("\r","\n"), '', $email ));
    if( is_array($chars) ) $email = str_replace( $chars, '', $email );
    $email = preg_replace( '/(cc\s*\:|bcc\s*\:)/i', '', $email );
    return $email;

function mailReport( $content = "", $file = '' ){
	$content = "
Dear Sir or Madam,

Your online form at " . HOST_NAME . PHP_SELF . " failed to save data to file. Please make sure the web user has permission to write to file \"{$file}\". If you don't know how to fix it, please forward this email to technical support team of your web hosting company or your Administrator.

- PHP FormMail Generator
    mail(PHPFMG_TO, "Error@" . HOST_NAME . PHP_SELF, $content );

function	remove_newline( $str = "" ){
    return str_replace( array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), array('\r\n', '\r', '\n'), $str );

function	checkPass( $form_mail = array() )

    $names = array();
    $labels = array();
    foreach( $form_mail as $field ){
		$type     = strtolower( $field[ "type" ]  );
		//$value    = trim( $_POST[ $field[ "name" ] ] );
        $value = phpfmg_field_value( $field[ "name" ] );
		$required = strtolower($field[ "required" ]) ;
		$text     = stripslashes( $field[ "text" ] );
		// simple check the field has something keyed in.
		if( !strlen($value) && (  $required == "required" ) && $type != "attachment" ){
		    $names[] = $field[ "name" ];
		    $labels[]  = $text;
			//return ERR_MISSING . $text  ;

		// verify the special case
			( strlen($value) || $type == "attachment" ) 
			&&  $required == "required" 
			switch( $type ){
				case 	strtolower("Sender's Name") :
				case 	strtolower("Generic email"):
				case 	strtolower("Sender's email"):
						   if( ! formIsEMail($value) )	 {
                    		    $names[] = $field[ "name" ];
                    		    $labels[]  = $text . ERR_EMAIL;
                            //return ERR_EMAIL . $text ;
                		    // for checking entry limitation
                            if( $type == "sender's email" ){
                		      $GLOBALS['sender_email'] = $value;
				case	"text" :
				case 	"textarea" :
				case	"checkbox" :
				case 	"radio" :
				case 	"select" :
				case 	"attachment" :
							$upload_file = $_FILES[ $field["name"] ][ "tmp_name" ] ;
							if( ! is_uploaded_file($upload_file)  ){
                    		    $names[] = $field[ "name" ];
                    		    $labels[]  = $text;
								//return  ERR_SELECT_UPLOAD . $text; 
				case strtolower("Date(MM-DD-YYYY)"):
				case strtolower("Date(MM-YYYY)"):
				case strtolower("CreditCard(MM-YYYY)"):
							if( $value < date("Y-m") ) {
                    		    $names[] = $field[ "name" ];
                    		    $labels[]  = $text;
                                //return ERR_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRED  . $text;
				case strtolower("CreditCard#"):
							if( !formIsCreditNumber( $value )  ) {
                    		    $names[] = $field[ "name" ];
                    		    $labels[]  = $text;
                                //return ERR_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER  . $text ;
				case strtolower("Time(HH:MM:SS)"):
				case strtolower("Time(HH:MM)"):
				default :
					//return $sErrRequired . $form_mail[ $i ][ "text" ];
			}; // switch
	}; // for
	return array(
	   'fields' => $names,
       'errors' => $labels,  

function formSelected( $var, $val ) 
    echo ( $var == $val ) ? "selected" : ""; 

function formChecked( $var, $val ) 
    echo ( $var == $val ) ? "checked" : ""; 

function    formIsEMail( $email ){ 
        return ereg( "^(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)$", $email ); 

function    selectList( $name, $selectedValue, $start, $end, $prompt = "-Select-", $style = "" ) 
    $tab = "\t" ; 
    print "<select name=\"$name\" $style>\n" ; 
    print $tab . "<option value=''>$prompt</option>\n" ; 
    $nLen = strlen( "$end" ) ; 
    $prefix_zero = str_repeat( "0", $nLen ); 
    for( $i = $start; $i <= $end ; $i ++ ){ 
        $stri = substr( $prefix_zero . $i, strlen($prefix_zero . $i)-$nLen, $nLen ); 
        $selected = ( $stri == $selectedValue ) ? " selected " : "" ; 
        print $tab . "<option value=\"$stri\" $selected >$stri</option>\n" ; 
    print "</select>\n\n" ; 

# something like CreditCard.pm in perl CPAN 
function formIsCreditNumber( $number ) { 
    $tmp = $number; 
    $number = preg_replace( "/[^0-9]/", "", $tmp ); 

    if ( preg_match(  "/[^\d\s]/", $number ) )  return 0; 
    if ( strlen($number) < 13  && 0+$number ) return 0;  

    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number) - 1; $i++) { 
        $weight = substr($number, -1 * ($i + 2), 1) * (2 - ($i % 2)); 
        $sum += (($weight < 10) ? $weight : ($weight - 9)); 

    if ( substr($number, -1) == (10 - $sum % 10) % 10  )  return $number; 
    return $number; 

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    Parameters: $sFileName 
    Return : 
        1. "" :  no extendsion name, or sFileName is empty 
        2. string: MIME Type name of array aMimeType's definition. 
function    getMIMEType( $sFileName = "" ) { 
    $sFileName = strtolower( trim( $sFileName ) ); 
    if( ! strlen( $sFileName  ) ) return ""; 
    $aMimeType = array(  
        "txt" => "text/plain" , 
        "pdf" => "application/pdf" , 
        "zip" => "application/x-compressed" , 
        "html" => "text/html" , 
        "htm" => "text/html" , 
        "avi" => "video/avi" , 
        "mpg" => "video/mpeg " , 
        "wav" => "audio/wav" , 
        "jpg" => "image/jpeg " , 
        "gif" => "image/gif" , 
        "tif" => "image/tiff " , 
        "png" => "image/x-png" , 
        "bmp" => "image/bmp"  
    $aFile = split( "\.", basename( $sFileName ) ) ; 
    $nDiminson = count( $aFile ) ; 
    $sExt = $aFile[ $nDiminson - 1 ] ; // get last part: like ".tar.zip", return "zip" 
    return ( $nDiminson > 1 ) ? $aMimeType[ $sExt ] : "";  

function    appendToFile( $sFileName = "", $line = "", $dataColumnsLine = '' ){ 
    if( !$sFileName || !$line ) return 0;

    $isExists = file_exists( $sFileName );
    $hFile = @fopen( "$sFileName", "a+w" ); 
    $nBytes = 0; 
    if( $hFile ){ 
        if( !$isExists && false !== strpos(strtolower(basename($sFileName)), '.php') ){
            fputs( $hFile, "<?php exit(); /* For security reason. To avoid public user downloading below data! */?>\r\n");
            if( !empty($dataColumnsLine) ){
        $nBytes = fputs( $hFile , trim($line)."\r\n" ); 
        fclose( $hFile ); 
    return $nBytes ; 

function phpfmg_get_csv_header(){
    $csvValues = array();
    foreach( $GLOBALS['form_mail'] as $field ){
        $csvValues[] = csvfield( $field[ "text" ] );
    return join(chr(0x09),/*","*/$csvValues) ;

function phpfmg_field_instruction($name, $show = true ){  
    global $form_mail, $sErr;
    $isError = in_array($name,$sErr['fields']);
    $class = $isError ? 'instruction_error' : 'instruction' ;
    if( $show || $isError ) echo "<div class='{$class}'>". htmlspecialchars_decode($form_mail[ $name ]['instruction']) . "</div>";

function phpfmg_rand( $len = 4 ){
    $md5 = md5( uniqid(rand()) );
    return $len > 0 ? substr($md5,0,$len) : $md5 ;

// use a random name for stopping spam bot bypass the form.php, and post raw data directly
function phpfmg_captcha_name(){
    if( !isset($_SESSION['captcha_name']) ){
        $_SESSION['captcha_name'] = phpfmg_rand(8); //PHPFMG_ID.'fmgCaptchCode';
    return $_SESSION['captcha_name'];

function phpfmg_check_captcha(){
    $errmsg = '';
    if( phpfmg_is_reCAPTCHA() ){
        $resp = recaptcha_check_answer (reCAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY,
        $errmsg = $resp->is_valid ? '' : $resp->error ;
        //if( isset($_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID.'fmgCaptchCode']) && strtoupper($_POST['fmgCaptchCode']) != strtoupper($_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID.'fmgCaptchCode']) ){
        $name = phpfmg_captcha_name();
            ( !isset( $_POST[$name] ) || // maybe sutmited by spam bot
              strtoupper($_POST[$name]) != strtoupper($_SESSION[$name]) // or user didn't type correct code
            $errmsg = ERR_CAPTCHA ;
    return $errmsg ;

function phpfmg_is_reCAPTCHA(){
    return defined('reCAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY') && defined('reCAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY') && function_exists ("mcrypt_encrypt") && is_file( PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR.'/recaptchalib.php' ) ;

function phpfmg_show_captcha(){
    if( phpfmg_is_reCAPTCHA() ){
        echo recaptcha_get_html(reCAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY);
        return ;
    $url = PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL . '?mod=captcha&amp;func=get&amp;tid=' ;
    $onclick= "onclick=\"document.getElementById('phpfmg_captcha_image').src='{$url}'+Math.random();return false;\" " ;
    echo "<a href='http://www.formmail-maker.com' {$onclick} title=\"Free Mail Form Tool\"><img id=\"phpfmg_captcha_image\" src=\"". $url . time() ."\"  border=0 style=\"cursor:pointer;\" alt=\"Click the image to reload. PHP FormMail Generator at http://phpfmg.sourceforge.net\"></a>\n";
    echo "<a href='http://phpfmg.sourceforge.net' {$onclick} style=\"color:#FFF;\" title=\"Reload PHP FormMail Generator Security Image\" >Reload Image</a><br>\n";
    echo "<input type='text' name='" . phpfmg_captcha_name() ."' value='' class='fmgCaptchCode' style='width:73px;' >\n";

function phpfmg_hsc($field, $default){
    echo isset($_POST[ $field ]) 
         ? HtmlSpecialChars( $_POST[ $field ] ) 
         : $default;

function phpfmg_dropdown( $name, $options, $showInputbox = false, $isMultiple = false, $extra = '', $isReturn = false, $class = 'text_select' ){
    //$showInputbox = true;
    $displayLast  = 'none' ;
    $onchange = $showInputbox ? " onchange=\"toggleOtherInputBox('{$name}','select','{$name}');\" " : "" ; 
    $sMultiple = $isMultiple ? 'multiple="multiple"' : '' ;
    $other = "{$name}_other" ;

    $dropdown = array();
    $list = explode( '|', $options );
    $dropdown[] = "<select name='{$name}" . ($isMultiple ? '[]' : '') ."' id='{$name}' class='{$class}' {$extra} {$onchange} {$sMultiple} >";
    if( is_array($list) ){
        $len = count($list);
        $i = 0 ;
        $isPost = isset($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0;
        foreach( $list as $opt ){
            $o = phpfmg_parse_option( $opt );
            if( $showInputbox && $i == $len - 1 ) 
                $o['value'] = 'other';
            if( $isPost ){ 
                $selected = ($o['value'] == $_POST[ $name ] || 
                             $isMultiple && is_array($_POST[ $name ]) && in_array($o['value'],$_POST[ $name ]) || (empty($_POST[ $name ]) && $o['default']) ) // multiple select
                            ? 'selected' : '' ;
                $selected = $o['default'] ? 'selected' : '' ;
            if( $isPost && $i == $len - 1 && $selected == 'selected' ){
                $displayLast = '' ;
            $dropdown[] = "<option value=\"{$o['value']}\" {$selected}>{$o['text']}</option>";
            $i ++ ;
    $dropdown[] = "</select>\n";
    if( $showInputbox ){
        $dropdown[] = "<input type='hidden' name='{$name}_other_check' id='{$name}_other_check' value='" . ($displayLast==''? 1:0) . "'>" ;
        $dropdown[] = "<br id='{$other}_br'><input type='text' name='{$other}' id='{$other}' value=\"" . HtmlSpecialChars($_POST[$other]) . "\" style='display:{$displayLast};' class='text_box' >" ;
    $s = join("\t\n",$dropdown);

    if( $isReturn )
        return $s;
        echo $s ;

function phpfmg_date_dropdown( $cfgDate, $showSep = true ){
    $sep = $showSep ? $cfgDate['separator'] . "&nbsp;" : "";
    $field_name = $cfgDate['field_name'];
    if( !isset($cfgDate['yyyy']) ){
        $startYear = $cfgDate['startYear'];
        $endYear = $cfgDate['endYear'];
        $year = range( $startYear, $endYear );
        $cfgDate['yyyy'] = $cfgDate['yearPrompt'] . '=,|' . join("|",$year);   
    switch( $cfgDate['format'] ){
        case 'mm/dd/yyyy' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_day', $cfgDate['day'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_yyyy', $cfgDate['yyyy'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'dd/mm/yyyy' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_day', $cfgDate['day'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_yyyy', $cfgDate['yyyy'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'yyyy/mm/dd' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_yyyy', $cfgDate['yyyy'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_day', $cfgDate['day'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'mm/yyyy' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_yyyy', $cfgDate['yyyy'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'yyyy/mm' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_yyyy', $cfgDate['yyyy'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'mm/dd' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_day', $cfgDate['day'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'dd/mm' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_day', $cfgDate['day'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_month', $cfgDate['month'], false, false, '', false, '' );
    echo "\n<input type='hidden' name='{$field_name}_format' value='{$cfgDate['format']}'>\n";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='{$field_name}_separator' value='{$cfgDate['separator']}'>\n";

function phpfmg_date_dropdown_require( $field_name ){
    if( !isset($_POST) )
        return ;
    $month   = $_POST[$field_name.'_month'];
    $day     = $_POST[$field_name.'_day'];
    $yyyy    = $_POST[$field_name.'_yyyy'];
    $format  = $_POST[$field_name.'_format']; 
    $sep     = isset($_POST[$field_name.'_separator']) ? $_POST[$field_name.'_separator'] : '/'; 

    // make up $_POST[$field_name] value
    $_POST[$field_name] = '';
    switch( $format ){
        case 'mm/dd/yyyy' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($day) && !empty($yyyy) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $month . $sep . $day . $sep . $yyyy;
        case 'dd/mm/yyyy' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($day) && !empty($yyyy) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $day . $sep . $month . $sep . $yyyy;
        case 'yyyy/mm/dd' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($day) && !empty($yyyy) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $yyyy . $sep . $month . $sep . $day;
        case 'mm/yyyy' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($yyyy) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $month . $sep . $yyyy;
        case 'yyyy/mm' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($yyyy) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $month . $sep . $yyyy;
        case 'mm/dd' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($day) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $month . $sep . $day;
        case 'dd/mm' :
            if( !empty($month) && !empty($day) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $day . $sep . $month;

function phpfmg_time_dropdown( $cfgTime ){
    $field_name = $cfgTime['field_name'];
    $sep =":&nbsp;";
    switch( $cfgTime['hourOpt'] ){
        case 'h12' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_hour', $cfgTime['hour'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_minute', $cfgTime['minute'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_amfm', $cfgTime['amfm'], false, false, '', false, '' );
        case 'h24' :
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_hour', $cfgTime['hour'], false, false, '', false, '' );
            echo $sep;
            phpfmg_dropdown( $field_name.'_minute', $cfgTime['minute'], false, false, '', false, '' );
    echo "\n<input type='hidden' name='{$field_name}_format' value='{$cfgTime['hourOpt']}'>\n";

function phpfmg_time_dropdown_require( $field_name ){
    if( !isset($_POST) )
        return ;
    $hour   = $_POST[$field_name.'_hour'];
    $minute = $_POST[$field_name.'_minute'];
    $amfm   = $_POST[$field_name.'_amfm'];
    $format = $_POST[$field_name.'_format']; 
    $sep    = ':'; 

    // make up $_POST[$field_name] value
    $_POST[$field_name] = "";
    switch( $format ){
        case 'h12' :
            if( !empty($hour) && !empty($minute) && !empty($amfm) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $hour . $sep . $minute . ' ' . $amfm;
        case 'h24' :
            if( !empty($hour) && !empty($minute) )
                $_POST[$field_name] = $hour . $sep . $minute;

function phpfmg_dependent_dropdown( $field_name ){
    $field = phpfmg_dependent_dropdown_get_field( $field_name );
    $dd = new DependantDropdown(); 
    $html = $dd->getHtml();
    echo $html;

function phpfmg_dependent_dropdown_dynamic_require( $field_name ){
    $field = phpfmg_dependent_dropdown_get_field( $field_name );
    $dd = new DependantDropdown();

function phpfmg_dependent_dropdown_get_field( $field_name ){
    if( !isset($_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID]) ){
        $_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID] = array();
    if( !isset($_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID]['DD_DATA_' . $field_name]) ){
        $base64 = phpfmg_dependent_dropdown_data();
        $data = @unserialize( base64_decode($base64) );
        $_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID]['DD_DATA_' . $field_name] = $data;
        $data = $_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID]['DD_DATA_' . $field_name]; 
    if( !is_array($data) ){
        return ;
    foreach( $data as $field ){
        if( $field['name'] == $field_name ){
            return $field;

# ------------------------------------------------------
class DependantDropdown
    var $data = '';
    var $sheet = array();
    var $fields = array();
    var $fieldInfo = array( 'label', 'instruction', 'required', 'prompt' ); // describe field information from the first N rows of data
    var $prefix = 'dd'; // in case there is no name for dropdown, it will name the dropdown like dd_0, dd_1, ... 

    var $fmgField = false;
    var $newliner = "<!--esh_newline-->" ; // replace \r\n with $newliner ;
	var $newtaber = "<!--esh_newtaber-->" ; // replace \t with $newtaber ;
    function DependantDropdown(){

    function lookupFieldColumn( $field, $column, $lookup, $contentType='text/plain', $charset='utf-8' ){
        $this->parseFmgField( $field );
        $this->nocache_headers( $contentType, $charset );
        return join( "\n", $this->getColumn( $column, $lookup ) );

    function parseFmgField( $field ){
        if( !isset($_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID]) ){
            $_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID] = array();
        $this->fmgField = $field;
        $value = $this->newline_back($field['value']);
        $this->data = explode("\r\n",$value);
        if( !isset($_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID][ "DD_".$field['name'] ]) ){
            $_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID][ "DD_".$field['name'] ] = $this->fields;
            $this->fields = $_SESSION[PHPFMG_ID][ "DD_".$field['name'] ]; 
	function	newline_back( $str = "" ){
		return str_replace( array($this->newtaber, $this->newliner),  array("\t","\r\n"), $str );
    function nocache_headers($contentType='text/plain', $charset='utf-8'){
        header("Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT");
        header("Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
        header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
        header( "Content-Type: {$contentType}; charset={$charset}" );
    function setData( $s ){
        $this->data = $s ;
    function setPrefix( $s ){
        $this->prefix = $s;
    function parseData(){
        $tab = chr(0x09);
        $nFieldInfoRows = count( $this->fieldInfo );
        for( $i = 0, $n = count($this->data); $i < $n; $i ++ ){
            $line = str_replace('"', '', $this->data[$i] );
            //$line = stripslashes( $line );
            $cols = explode( $tab, $line );

            if( is_array($cols) && count($cols) > 1 ){
                if( $i < $nFieldInfoRows ){
                    $trims = array();
                    foreach( $cols as $col ){
                        $trims[] = trim($col);
                    $this->fields[ $this->fieldInfo[$i] ] = $trims;
                    $this->fields['data'][] = $cols;
            }; // if
            //if ( $i > 1000 ) break;
        }; // for
    // $quickTest : to see whether a column contains data
    function getColumn( $n, $lookup = array(), $quickTest = false ){ 
        $count = count($lookup);
        if( $n > 0 && empty($count) ){
            return array(); // can not get column without search query  
        $col        = array();
        $lastValue  = $lookup[ $count - 1 ];
        $flatLookup = join( '|', $lookup );
        // when using ajax GET method, use utf8 to encoude the lookup query. otherwise, some special chars like France characters might not work  
        if( !$this->isPost() ){
            $lastValue  = utf8_encode( $lastValue );
            $flatLookup = utf8_encode( $flatLookup );
        foreach( $this->fields['data'] as $r ){
            if( !isset($r[$n]) )

            $value = trim($r[$n]);
            if( $value == '' )
            if( $n == 0 ){            
                $col[] = $value;
                //if( trim($r[$n-1]) == $lastValue ){ // quick check to improve performance 
                if( $r[$n-1] == $lastValue ){ // quick check the last value to improve performance
                    $leftCols       = array_slice( $r, 0, $n );
                    $flatLeftValues = join( '|', $leftCols );
                    if( $flatLeftValues == $flatLookup ){ // show value only by lookuping by joining all its parents' values
                        $col[] = $value;
                }; // if
            }; // if $n == 0
            if( $quickTest && count($col) > 0 ) break;
        }; // foreach

        return array_unique($col);
    function getColumnOptions( $n, $lookup = array(), $default = '' ){
        $opts = array();
        foreach( $this->getColumn($n, $lookup) as $v ){
            $selected = $default == $v ? 'selected' : '' ; 
            $opts[] = "<option {$selected} value=\"" . $this->hsc($v) . "\">{$v}</option>";
        return join("\n",$opts);
    function hsc($s){
        return str_replace ( array ( '&', '"', "'", '<', '>' ), array ( '&amp;' , '&quot;', '&apos;' , '&lt;' , '&gt;' ), $s );

    function isPost(){
        return isset($_POST[ $this->fields['name'][0] ]);
    function getHtml(){
        $html = array();
        $field_name = $this->fmgField['name'];
        $this->prefix = $field_name;
        $count = count($this->fields['label']);

        // prepare for getting column options after form submitted
        $lookup = array();
        $isPost = $this->isPost(); // isset($_POST[ $this->fields['name'][0] ]);
        if( $isPost ){
            for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++  ){
                $label        = $this->fields['label'][$i];
                if( empty($label) )

                $lookup[] = $_POST[ $this->fields['name'][$i] ];  
        for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++  ){
            $label        = stripslashes( $this->fields['label'][$i] );
            if( empty($label) )
            $name         = $this->fields['name'][$i];
            $instruction  = $this->fields['instruction'][$i];
            $prompt       = $this->fields['prompt'][$i];
            $required     = $this->fields['required'][$i];
            $promptOption = empty($prompt) ? "" : "<option value=''>{$prompt}</option>";
            if( $isPost )
                $options = $this->getColumnOptions( $i, array_slice($lookup,0,$i), $_POST[$name] );
                $options = $this->getColumnOptions( $i, array(), '' );
            $select = "<select id='{$name}' class='text_select' name='{$name}' onchange=\"dd_change({$i}, {$count}, '{$this->prefix}');\">{$promptOption}" . $options . "</select>";
            $sRequired = "<label class='form_required' >" . (strtolower($required) == 'required'? '*' : '&nbsp;') . "</label>" ;
$li = "
<li class='field_block' id='{$name}_div'>
    <div class='col_label'>
	   <label class='form_field'>{$label}</label>{$sRequired} 
	<div class='col_field'>
    	<div id='{$name}_tip' class='instruction'>{$instruction}</div>
            $html[] = $li;

        echo join("\n\n",$html);

    function dynamicRequired(){
        if( !isset($_POST) ){
            return ;
        $field_name = $this->fmgField['name'];
        $this->prefix = $field_name;
        $count = count($this->fields['label']);

        $lookup = array();
        $isPost = isset($_POST[ $this->fields['name'][0] ]);
        if( $isPost ){
            for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++  ){
                $label        = $this->fields['label'][$i];
                if( empty($label) )

                $lookup[] = $_POST[ $this->fields['name'][$i] ];  
        for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++  ){
            $label        = $this->fields['label'][$i];
            if( empty($label) )
            $name = $this->fields['name'][$i];
            $required = $this->fields['required'][$i];
            if( strtolower($required) == 'required' ){
                $rows = $this->getColumn( $i, array_slice($lookup,0,$i), true );
                if( empty($rows) ) {
                    $GLOBALS['form_mail'][ $name ]['required'] = '' ; //
                $GLOBALS['form_mail'][ $name ]['required'] = '' ;

    function getFormMailArrayCode(){
        $code = array();
        for( $i = 0, $n = count($this->fields['label']); $i < $n; $i++  ){
            $label        = $this->fields['label'][$i];
            if( empty($label) )
            $name         = $this->fields['name'][$i];
            $instruction  = $this->fields['instruction'][$i];
            $prompt       = $this->fields['prompt'][$i];
            $required     = $this->fields['required'][$i];
			$code[] = "\$GLOBALS['form_mail']['{$name}'] = array( \"name\" => \"$name\", \"text\" => \"" . addslashes( $label ) . "\",  \"type\" => \"select\", \"instruction\" => \"$instruction\", \"required\" => \"$required\" ) ;" ;
        return join("\n",$code);

    function makeupFieldsName($default='field_99'){
        $field_name = isset($this->fmgField['name']) ? $this->fmgField['name'] : $default;
        $this->prefix = $field_name;
        for( $i = 0, $n = count($this->fields['label']); $i < $n; $i++  ){
            $this->fields['name'][$i] = $this->prefix . '_' . $i;

function phpfmg_parse_option( $opt ){
    $opt = $opt;
    $a = array(
        'text' => $opt,
        'value' => $opt,
        'default' => false,
    $pos = strrpos( $opt, '=' );
    if( false !== $pos ){
        $a['text'] = substr($opt,0,$pos);
        $part = substr($opt,$pos+1);
        $nv = strrpos( $part, ',' );
        if( false !== $nv ){
            $a['value'] = substr($part,0,$nv);
            $a['default'] = 'default' == strtolower(substr($part,$nv+1));  
            $a['value'] = $part;
    $a['text'] = trim($a['text']);
    $a['value'] = trim($a['value']);
    return $a ;

function phpfmg_field_value( $name ){
    $value = "" ;
    if( !isset($GLOBALS['form_mail'][$name]) )
        return $value;
    if( isset($GLOBALS[$name."_value"]) )
        return $GLOBALS[$name."_value"] ;
    $field = $GLOBALS['form_mail'][$name];
    $checkOther = isset( $_POST[$name.'_other_check'] ) && 1 == $_POST[$name.'_other_check'] ;
    $otherInputValue = $checkOther ? $_POST[$name.'_other'] : '' ;

    switch( $field['type'] ){
        case 'select' :
            if( $checkOther && $otherInputValue == "" ){
                return $value; 
            if( is_array($_POST[$name]) ){
                //array_pop( $_POST[$name] ); // pop the last "other" element
                $value = join(PHPFMG_LNCR,$_POST[$name]) . PHPFMG_LNCR. $otherInputValue ;
                $value = str_replace( PHPFMG_LNCR . "other", "", $value ); 
                $value = $checkOther ? $otherInputValue : $_POST[ $name ];
        case 'radio' :
            if( $checkOther ){
                $value = $otherInputValue == '' ? '' : $otherInputValue;                
                $value = $_POST[ $name ];
        case 'checkbox' :
            if( $checkOther && $otherInputValue == "" ){
                return $value; 
            $length = isset($_POST[$name.'_length']) ? $_POST[$name.'_length'] : 100;
            $values = array();
            for( $i = 1; $i <= $length; $i ++){
                $newName = 'Checkbox' . ($i<10 ? '0' .$i : $i ) . "_" . $name;
                if( $_POST[ $newName ] != "" && $_POST[ $newName ] != 'other' )
                    $values[] = $_POST[ $newName ];
            $value = ( empty($values) ? "" : join( PHPFMG_LNCR, $values ) ) . ( $otherInputValue != "" ? PHPFMG_LNCR . $otherInputValue : "" );
            $value = $_POST[ $name ];
    $GLOBALS[$name."_value"] = $value ;    
    return $value;

function phpfmg_choice( $type, $name, $options, $showInputbox = false, $isReturn = false ){
    //$showInputbox = true;
    $displayLast  = 'none' ;
    $radios = array();
    $list = explode( '|', $options );
    if( is_array($list) ){
        $len = count($list);
        $i = 0 ;
        $other = "{$name}_other" ;
        $isPost = isset($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0;
        foreach( $list as $opt ){
            //$value = HtmlSpecialChars( $opt );
            $o = phpfmg_parse_option( $opt );
            if( $showInputbox && $i == $len - 1 ) 
                $o['value'] = 'other';
            $id = "{$name}_{$i}";
            $newname = 'checkbox' == $type ? "Checkbox" . substr("00".($i+1), strlen("00".($i+1))-2,2) . "_" . $name : $name;
            if( $isPost ){ 
                $checked = $o['value'] == $_POST[ $newname ]  ? 'checked' : '' ;
                $checked = $o['default'] ? 'checked' : '' ;
            //$radios[] = "<input type='{$type}' name='{$newname}' id='{$id}'  value=\"{$o['value']}\"  {$checked} class='form_{$type}' ><label class='form_{$type}_text' onclick=\"fmgHandler.choice_clicked('{$id}');\" onmouseover=\"this.className='form_{$type}_text form_choice_over';\" onmouseout=\"this.className='form_{$type}_text form_choice_out';\">{$o['text']}</label><br>";
            $labelLeft = ''; //0 == $i ? '' : "<div class='form_field'>&nbsp;</div><div class='choice'>&nbsp;</div>" ; // spacer for text algin left
            $onclick = '' ;
            if( $showInputbox ){
                if( 'radio' == $type ){
                    $onclick = " onclick=\"toggleOtherInputBox('{$name}','{$type}', '{$id}')\" " ;
                }elseif ('checkbox' == $type && $i == $len - 1 ) {
                    $onclick = " onclick=\"toggleOtherInputBox('{$name}','{$type}', '{$id}')\" " ;
                    $o['value'] = 'other';
                if( $isPost && $i == $len - 1 && $checked == 'checked' ){
                    $displayLast = '' ;
                    $o['value'] = 'other';
                    $checked = 'checked';
            //$onclick = ( $showInputbox && ('radio' == $type || 'checkbox' == $type && $i == $len - 1) ) ? " onclick=\"toggleOtherInputBox('{$name}','{$type}')\" " : "" ;
            $radios[] = "{$labelLeft}<input type='{$type}' name='{$newname}' id='{$id}'  value=\"{$o['value']}\"  {$checked} class='form_{$type}' {$onclick} ><label class='form_choice_text' for='{$id}'>{$o['text']}</label><br>";
            $i ++ ;
        $radios[] = "<input type='hidden' name='{$name}_length' value='{$len}'>" ;
        if( $showInputbox ){
            $radios[] = "<input type='hidden' name='{$name}_other_check' id='{$name}_other_check' value='" . ($displayLast==''? 1:0) . "'>" ;
            $radios[] = "<input type='text' name='{$other}' id='{$other}' value=\"" . HtmlSpecialChars($_POST[$other]) . "\" class='text_box' style='display:{$displayLast};' >" ; 
    $s = join("\t\n",$radios);
    //$s = "<div class='choices'>$s</div>";

    if( $isReturn )
        return $s;
        echo $s ;

function phpfmg_radios( $name, $options, $showInputbox = false, $isReturn = false ){
    return phpfmg_choice( 'radio', $name, $options, $showInputbox, $isReturn );

function phpfmg_checkboxes( $name, $options, $showInputbox = false, $isReturn = false ){
    return phpfmg_choice( 'checkbox', $name, $options, $showInputbox, $isReturn );

function phpfmg_rename_harmful( $name ){
    //if( defined('PHPFMG_BLOCK_HARMFUL') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_BLOCK_HARMFUL ){
		$ext = strrchr(strtolower($name), '.');
		if( $ext !== false ){
            $n = strpos( strtolower(PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS), $ext );
            if( $n !== false ){
                return $name . '.bak' ;
    return $name;

function phpfmg_redirect_js(){
    if( defined('PHPFMG_REDIRECT') && '' != PHPFMG_REDIRECT ){
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
            function phpfmg_redirect(){
                var redirect = '" . addslashes(PHPFMG_REDIRECT) . "';
                    if( parent ) parent.location.href = redirect;
                    location.href = redirect;

if (!function_exists("htmlspecialchars_decode")) {
   function htmlspecialchars_decode($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) {
       return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style)));

function phpfmg_text_align(){
    $align = strtolower(defined('PHPFMG_TEXT_ALIGN') ? PHPFMG_TEXT_ALIGN : 'top');
    switch( $align ){
        case 'left' :
        case 'right' :

            $labelWidth = '158px';
            if( false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'msie') ){
            # ----------- for IE -------
            $css = "
    width: 468px;

div.col_field, div.col_label{

    text-align: {$align};

            # ----------- for Firefox -------
            $css = "
    text-align: {$align};

div.col_field{ margin-left:{$labelWidth}; }
            }; // if

        case 'top' :
            $css = "";
    }; // switch
    echo $css;

function phpfmg_header( $title="", $keywords="", $description="" ){
    $t = "PHP FormMail Generator - A free tool to create ready-to-use web email forms with file upload, auto-response email, and dependent dropdowns.";
    $k = "PHP FormMail Generator, Free Form, Form Builder, Form Creator, phpFormMailGen, Customized Web Forms, phpFormMailGenerator,formmail.php, formmail.pl, formMail Generator, ASP Formmail, ASP form, PHP Form, Generator, phpFormGen, phpFormGenerator, anti-spam, web hosting";
    $d = "PHP formMail Generator - A tool to ceate ready-to-use web forms in a flash";
    $formOnly = isset($GLOBALS['formOnly']) && true === $GLOBALS['formOnly'];
if( !$formOnly ){    
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <title><?php echo empty($title) ? $t : $title ; ?></title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo defined('PHPFMG_CHARSET') ? PHPFMG_CHARSET : 'UTF-8'; ?>">
    <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo empty($keywords) ? $k : $keywords ; ?>">
    <meta name="description" content="<?php echo empty($description) ? $d : $description ; ?>">
    <meta name="generator" content="PHP Mail Form Generator, phpfmg.sourceforge.net">

};// !$formOnly 



<div class='form_description'>



function phpfmg_footer( $formOnly = false ){

<div class='form_footer'>

    if( defined('PAYPAL_ID') && '' == PAYPAL_ID ){ 

	<div style="padding-left:10px; font-size:11px;color:#cccccc;text-decoration:none;">
		:: <a href="http://phpfmg.sourceforge.net" target="_blank" title="Free Mailform Maker: Create read-to-use Web Forms in a flash" style="color:#cccccc;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;">PHP FormMail Generator</a> ::

};// if

    $formOnly = isset($GLOBALS['formOnly']) && true === $GLOBALS['formOnly'];
    if( !$formOnly ){    
    };// !$formOnly

function phpfmg_javascript( $sErr = '' ){
<script type="text/javascript">
*  UTF-8 data encode / decode
*  [url]http://www.webtoolkit.info/[/url]
var Utf8 = {
	// public method for url encoding
	encode : function (string) {
		string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");
		var utftext = "";
		for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
			var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
			if (c < 128) {
				utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
			else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
				utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
				utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
			else {
				utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
				utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
				utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
		return utftext;
	// public method for url decoding
	decode : function (utftext) {
		var string = "";
		var i = 0;
		var c = c1 = c2 = 0;
		while ( i < utftext.length ) {
			c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
			if (c < 128) {
				string += String.fromCharCode(c);
			else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
				c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
				string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
				i += 2;
			else {
				c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
				c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2);
				string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
				i += 3;
		return string;

 function dd_change( n, max, prefix ){
    if( n >= max-1 )
        return; // the last dropdown, no need to query
    //var prefix = 'dd_' ;
    // reset all other dropdown options
    var next = n+1; 
    for( var i = next; i < max; i ++ ){
        var dd = document.getElementById(prefix +'_' + i );
        if( dd && dd.length >= 1 ) dd.length = 1 ; // keep the first one '- select -'

    // request drop down data from server
    var me = this;
    var http;
    var isIE = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer";
        me.http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        me.http = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // build query string
    var lookup = [];
    for( var i = 0; i < next; i ++ ){
        var v = document.getElementById(prefix +'_' +  i ).value ; 
        lookup.push( "lookup[" + i + "]=" + escape( isIE ? Utf8.encode(v) : v ) );
    lookup = lookup.join('&');
    var url = '<?php echo PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL . '?mod=dd&func=lookup&' ; ?>n='+next+ '&field_name=' + prefix + '&' + lookup;
    me.http.open('get', url);
    me.http.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if( me.http.readyState == 4 ){
            // rebuild the next dropdown options
            var eNext = document.getElementById(prefix +'_' + next );
            if( !eNext )
            var data = me.http.responseText;    
            var opts = String(data).split("\n");
            for( var j = 0, J = opts.length; j < J; j ++ ){
                eNext.options[ eNext.length ] = new Option( opts[j], opts[j], false, false );                
            }; // for
        }; //if

function PHPFMG( formID ){
    var frmID = formID;
    var exts = {
        'upload_control' : '<?php echo PHPFMG_UPLOAD_CONTROL; ?>',
        'harmful_exts'  : '<?php echo PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS; ?>',
        'harmful_errmsg': "<?php echo addslashes(PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS_MSG); ?>",
        'allow_exts'  : '<?php echo PHPFMG_ALLOW_EXTS; ?>',
        'allow_errmsg': "<?php echo addslashes(PHPFMG_ALLOW_EXTS_MSG); ?>"

    var Form = null;
    var err_fields=null;
    function $( id ){
        return document.getElementById(id);

    function get_form( id ){
        var frm = 'object' == typeof($(id)) ? $(id) : eval( 'document.' + id ) ;
        return frm ? frm : document.forms[0];
    function file_ext( f ){
        var n = f.lastIndexOf(".");
        return -1 == n ? '' : f.substr( n ).toLowerCase();
    function addLabelEvents(){
        var labels = document.body.getElementsByTagName('LABEL');
        for( var i = 0, N = labels.length; i < N; i ++ ){
            var e = labels[i];
            if( -1 != String(e.className).indexOf('form_choice_text') ){
                var oid = e.getAttribute('oid'); 
                if( !oid ) continue;

                e.onmouseout = function(){ this.className = 'form_choice_text'; };
                e.onmouseover = function(){ this.className = 'form_choice_text form_choice_over'; };
                e.onclick = function(){
                        var oid = this.getAttribute('oid'); 
                        var O = document.getElementById(oid);
                        O.checked = !O.checked;
            }; // if
        }; // for

    function addFieldBlockEvents(){
        var divs = document.body.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
        for( var i = 0, N = divs.length; i < N; i ++ ){
            var e = divs[i];
            if( -1 != String(e.className).indexOf('field_block') ){
                e.onmouseout = function(){  if( String(this.className).indexOf('form_error_highlight') == -1 ) this.className = 'field_block'; };
                e.onmouseover = function(){ if( String(this.className).indexOf('form_error_highlight') == -1 ) this.className = 'field_block field_block_over'; };
            }; // if
        }; // for

    function removeHighlight( elements ){
        var divs = typeof(elements) == 'object' ? elements : document.body.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
        for( var i = 0, N = divs.length; i < N; i ++ ){
            var e = divs[i];
            var cn = String(e.className);
            if( -1 != cn.indexOf('form_error_highlight') ){
                e.className = cn.replace('form_error_highlight','');
            }; // if
        }; // for
    function showProcessing(){
            var E = $('phpfmg_processing');
            if( !E ) return ;
            if( -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') ){
                $('phpfmg_processing_gif').style.display = 'none';
                setInterval( 'fmgHandler.dots()', 380 );
            E.style.display = '' ;
    this.highlight_fields = function( fields ){
        var A = fields.split(',');
        for( var i = 0, N = A.length; i < N; i ++ ){
            var E = $( A[i] + '_div' );
            if( E ){
                E.className += ' form_error_highlight'; 
            var T = $( A[i] + '_tip' );
            if( T ){
                T.className += ' instruction_error'; 
        if( A.length > 0 ) {
            $('err_required').style.display= has_entry( fields ) ? 'none' : '';
    function has_entry( fields ){
        var div = $('one_entry_msg'); 
        if( !div )
            return false;

        div.style.display = fields.indexOf('phpfmg_found_entry') != -1 ? '' : 'none';
        if( typeof(found_entry) != 'undefined' ){
            div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML.replace(/%Entry%/gi,found_entry);
            return true;
        return false ;
    this.choice_clicked = function( id ){
        $(id).checked = !$(id).checked ;
    this.init = function(){

    this.harmful = function(e){
        if( 'deny' != exts['upload_control'] || e.value == '' ){
            return true; 
        var div = $(e.id+'_div');
        removeHighlight( [div] );
        var ext = file_ext(e.value);
        if( -1 != exts['harmful_exts'].toLowerCase().indexOf(ext) ){
            alert( exts['harmful_errmsg'] );
            return false ;
        return true;
    this.is_allow = function(e){
        if( 'allow' != exts['upload_control'] || e.value == '' ){
            return true; 
        var div = $(e.id+'_div');
        removeHighlight( [div] );
        var ext = file_ext(e.value);
        if( -1 == exts['allow_exts'].toLowerCase().indexOf(ext) ){
            alert( exts['allow_errmsg'] );
            return false ;
        return true;

    this.check_upload = function(e){
        if( '' == exts['upload_control'] )
            return true;
            return ( 'deny' == exts['upload_control'] ) 
                   ? this.harmful(e) 
                   : this.is_allow(e);

    this.dots = function(){
        $('phpfmg_processing_dots').innerHTML += '.';
		if( $('phpfmg_processing_dots').innerHTML.length >= 38 ) {
			$('phpfmg_processing_dots').innerHTML = '.';
    this.check_fields = function(){
        if( !Form )
            return true ;

        var pass = true ;
        for( var i=0, n=Form.elements.length; i < n ; i ++ ){
          var field = Form.elements[i];
          var type = field.length != undefined && field.type == undefined ? 'radio' : field.type ;
          switch( type.toLowerCase() ){
            case 'file':
                pass = this.check_upload(field);
          if( !pass ) return false ;
        return true;
    this.onsubmit = function( form ){
        Form = form ? form : get_form(frmID) ;
        Form.action = location.href.replace('#error','');
        if( !this.check_fields() )
            return false ;
        return true;

function toggleOtherInputBox( name, type, id ){
    var field = document.getElementById(id);
    if( !field ) return ;
    var box = document.getElementById(name+'_other');
    var other_check = document.getElementById(name+'_other_check'); 
    if( !box || !other_check ) return ;
    switch( type.toLowerCase() ){
        case 'checkbox':
            box.style.display = field.checked ? '' : 'none';
            other_check.value = field.checked ? 1 : 0 ; 
        case 'radio':
            for( var i=0,n=document.forms.length; i < n; i ++ ){
                    var r = eval( 'document.forms['+i+'].'+name );
                    if( r ){
                        box.style.display = r[r.length-1].checked ? '' : 'none';
                        other_check.value = r[r.length-1].checked ? 1 : 0 ; 
        case 'select':
            box.style.display = field.options[field.options.length-1].selected ? '' : 'none';
            other_check.value = field.options[field.options.length-1].selected ? 1 : 0 ;

var fmgHandler = new PHPFMG();

if( isset($sErr['fields']) ){
    if( isset($GLOBALS['OneEntry']) ) echo "\nvar found_entry=\"" . addslashes($GLOBALS['OneEntry']). "\";\n" ;
    fmgHandler.highlight_fields('" . join(',',$sErr['fields']) ."');

} // end of function

// The form configuration text file in base64 encoding. You can delete it if you want.
function phpfmg_formini(){
    return "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";

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