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Afspeelduur in het Engels

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Lid geworden
12 dec 2014
Hallo allemaal,

Met VBA laat ik een lijstje in Excel zetten van alle MP4-tjes die ik heb. Maar ik wil ook het veld Afspeelduur.
Ik kom er niet achter hoe dat veld in het Engels heet. Heb alleen de NL software, dus ik kan niet even switchen.

playing time?
Dat lijkt het niet te zijn.

File.datelastModified werkt, maar op File.Length krijg ik een foutmelding.

En playing time ook niet.

Met het commando File.Name en File.datelastModified laat ik in kolom A en B de Bestandsnaam en Datum Gewijzigd zetten.
In kolom 3 wil ik zien hoe lang mijn MP4-tje duurt. Als je in Windowsverkenner die kolom toevoegt, dan heet die in het NL Afspeelduur.
Nog steeds niets aan informatie. Excelbestand? Code? Linkje bekeken en er iets van toegepast?
Dit is de code:

Option Compare Text
Sub FilesOphalen()

    Dim fso As Object, _
    ShellApp As Object, _
    File As Object, _
    SubFolder As Object, _
    Directory As String, _
    Problem As Boolean, _
    ExcelVer As Integer
     'Turn off screen flashing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     'Create objects to get a listing of all files in the directory
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     'Prompt user to select a directory
        Problem = False

        Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
        Browseforfolder(0, "Kies een folder", 0, StartPad)
        On Error Resume Next
         'Evaluate if directory is valid
        Directory = ShellApp.self.Path
        Set SubFolder = fso.GetFolder(Directory).Files
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            If MsgBox("U heeft geen geldige directory gekozen!" & vbCrLf & _
            "Wil u het opnieuw proberen?", vbYesNoCancel, _
            "Directory Required") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub
            Problem = True
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    Loop Until Problem = False
     'Set up the headers on the worksheet
    With ActiveSheet
        With .Range("A1")
            .Value = "Alle gegevens uit:"
             'If Excel 2000 or greater, add hyperlink with file name
             'displayed.  If earlier, add hyperlink with full path displayed
            If Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then 'Using XL2000+
                .Parent.Hyperlinks.Add _
                Anchor:=.Offset(0, 1), _
                Address:=Directory, _
            Else 'Using XL97
                .Parent.Hyperlinks.Add _
                Anchor:=.Offset(0, 1), _
            End If
        End With
        With .Range("A3")
            .Value = "Naam van map"
            .ColumnWidth = 70
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 15
            With .Offset(0, 1)
                .ColumnWidth = 15
                .Value = "Aanmaak datum"
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            End With
            With .Offset(0, 2)
                .ColumnWidth = 15
                .Value = "Grote in (Kb)"
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            End With
            With .Offset(0, 3)
                .ColumnWidth = 15
                .Value = "Afspeelduur"
                .Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            End With
        End With
    End With
     'Adds each file, details and hyperlinks to the list
    For Each File In SubFolder
        If Not Excludes(Right(File.Path, 3)) = True Then
            With ActiveSheet
                 'If Excel 2000 or greater, add hyperlink with file name
                 'displayed.  If earlier, add hyperlink with full path displayed
                If Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then 'Using XL2000+
                    .Hyperlinks.Add _
                    Anchor:=ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0), _
                    Address:=File.Path, _
                Else 'Using XL97
                    .Hyperlinks.Add _
                    Anchor:=ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0), _
                End If
                 'Add date last modified, and size in KB
                With .Range("A65536").End(xlUp)
                    .Offset(0, 1) = File.datelastModified
                    With .Offset(0, 2)
                        .Value = WorksheetFunction.Round(File.Size / 1024, 1)
                        .NumberFormat = "#,##0.0"
                    End With
'                    .Offset(0, 3) = File.  'Afspeelduur
                End With
            End With
        End If

End Sub

Function Excludes(Ext As String) As Boolean
     'Function purpose:  To exclude listed file extensions from hyperlink listing
    Dim X, NumPos As Long
     'Enter/adjust file extensions to EXCLUDE from listing here:
    X = Array("exe", "bat", "dll", "zip")
    On Error Resume Next
    NumPos = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Ext, X, 0)
    If NumPos > 0 Then Excludes = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Uit mijn bibliotheek
Sub List_MP3_Files()

    Dim Folderpath  As Variant
    Dim Item        As Object
    Dim oFile       As Object
    Dim oFolder     As Object
    Dim oShell      As Object
    Dim r           As Long
    Dim Rng         As Range
        Range("A1:I1") = Array("Path", "File Name", "Artist", "Album", "Title", "Track", "Genre", "Duration", "Size")
        Set Rng = Range("A2")
        Folderpath = "D:\Maxtor DraadbareSchijf\Muziek\AAA"
        Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set oFolder = oShell.Namespace(Folderpath)
        If oFolder Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Folder was Not Found", vbExclamation
            Exit Sub
        End If
            Set oFile = oFolder.Items
            oFile.Filter 64, "*.mp3"
            If oFile.Count = 0 Then
                MsgBox "No MP3 Files Were Found in this Folder.", vbExclamation
                Exit Sub
            End If
            For Each Item In oFile
                With oFolder
                    Rng.Offset(r, 0) = oFolder
                    Rng.Offset(r, 1) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 0)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 2) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 20)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 3) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 14)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 4) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 21)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 5) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 26)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 6) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 16)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 7) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 27)
                    Rng.Offset(r, 8) = .GetDetailsOf(Item, 1)
                End With
                r = r + 1
            Next Item
End Sub
Kijk ook eens naar PlayTime, wellicht kan die naar Excel exporteren.
Bedankt Jean-Paul,

Dit werkt perfect! Kolommen die ik niet nodig heb heb ik uit de code verwijderd. En uiteraard van MP3, MP4 gemaakt.
Mijn kolom Duration heeft kolomnr 27.

En de code is ook nog veel korter!
En hier de volledige lijst
Sub ListFileDetails()

    Dim oFolder As Object
    Dim oShell  As Object
    Dim n       As Long
    Dim Rng As Range
        Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set oFolder = oShell.Namespace(0)
        Set Rng = Range("A1")
            For n = 0 To 300
                Rng.Offset(n, 0) = n
                Rng.Offset(n, 1) = oFolder.GetDetailsOf(Nothing, n)
            Next n
End Sub
Op VBAexpress gevonden:
Option Explicit
Sub GetVideos()
    Dim fileType, fileNames, movieFile, pad
    Dim nextRow As Excel.Range
    pad = """C:\Users\frabo_000\Documents\Documenten_PietBom\Excel_Prive\Examples\www_HelpMij_nl\*"
    For Each fileType In Array(".avi", ".mkv", ".mpeg4", ".mov", ".mp3", ".mp4") '// add more as required...
         '// Black console box may appear at this point for a while, this is normal...
        fileNames = Filter(Split(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("CMD /C DIR " & pad & fileType & """ /S /B /A:-D").StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf), ".")
        For Each movieFile In fileNames
            Set nextRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
            nextRow.Value = GetProperties(CStr(movieFile), 0)
            nextRow.Offset(0, 1).Value = GetProperties(CStr(movieFile), 1)
            nextRow.Offset(0, 2).Value = GetProperties(CStr(movieFile), 27)
            nextRow.Offset(0, 3).Value = GetProperties(CStr(movieFile), 182)
            nextRow.Offset(0, 4).Value = GetProperties(CStr(movieFile), 284)
    With Range("A1:E1")
        .Value = Array("Name", "Size", "Length", "Type", "Frame Rate")
    End With
End Sub
Function GetProperties(file As String, propertyVal As Integer) As Variant
Dim varfolder, varfile
    With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set varfolder = .Namespace(Left(file, InStrRev(file, "\") - 1))
        Set varfile = varfolder.ParseName(Right(file, Len(file) - InStrRev(file, "\")))
        GetProperties = varfolder.GetDetailsOf(varfile, propertyVal)
    End With
End Function


  • Get_Playtime_Videos.xlsb
    17,1 KB · Weergaven: 26
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