HookAPI Hulpprogramma voor systeemconfiguratie !!

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Lid geworden
11 dec 2006

Jaren gebruik ik al geen Homebank meer omwille van persoonlijke redenen.

Ik heb dus die software al lang gewist en toch zie ik daar nog steeds een hele map ivm met de bank van toen!
Ook die map [HookAPI] & [annie] vind ik raar.
Laatst bewerkt:
Hookapi :

The process belongs to the software HookApi.dll by unknown.

Description: HookApi.dll is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. Known file sizes on Windows XP are 6656 bytes (75% of all occurrence), 7680 bytes.
A .dll file (Dynamic Link Library) is a special type of Windows program containing functions that other programs can call. This .dll file can be injected to all running processes and can change or manipulate their behavior. There is no file information. The program is not visible. The service has no detailed description. It can change the behavior of other programs or manipulate other programs. File is hidden. File HookApi.dll is not a Windows system file. HookApi.dll is able to record inputs, monitor applications, manipulate other programs. HookApi.dll seems to be a compressed file. Therefore the technical security rating is 100% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.
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