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Lid geworden
31 jul 2005
Ik moet een rekenmachine ontwerpen in java dat werkt via MSDOS. Het moet optellen, aftrekken, delen en vermenigvuldigen.
Heb reeds volgende code:
public class TestRekenmachine extends Object

	public static void main (String args[]) {
	Rekenmachine reken = new Rekenmachine(1,2);
	int resultaat=0;
	int bewerking;

	bewerking = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

	if (bewerking == 1) {
		resultaat = reken.optellen(1,2);

	System.out.println("Het resultaat is : "+resultaat);
Zo, dan is het ook maar klaar.... Calculator + timer.......

import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

public class calc extends Applet implements Runnable, ActionListener
	int Counter;			//counts the number of digits entered

	double Result;			//the answer displayed, as well as the second 
							//operator taken for an operation

	double Operand;			//the first number entered for an operation
	double Mem;				//the variable which holds whatever value the user 
							//wants kept in "memory"
	boolean DecimalFlag;	//the 'flag' that will signify whether or not the 
							//decimal button has been pressed
	boolean SignFlag;		//the 'flag' that will signify whether or not the 
							//plus/minus button has been pressed
	boolean OperatorKey;	//the 'flag' that will signify whether or not any 
							//operator button has been pressed
	boolean FunctionKey;	//the 'flag' that will signify whether or not any f
							//function button has been pressed
	int Operator;			//an integer value to indicate which operator
							//button was pressed
	char currchar;			//a character to hold the value of the key most 
							//recently pressed
	String GrStatus;		//String to hold the status of various graphic
							//operations of the program
	String Status;			//String to hold the status of various parts 
							//of the program

	Thread timer;			//A thread that will count how long user has been
							//working with the calculator
	int secs = 0;			//counts seconds, used by Thread timer
	int mins = 0;			//counts minutes, used by Thread timer
	int hrs  = 0;			//counts hours, used by Thread timer
	//A string to hold the currentCount as indicated by the above variables
	String currentCount = "Count started...";
	//A Label that will display the current count on the calculator
	Label CountTimer = new Label(" ",Label.LEFT);
	//A string to hold the currentTime as indicated by the above variables
	String currentTime = "Current Time";

	//A Canvas that will display the current time on the calculator
	Canvas currTime;
	//This label will display all error messages
	Label DisplError = new Label(" ",Label.CENTER);
	/* This label is just to the left of the Display Label lcdDisplay, and will 
	 * indicate whether or not a value is being held in the calculator's "memory"
	Label LabelMem = new Label(" ",Label.RIGHT);

	/* This is the Display Label, which is declared as a label so the user will not 
	 * be able to enter any text into it to possibly crash the calculator
	Label lcdDisplay = new Label("0",Label.RIGHT);
	// This is the declaration of all numeric buttons to be used in the applet
	Button button1 = new Button("1");
	Button button2 = new Button("2");
	Button button3 = new Button("3");
	Button button4 = new Button("4");
	Button button5 = new Button("5");
	Button button6 = new Button("6");
	Button button7 = new Button("7");
	Button button8 = new Button("8");
	Button button9 = new Button("9");
	Button button0 = new Button("0");

	/* This is the declaration of all operation buttons that are used in applet. 
	 * MPlus, MClear and MR are all memory functions.
	Button buttonMinus    = new Button("-");
	Button buttonMultiply = new Button("x");
	Button buttonPlus     = new Button("+");
	Button buttonEquals   = new Button("=");
	Button buttonDivide   = new Button("÷");
	Button buttonClear    = new Button("C");
	Button buttonDecimal  = new Button(".");
	Button buttonNegative = new Button("±");
	Button buttonMPlus    = new Button("M+");
	Button buttonMClear	  = new Button("MC");
	Button buttonMR	      = new Button("MR");
	Button buttonPercent  = new Button("%");
	Button buttonOneOverX = new Button("1/X");
	Button buttonSqr	  = new Button("x²");
	Button buttonSqrRoot  = new Button("sqrt");

	/* This the only method that is called explicitly -- every other method is 
	 * called depending on the user's actions.
	public void init() 
		//Allows for configuring a layout with the restraints of a grid or 
		//something similar
		//This will resize the applet to the width and height provided
		//This sets the default font to Helvetica, plain, size 12
		setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));

		/* Display Panel, which appears at the top of the screen. The label is
		 * placed and sized with the setBounds(x,y,width,height) method, and the
		 * font, foreground color and background color are all set. Then the 
		 * label is added to the layout of the applet.
		lcdDisplay.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 20));
		lcdDisplay.setForeground(new Color(65280));
		lcdDisplay.setBackground(new Color(0));
		/* Memory Panel, which appears just to the right of the Display Panel.
		 * The label is placed and sized with the setBounds(x,y,width,height)
		 * method, and the font, foreground color and background color are all
		 * set. Then the label is added to the layout of the applet.
		LabelMem.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 16));
		LabelMem.setForeground(new Color(65280));
		LabelMem.setBackground(new Color(0));

		/* The following declarations initialize all of the Numberic Buttons
		 * that will displayed on the applet. 
		 * First, an ActionListener (which will capture events) is added to the 
		 * button, sending the applet as the argument
		 * Second, the button is placed and sized with the setBounds(x,y,width,
		 * height) method.
		 * Then the default font is set for the button, and the button is added
		 * to the layout of the applet.
		button1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button2.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button3.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button4.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button5.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button6.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button7.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button8.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button9.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		button0.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		/* The following declaration and initialization statements set up all of 
		 * the operation buttons on the applet. 
		 * First, an ActionListener is added to each button with the "this" 
		 * keyword indicating that "this object" (the applet) is being referred to.
		 * Then the button is "reshaped" to a certain coordinate (x and y) as 
		 * well as new dimensions (width, height). 
		 * Then the font is set for that button, and the arguments include:
		 *		- String value representing the name of the font
		 *		- a member of Font called BOLD which bolds the text
		 *		- the size of the font as an integer
		 * Lastly, the button is added to the applet
		buttonDecimal.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonNegative.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonMinus.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonMultiply.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonPlus.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonPercent.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonOneOverX.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonSqr.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonSqrRoot.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));
		buttonEquals.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonDivide.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonClear.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));
		buttonClear.setForeground(new Color(16711680));
		buttonClear.setBackground(new Color(12632256));
		buttonMPlus.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonMClear.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		buttonMR.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 18));

		/* This is the initialization of the DisplayError label. It is placed and 
		 * sized with the setBounds(x,y,width,height) method, and then the font, 
		 * foreground color and background color are all set. Finally, the label
		 * is added to the layout of the applet.
		DisplError.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12));
		DisplError.setForeground(new Color(16711680));
		DisplError.setBackground(new Color(0));
		/* This is the initialization of the CountTimer label. It is placed and 
		 * sized with the setBounds(x,y,width,height) method, and then the font, 
		 * foreground color and background color are all set. The text displayed
		 * on the label is initialized to the string currentCount, and finally, 
		 * the label is added to the layout of the applet.
		CountTimer.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 15));
		/* This is the initialization of the currTime canvas. It is instantiated
		 * and then placed and sized with the setBounds(x,y,width,height) method.
		 * Next the font, foreground color and background color are all set. The 
		 * Finally, the label is added to the layout of the applet.
		currTime = new Canvas();
		currTime.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 15));
		Clicked_Clear();			//calls the Clicked_Clear method (C button)
	}	//end of calc init method
	/* The following integer values are being set as "final" because
	 * they are going to be used for determining what button has been
	 * pushed
	public final static int OpMinus=11,

	/* This method is called whenever anything needs to be displayed
	 * in the error message field at the bottom of the calculator,
	 * accepting a String as an argument
	void DisplayError(String err_msg)
		/* calls the setText method of the Label DisplError, sending
		 * whatever string it received initially 

	/* This method is called whenever a numeric button (0-9) is pushed. */
	public void NumericButton(int i) 
		DisplayError(" ");			//Clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();

		/* Checks if an operator key has just been pressed, and if it has, 
		 * then the limit of 20 digits will be reset for the user so that 
		 * they can enter in up to 20 new numbers
		if (OperatorKey == true)
			Counter = 0;
		Counter = Counter + 1;		//increments the counter

		/* This is a condition to see if the number currently displayed is zero OR 
		 * an operator key other than +, -, *, or / has been pressed.
		if ((Display == "0") || (Status == "FIRST"))
			Display= "";			//Do not display any new info

		if (Counter < 21)			//if more than 20 numbers are entered
			//The number just entered is appended to the string currently displayed
			Display = Display + String.valueOf(i);
			//call the DisplayError method and send it an error message string
			DisplayError("Digit Limit of 20 Digits Reached");

		lcdDisplay.setText(Display);	//sets the text of the lcdDisplay 					

		Status = "VALID";				//sets the Status string to valid
		OperatorKey = false;			//no operator key was pressed
		FunctionKey = false;			//no function key was pressed

	/* This method is called whenever an operator button is pressed, and is    
	 * sent an integer value representing the button pressed.
	public void OperatorButton(int i) 
		DisplayError(" ");			//Clears the error message field
		/* Creates a new Double object with the specific purpose of retaining
		 * the string currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately
		 * converts that string into a double-precision real number and then 
		 * gives that number to the variable Result.
		Result = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
		//If no operator key has been pressed OR a function has been pressed
		if ((OperatorKey == false) || (FunctionKey = true))
			switch (Operator)			//depending on the operation performed
				/* if the user pressed the addition button, add the two numbers 
				 * and put them in double Result
				case OpPlus     : Result = Operand + Result;
				/* if the user pressed the subtraction button, subtract the two
				 * numbers and put them in double Result
				case OpMinus    : Result = Operand - Result;
				/* if the user pressed the multiplication button, multiply
				 * the two numbers and put them in double Result
				case OpMultiply : Result = Result * Operand;
				/* if the user pressed the division button, check to see if 
				 * the second number entered is zero to avoid a divide-by-zero
				 * exception
				case OpDivide   : if (Result == 0)
									  //set the Status string to indicate an
									  //an error
									  Status = "ERROR";
									  //display the word "ERROR" on the 
									  //lcdDisplay label
									  /* call the DisplayError method and 
									   * send it a string indicating an error 
									   * has occured and of what type
									  DisplayError("ERROR: Division by Zero");
									  //divide the two numbers and put the 
									  //answer in double Result
									  Result = Operand / Result;
			//if after breaking from the switch the Status string is not set
			//to "ERROR"
			if (Status != "ERROR")
				Status = "FIRST";	/* set the Status string to "FIRST" to 
									 * indicate that a simple operation was 
									 * not performed
				Operand = Result;	//Operand holds the value of Result
				Operator = i;		/* the integer value representing the 
									 * operation being performed is stored 
									 * in the integer Operator
				//The lcdDisplay label has the value of double Result 
				//The boolean decimal flag is set false, indicating that the 
				//decimal button has not been pressed
				DecimalFlag = false;
				//The boolean sign flag is set false, indicating that the sign
				//button has not been pressed
				SignFlag = false;
				//The boolean OperatorKey is set true, indicating that a simple
				//operation has been performed
				OperatorKey = true;
				//The boolean FunctionKey is set false, indicating that a 
				//function key has not been pressed
				FunctionKey = false;
				DisplayError(" ");		//Clears the error message field

	}			//end of OperatorButton method

	/* This is a method that is called whenever the decimal button is 
	 * pressed.
	public void DecimalButton()
		DisplayError(" ");		//Clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();
		//if a simple operation was performed successfully
		if (Status == "FIRST")
			Display = "0";		//set Display string to character 0

		//If the decimal button has not already been pressed
		if (!DecimalFlag)
			//appends a decimal to the string Display
			Display = Display + "."; 
			/* calls the DisplayError method, sending a string 
			 * indicating that the number already has a decimal 
			DisplayError("Number already has a Decimal Point");
		/* calls the setText method of the Label lcdDisplay and 
		 * sends it the string Display
		DecimalFlag = true;		//the decimal key has been pressed
		Status = "VALID";		/* Status string indicates a valid
								 * operation has been performed
		OperatorKey = false;    //no operator key has been pressed
	}	//end of the DecimalButton method

	/* This method is called whenever the percent button is pressed
	void PercentButton()
		DisplayError(" ");		//clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();

		/* if the Status string is not set to "FIRST" OR the Display string
		 * does not currently hold the value "0"
		if ((Status != "FIRST") || (Display != "0"))
			/* Creates a new Double object with the specific purpose of retaining
			 * the string currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately
			 * converts that string into a double-precision real number and then 
			 * gives that number to the variable Result.
			Result = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
			//divide the double Result by 100, getting the percentage
			Result = Result / 100;
			/* call the setText method of Label lcdDisplay and send it the string
			 * that represents the value in Result
			Status = "FIRST";		//
			OperatorKey = true;		//an operator key has been pressed
			FunctionKey = true;		//a function key has been pressed
	}	//end of the PercentButton method

	/* This method is called first when the calculator is initialized 
	 * with the init() method, and is called every time the "C" button 
	 * is pressed
	void Clicked_Clear()
		Counter = 0;				//sets the counter to zero
		Status = "FIRST";			//sets Status to FIRST
		Operand = 0;				//sets Operand to zero
		Result = 0;					//sets Result to zero
		Operator = 0;				//sets Operator integer to zero
		DecimalFlag = false;		//decimal button has not been 
		SignFlag = false;			//sign button has not been pressed
		OperatorKey = false;		//no operator button has been 
		FunctionKey = false;		//no function button has been 
		/* calls the setText method of Label lcdDisplay and sends 
		 * it the character "0"
		DisplayError(" ");			//clears the error message field

	/* This method is called whenever the sign button is pressed */
	void PlusMinusButton()
		DisplayError(" ");			//clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();

		/* if Status is not set to FIRST and the Display string does not
		 * hold the value "0"
		if ((Status != "FIRST") || (Display != "0"))
			/* Creates a new Double object with the specific purpose of retaining
			 * the string currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately
			 * converts that string into a double-precision real number and then 
			 * gives that number to the variable Result.
			Result = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
			//sets the double Result to it's negative value
			Result = -Result;
			/* call the setText method of Label lcdDisplay and send it the string
			 * that represents the value in Result
			Status = "VALID";		//sets Status string to VALID
			SignFlag = true;		//the sign button has been pressed
			DecimalFlag = true;		//a decimal has appeared
	}	//end of the PlusMinusButton method

	/* This method is called whenever the square button is pressed */
	void SqrButton()
		DisplayError(" ");			//clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();

		/* if Status is not set to FIRST and the Display string does not
		 * hold the value "0"
		if ((Status != "FIRST") || (Display != "0"))
			/* Creates a new Double object with the specific purpose of retaining
			 * the string currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately
			 * converts that string into a double-precision real number and then 
			 * gives that number to the variable Result.
			Result = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
			/* multiply the double Result by itself, effectively squaring 
			 * the number */
			Result = Result * Result;
			/* call the setText method of Label lcdDisplay and send it the string
			 * that represents the value in Result
			Status = "FIRST";		//indicates this is the first time
									//this button has been pressed
			OperatorKey = true;		//an operator button has been pressed
			FunctionKey = true;		//a function button has been pressed
	}	//end of the SqrButton method
	/* This method is called whenever the square button is pressed */
	void SqrRootButton()
		DisplayError(" ");			//clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();

		/* if Status is not set to FIRST and the Display string does not
		 * hold the value "0"
		if ((Status != "FIRST") || (Display != "0"))
			/* Creates a new Double object with the specific purpose of retaining
			 * the string currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately
			 * converts that string into a double-precision real number and then 
			 * gives that number to the variable Result.
			Result = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
			/* Makes a call to the Math class method "sqrt", which produced the 
			 * square root and stores the value in Result
			Result = Math.sqrt(Result);
			/* call the setText method of Label lcdDisplay and send it the string
			 * that represents the value in Result
			Status = "FIRST";		//indicates this is the first time
									//this button has been pressed
			OperatorKey = true;		//an operator button has been pressed
			FunctionKey = true;		//a function button has been pressed
	}	//end of the SqrRootButton method

	/* This method is called whenever the OneOverXButton is pressed */
	void OneOverXButton()
		DisplayError(" ");			//clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();

		/* if Status is not set to FIRST and the Display string does not
		 * hold the value "0"
		if ((Status != "FIRST") || (Display != "0"))
			/* Creates a new Double object with the specific purpose of retaining
			 * the string currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately
			 * converts that string into a double-precision real number and then 
			 * gives that number to the variable Result.
			Result = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
			//divides one by the double Result 
			Result = 1 / Result;
			/* call the setText method of Label lcdDisplay and send it the string
			 * that represents the value in Result
			Status = "FIRST";		//indicates that this is the first time
									//this button has been pressed
			OperatorKey = true;		//an operator key has been pressed
			FunctionKey = true;		//a function key has been pressed
	}	//end of the OneOverXButton method

	/* This method is called whenever one of the three memory buttons is pressed,
	 * accepting an integer representing the button pressed as an argument
	void MemoryButton(int i)
		DisplayError(" ");			//clears the error message field
		/* Declares a String called Display that will initialize to whatever 
		 * is currently displayed in the lcdDisplay of the calculator
		String Display = lcdDisplay.getText();
		//depending on the value sent representing the buttons
		switch (i)
			/* if the M+ button is pressed, check if the Display string has the value 
			 * "0." OR just "0", but along with the second condition check if double 
			 * Mem holds the value zero
			case OpMPlus : if (((Display == "0.") || (Display == "0")) && (Mem == 0))
							   //clears the LabelMem label
							   LabelMem.setText(" ");
							   /* Creates a new double variable called temp, which accepts the 
							    * double value of a new Double object retaining the string 
							    * currently on the lcdDisplay label, and then immediately 
							    * converts that string into a double-precision real number 
							   double temp = (new Double(lcdDisplay.getText())).doubleValue();
							   //set the Mem variable with that the sum of what's currently in
							   //Mem and the temp variable
							   Mem = Mem + temp;
							   /* calls the setText method of the Label LabelMem, sending
							    * it the character "M"
			/* if the MR button is pressed, call the setText method of Label lcdDisplay, 
			 * sending it the string that represents what the value of Mem is
			case OpMR : lcdDisplay.setText(String.valueOf(Mem));
			/* if the MC button is pressed, set the Mem variable to zero */
			case OpMClear : Mem = 0;
							//clears the LableMem field
							LabelMem.setText(" ");
		Status = "FIRST";			//indicates that this is first time 
									//button has been pressed
		OperatorKey = true;			//an operator button has been pressed
		//if the Mem variable has the value zero
		if (Mem == 0)
			LabelMem.setText(" ");	//clear the LabelMem field
	}	//end of the MemoryButton method
	/* This was left commented out so that a shell would be ready if needed
	public void paint(Graphics g)
 * This is the overridden update method for this applet -- update is used to 
 * eliminate the flicker that happens with repainting an image from scratch.
	public void update(Graphics g)
		/* The format of the coordinates below is:
		 *		x position on the applet
		 *		y position on the applet
		 *		width of the component
		 *		height of the component
		//Sets the color to white and draw a rectangle around the applet
		//sets the color to black and draws lines down the east and south sides
		//of the applet to make it appear three-dimensional
		//sets the color to gray and draws lines right next to the black lines
		//to enhance the three-dimensional effect
		//sets the color to gray and draws a rectangle around the lcdDisplay
		//label to give it some depth
		//sets the color to yellow and draws a rectangle around the DisplError
		//label to give it some importance and help attract the eye to errors
		//displayed there
		if (GrStatus == "Timer")		//checks for the timer indicator GrStatus
			++secs;						//increment seconds
			if(secs == 60)				//when they equal 60
				mins++;					//increment minutes
				secs = 0;				//set seconds to zero
			if(mins == 60)				//when minutes are equal to 60
				hrs++;					//increment hours
				secs = 0;				//set seconds to zero
				mins = 0;				//set minutes to zero
			//if hours are less than ten, put a zero in front of the value, 
			//otherwise display as is and assign it to string currentCount
			if(hrs < 10) { currentCount = "0" + hrs + ":"; }
			else { currentCount = hrs + ":"; }
			//if minutes are less than ten, put a zero in front of the value, 
			//otherwise display as is and append it to string currentCount
			if(mins < 10) { currentCount = currentCount + "0" + mins + ":"; }
			else { currentCount = currentCount + mins + ":"; }
			//if seconds are less than ten, put a zero in front of the value, 
			//otherwise display as is and append it to string currentCount
			if(secs < 10) {	currentCount = currentCount + "0" + secs; }
			else { currentCount = currentCount + secs; }
			//sets the Text on CountTimer label to a "Time Used - " portion and
			//appends the string currentCount
			CountTimer.setText("Time Used - " + currentCount);
		if (GrStatus == "Error")			//when GrStatus indicates an error
			CountTimer.setText("Error!");	//set the text of label CountTimer
											//to "Error!"
	/* This method is called whenever an action is performed on the applet,
	/* specifically whenever one of the buttons on the applet is pressed
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
		/* Declares an object named "src" to represent the event.getSource()
		 * method. This shortens the code that follows.
		Object src = event.getSource();
		/* Checks to see if the source of the event which src is representing 
		 * is a Button and can behave like a Button
		if (src instanceof Button)
			/* Checks to see if Status string holds the value ERROR OR if the 
			 * source of the event is the buttonClear ("C") button
			if ((Status != "ERROR") || (src == buttonClear))
				/* The following conditions check for numeric buttons that have 
				 * been pressed, and then called the method NumericButton and 
				 * send it an integer value depending on the value of the button 
				 * pressed
				if (src == button1)
				if (src == button2)
				if (src == button3)
				if (src == button4)
				if (src == button5)
				if (src == button6)
				if (src == button7)
				if (src == button8)
				if (src == button9)
				if (src == button0)

				/* The following conditions check for operator buttons that have 
				 * been pressed, and then call the OperatorButton method, sending 
				 * the corresponding integer value 
				if (src == buttonMinus)
				if (src == buttonMultiply)
				if (src == buttonPlus)
				if (src == buttonEquals)
				if (src == buttonDivide)

				/* This condition checks if the decimal button has been pressed, 
				 * and then calls the DecimalButton method
				if (src == buttonDecimal)

				/* This condition checks if the percent button has been pressed, 
				 * and then calls the PercentButton method
				if (src == buttonPercent)

				/* This condition checks if the clear button has been pressed, 
				 * and then calls the Clicked_Clear method
				if (src == buttonClear)

				/* This condition checks if the Plus Minus Button has been 
				 * pressed, and then calls the PlusMinusButton method
				if (src == buttonNegative)

				/* This condition checks if the Square Button has been pressed, 
				 * and then calls the SqrButton method
				if (src == buttonSqr)

				/* This condition checks if the Square Root Button has been
				 * pressed, and then calls the SqrRootButton method
				if (src == buttonSqrRoot)
				/* This condition checks if the One over X Button has been 
				 * pressed, and then calls the OneOverXButton method
				if (src == buttonOneOverX)

				/* These conditions checks to see if any of the Memory Buttons 
				 * have been pressed, and then calls the MemoryButton method and 
				 * sends them the corresponding integer values
				if (src == buttonMPlus)

				if (src == buttonMClear)

				if (src == buttonMR)
   	}			//end of actionPerformed method

 * The following method handles all of the key events that occurs when a user
 * enters values from the keyboard. It accepts an Event object and an integer
 * representing the key pressed as arguments.
 * It should be noted that in order to accept keys entered to the lcdDisplay,
 * the applet must be in focus.
	public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key) 
		//assigns key value to currchar through typecasting key to a character
		currchar = (char)key;		
		/* The following conditions check to see if a number key has been pressed
		 * and calls the NumericButton method, sending it the appropriate integer
		 * as an argument
		if (currchar == '0') { NumericButton(0); }
		if (currchar == '1') { NumericButton(1); }
		if (currchar == '2') { NumericButton(2); }
		if (currchar == '3') { NumericButton(3); }
		if (currchar == '4') { NumericButton(4); }
		if (currchar == '5') { NumericButton(5); }
		if (currchar == '6') { NumericButton(6); }
		if (currchar == '7') { NumericButton(7); }
		if (currchar == '8') { NumericButton(8); }
		if (currchar == '9') { NumericButton(9); }

		/* The following conditions check to see if any of the operator keys 
		 * which are on the number pad have been pressed. It then calls the 
		 * OperatorButton method, sending it the appropriate integer value as 
		 * an argument. 
		 * It should be noted that the main functions checked for are those on
		 * the number pad, but if they are pressed at other occurences on the 
		 * keyboard, they are still accepted.
		if (currchar == '/') { OperatorButton(15); }
		if (currchar == '*') { OperatorButton(12); }
		if (currchar == '-') { OperatorButton(11); }
		if (currchar == '+') { OperatorButton(13); }
		if (currchar == '=') { OperatorButton(14); }
		//This condition is different from the others because it tests for the
		//Enter key being pressed, and this is pre-built into the Event evt 
		if (currchar == evt.ENTER) { OperatorButton(14); }
		/* This checks for the decimal key being pressed, either on the number
		 * pad or the period key, and calls the DecimalButton method.
		if (currchar == '.') { DecimalButton(); }	
		return true;				//indicate successful operation
 * The following methods are overridden for the timer Thread, as this applet
 * implements Runnable. 
	//overridden start method
	public void start()
		try									//try this code
			if (timer == null)				//if the timer doesn't exist
				timer = new Thread(this);	//creates a new Thread, passing the 
											//applet as the argument
				timer.start();				//starts the timer Thread
			//creates a new Clock object, passing it the Canvas currTime
			Clock clock1 = new Clock(currTime);	
		//catches a NullPointerException and stops the thread if one occurs
		catch (NullPointerException e) { stop(); }
	//overridden stop method
	public void stop()
		try									//try this code
			if (timer != null)				//if the timer Thread exists
				timer.stop();				//stop the timer thread
		//catches a NullPointerException 
		catch (NullPointerException e) {}
	//overridden run method
	public void run()
		while (true)					//while the thread exists
			try							//try executing this code
				GrStatus = "Timer";		//sets GrStatus 
				timer.sleep(1000);		//puts the timer thread to "sleep" for
										//a thousand milliseconds, or one second
			//catches an InteruptedException if one occurs
			catch(InterruptedException e)
				GrStatus = "Error";		//indicates an error has occured
				timer.stop();			//stops the thread
			//catches a NullPointerException if one occurs
			catch(java.lang.NullPointerException e)
				GrStatus = "Error";		//indicates an error has occured
				timer.stop();			//stops the thread
			repaint();					//calls the repaint method
}				//end of calc class

 * This class is derived from the Thread class, and it's purpose is to run
 * a thread that will display the current time on the applet.
class Clock extends Thread
	//A Canvas that will display the current time on the calculator
	Canvas Time;
	//A Date object that will access the current time
	private Date now;
	//A string to hold the current time 
	private String currentTime;
	//The constructor for Clock, accepting a Label as an argument
	public Clock(Canvas _Time)
		Time = _Time;		//_Time is passed by reference, so Time
							//now refers to the same Canvas
		start();			//start this thread
	//The overriden run method of this thread
	public void run()
		//while this thread exists
		while (true)
				draw_clock();		//calls the draw_clock method
				sleep(1000);		//puts this thread to sleep for one
			//catches an InterruptedException that the sleep() method might throw
			catch (InterruptedException e) { suspend(); }
			//catches a NullPointerException and suspends the thread if one occurs
			catch (NullPointerException e) { suspend(); }
	//A method to draw the current time onto the Time Canvas on the applet
	public void draw_clock()
			//Obtains the Graphics object from the Canvas Time so that it can 
			//be manipulated directly
			Graphics g = Time.getGraphics();
			g.setColor(Color.gray);		//sets the color of the Graphics object
										//to gray for the rectangle background
			g.fillRect(0,0,165,25);		//fills the Canvas area with a rectangle
										//starting at 0,0 coordinates of the Canvas
										//and extending to the length and width
			g.setColor(;	//sets the color of the Graphics object 
										//to orange for the text color
			get_the_time();				//calls the get_the_time() method
			//calls the drawString method of the Graphics object g, which will
			//draw a string to the screen
			//Accepts a string and two integers to represent the coordinates
			g.drawString("Current Time - " + currentTime, 0, 17);		
		//catches a NullPointerException and suspends the thread if one occurs
		catch (NullPointerException e) { suspend(); }
	//A method to obtain the current time, accurate to the second
	public void get_the_time()
		//creates a new Date object for "now" every time this is called
		now = new Date( );
		//integers to hold the hours, minutes and seconds of the current time
		int a = now.getHours();
		int b = now.getMinutes();
		int c = now.getSeconds();
		if (a == 0) a = 12;		//if hours are zero, set them to twelve
		if (a > 12) a = a -12;	//if hours are greater than twelve, make a 	
								//conversion to civilian time, as opposed to 
								//24-hour time
		if ( a < 10)			//if hours are less than 10
			//sets the currentTime string to 0, appends a's value and a 
			currentTime = "0" + a + ":" ;
			//otherwise set currentTime string to "a", append a colon
			currentTime = a +":";			
		if (b < 10)				//if minutes are less than ten
			//append a zero to string currentTime, then append "b" and a colon
			currentTime = currentTime + "0" + b + ":" ;
			//otherwise append "b" and a colon to currentTime string 
			currentTime = currentTime + b + ":" ;
		if (c < 10)				//if seconds are less than ten
			//append a zero to string currentTime, then append "c" and a colon
			currentTime = currentTime + "0" + c ;
			//otherwise append "c" to currentTime string
			currentTime = currentTime + c;
}		//end of the Clock class
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// Java script of Calculator
// << >>
// Ver 0.0  96/01/19  T.Yamazaki
// email : [email][/email]

import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.applet.Applet;

// Calculator Applet
public class Calc extends java.applet.Applet
    // member
    TextField  text;
    String   sText1, sText2;
    double   dReg1, dReg2, dMem;
    String   sOperator;
    boolean  isFixReg;
    // constructor
    public Calc()
        Panel pFrame = new Panel();
        pFrame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

        text = new TextField("");

        Panel pCalc = new Panel();
        pCalc.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 10));
        pCalc.add("North", text);

        pFrame.add("Center", pCalc);

        Dimension dSize= pCalc.size();
        dSize.width = dSize.width + 20;
        dSize.height = dSize.height + 20;
        Panel pKey = new Panel();
        pKey.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 4, 5, 5));
        add("Center", pKey);
        pKey.add(new Button("C"));
        pKey.add(new Button("MR"));
        pKey.add(new Button("M-"));
        pKey.add(new Button("M+"));
        pKey.add(new Button("7"));
        pKey.add(new Button("8"));
        pKey.add(new Button("9"));
        pKey.add(new Button("/"));
        pKey.add(new Button("4"));
        pKey.add(new Button("5"));
        pKey.add(new Button("6"));
        pKey.add(new Button("*"));
        pKey.add(new Button("1"));
        pKey.add(new Button("2"));
        pKey.add(new Button("3"));
        pKey.add(new Button("-"));
        pKey.add(new Button("0"));
        pKey.add(new Button("."));
        pKey.add(new Button("="));
        pKey.add(new Button("+"));

        pCalc.add("South", pKey);

        setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0));
        add("North", pFrame);

        dReg1 = 0.0d;
        dReg2 = 0.0d;
        dMem = 0.0d;
        sOperator = "";
        isFixReg = true;
    // event handler
    public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg)
        // numeric key input
        if ("C".equals(arg))
            dReg1 = 0.0d;
            dReg2 = 0.0d;
            sOperator = "";
            isFixReg = true;
        else if (("0".equals(arg)) | ("1".equals(arg)) | ("2".equals(arg))
               | ("3".equals(arg)) | ("4".equals(arg)) | ("5".equals(arg))
               | ("6".equals(arg)) | ("7".equals(arg)) | ("8".equals(arg))
               | ("9".equals(arg)) | (".".equals(arg)))
            if (isFixReg)
                sText2 = (String) arg;
                sText2 = text.getText() + arg;
            isFixReg = false;
        // operations
        else if (("+".equals(arg)) | ("-".equals(arg))
               | ("*".equals(arg)) | ("/".equals(arg)) | ("=".equals(arg)))
            sText1 = text.getText();
            dReg2 = (Double.valueOf(sText1)).doubleValue();
            dReg1 = Calculation(sOperator, dReg1, dReg2);
            Double dTemp = new Double(dReg1);
            sText2 = dTemp.toString();
            sOperator = (String) arg;
            isFixReg = true;
        // memory read operation
        else if ("MR".equals(arg))
            Double dTemp = new Double(dMem);
            sText2 = dTemp.toString();
            sOperator = "";
            isFixReg = true;
        // memory add operation
        else if ("M+".equals(arg))
            sText1 = text.getText();
            dReg2 = (Double.valueOf(sText1)).doubleValue();
            dReg1 = Calculation(sOperator, dReg1, dReg2);
            Double dTemp = new Double(dReg1);
            sText2 = dTemp.toString();
            dMem = dMem + dReg1;
            sOperator = "";
            isFixReg = true;
        // memory sub operation
        else if ("M-".equals(arg))
            sText1 = text.getText();
            dReg2 = (Double.valueOf(sText1)).doubleValue();
            dReg1 = Calculation(sOperator, dReg1, dReg2);
            Double dTemp = new Double(dReg1);
            sText2 = dTemp.toString();
            dMem = dMem - dReg1;
            sOperator = "";
            isFixReg = true;
        return true;
    // Calculation
    private double Calculation(String sOperator, double dReg1, double dReg2)
             if ("+".equals(sOperator)) dReg1 = dReg1 + dReg2;
        else if ("-".equals(sOperator)) dReg1 = dReg1 - dReg2;
        else if ("*".equals(sOperator)) dReg1 = dReg1 * dReg2;
        else if ("/".equals(sOperator)) dReg1 = dReg1 / dReg2;
        else dReg1 = dReg2;
        return dReg1;
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Nee, dat bedoel ik niet. Moet geen toetsen hebben en dergelijke.
Dit is veel te ingewikkeld.
Ik denk dat ErpCity bedoelde: Dit klinkt als een huiswerkvraag. En dat moet je zelf uitzoeken.
Maar toch heb ik een opzetje gemaakt. Het werkt in combinatie met je TestRekenmachine. In een dos-venstertje: java TestRekenmachine 1

public class Rekenmachine {
    private int getalEen;
    private int getalTwee;

    public Rekenmachine(int getalEen, int getalTwee) {
        this.getalEen = getalEen;
        this.getalTwee = getalTwee;

    public static int optellen(int whatEen, int whatTwee) {
        // What the ...????! Ik besta om met getalEen en getalTwee te werken!
        //    maar we zijn niet te beroerd om wat anders te doen
        //     .. en daarom ben ik een static method...
        return whatEen + whatTwee;

    public int optellen() {
        return this.getalEen + this.getalTwee;

    public double delen() {
        return (double)this.getalEen / (double)this.getalTwee;

Een tipje (voor ERPCity): gelieve volgende keer de [code] tags te gebruiken, aangezien dit wat duidelijker is voor de TS en de pagina niet zo uitgerekt wordt ;) :thumb:
Voor een 'echte' rekenmachine zul je nog wel wat meer werk moeten doen. Zo heeft de * operator bijvoorbeeld een hogere prioriteit dan de + operator. Als je dat ook wilt ondersteunen moet je eerst de expressie (bijv. 1+2*3) parsen en daarna evalueren.
Maar dit gaat volgens mij al een beetje te ver gezien de code die je al had gegeven.
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