Back-up PS2-spellen en nog wat

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erik vos

Lid geworden
1 mei 2001

Nou niet meteen blokken a.u.b.

Backuppen mag toch?

Ik heb een LG GSA 4081B dvd brander gekocht
1) welke lege dvd-schijfjes zijn compatible?

2) Wat is nou het verschil tussen + en - ? als ik een PS2 spel wil branden + of -?
film + of -??

3) Ik wilde Lord of the Rings back-uppen, (speciale uitgave) En toen deed ik dat op een Maxel dvd-r, ik kan hem alleen op de computer afspelen

Er staat single-sided op?? Wat is dat??

Bedankt alvast
Single-sided is 1 kant van de dvd, op 1 kantje gaat zo'n 4,7 GB en met dubbel-sided zit je al gauw aan de 9 GB.

Wat je voor PS2 Backuppen ;) nodig hebt geen idee, weet wel dat het rete complex is :confused: en je moet zelf hex code veranderen om hem werkend in je ps2 te krijgen.

Hier vindt je alle antwoorden op je vraag
(omgeb**wde PS2)
Dus moet toch wel kunnen of niet??

1:1 copy, op een dvd schijfje, zou toch zeggen dat dat moet lukken??

Maar voor anderen, iemand nog antwoord op mijn andere vragen??
Geplaatst door erik vos
(omgeb**wde PS2)
Dus moet toch wel kunnen of niet??

1:1 copy, op een dvd schijfje, zou toch zeggen dat dat moet lukken??

:D Nope et is toch niet zo eenvoudig ook heb je een omgeb**wde PS

Et probleem zit hem ook in die dubblel-sided DVD die jij niet kan branden op je DVD brandertje, dus dan wordt het rippen > Totaal aantal MB's verkleinen, tussen filmpjes eruit halen, bestandsnamen vervangen door nep film filetjes van 1 MB enz enz

Een voorbeeldje:

[OVERVIEW:] Well, it's been a long time coming but we've reached the final lesson! WooHoo!! This is also going to be the most difficult rip that we've attempted. However, with as much as we've done so far, I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle! By now, if you've been following the lessons like you should, you should have developed and "eye" for locating valid DVD checks. Further, you know which files you can rip and how to rip them. However, there are
some important differences in ATV as opposed to the other games which I'd like to address for a moment before we begin. First, there *is* a DVD check. Not only that, but it's kind of tricky. As always I will provide you with the proper offset, but please don't short change yourselves. Try to find it yourself first. Then look at the string I provide you and see if you were correct. Second, this is the first game we've encountered that IS dependent on the LBAs of the files. This means we're going to be doing more serious editing to the SLUS file than we've ever done before. But I'll walk ya through it, explaining as we go. After the completion of this lesson, you should be able to rip the *majority* of DVDs that are out right now. There are, however, newer games which are problematic and are going to give trouble. These include games like ZOE and Onimusha. Expect many of the next DVD titles to be released to be similar in this regard. Namely that they're going to require more and more work as the PS2 matures. As the knowledge becomes available to me, I will post Appendix updates to these
tutorials where I will give examples of how to rip these newer games. On the backburner, I currently have a ZOE appendix. This will be finished and made available when the powers that be finish ripping the game(it's a tricky one!). Lastly, you should NOT attempt this lesson until you've completed the others. I'm assuming at this point that you have read and completed the other tutorials, so I'm going to spend VERY little time on the tiny details, assuming you know what you're doing at this point. I will however spend time on the IMPORTANT details of course. At any rate, we've got a good bit of work ahead of us, so let's get a move on. (^_~)
[STEP 1] As always, copy the files to your hard drive and check for a volume label.
[STEP 2] We now size down the image. You can use one of the "male" or "female" PSS files to replace the larger files you will delete. You know the routine. [TIP:] If you wanna be silly like me, you can substitute movies from another game. Sure fire way to freak out your friends(I have sarges heroes 2 movies in mine!^_~).
[STEP 3] We now set up the image in CD\DVD Generator matching, as always, the files as closely as possible to the original DVD. They should be identical in this case up to the point of the first movie you changed. This will make things easier for us in the next step. (I told ya there was a reason that I was getting you in the habit!^_~). When you're done, export your IML file but LEAVE CD\DVD GEN OPEN.
[STEP 4] Now it's time to edit the SLUS file(it's SCUS in this case). Open the file in Hex Workshop and do a search for our protection string. Many instances. Try to find the proper one yourself now. Find it? Let's see if you did! The string you want to change is: A0AC 0200 0424. Though this doesn't seem very similar to the others at first, you'll notice that in our first example string we had: 040C 0200 0424. This is similarity #1. Next if we search the preceeding hex we see a 4010, also in the original string. And if we look further still we find an 0100 0424. I told ya this was a tough one. So we replace the string in question and move along.
[STEP 5] As I told you at the start, this game IS dependent on LBAs. I tell you this to save you from wasting a CD finding out the hard way. But if you'd like to see for yourself, which I encourage, burn the image as is and observe. It hangs on black screen. Generally speaking the only reason it would do this is if something was corrupt(and we know it's not),if you missed the proper DVD check(and you know you got the right one), or if it's checking a file or LBA in some manner. The most common thing would be it's checking LBAs. You should always test all possibilities however. Check for references to particular files, LBAs, offsets, file sizes, etc, etc, etc. OK, to save you the time and for the sake of this example let me go ahead and tell you. ATV contains what we will call, for lack of a better term, a "table." This table contains LBA information about each file on the DVD. The general format of this table is as follows: LBA Start Address,LBA End Address. Thus you'll have TWO entries to change for each file. Do a little experiment with me. Open Windows calculator and enter in the LBA address of the first file on the DVD. Now click the hex tab to see what the
hex value of this number is. Now, do a search for this number(040A). Chances are that you didn't find it. There's a reason for that. ATV is trying to be sneaky. They reverse the order of the hex in the table. Thus, if you had a value of 2C67 you would search for 672C.Using this information, try your search again with the hex reversed(0A04). You should now be at offset: 001CA6C8. This is the start of our table. Let's take a moment to disect...As we said the format of the table is: LBA Start address \ LBA end address. But we now see there's a little more to it than that. From the Start LBA to the End LBA there are 3 spaces. That is to say, this: 040A xxxx xxxx xxxx 040A. The in between hex is of no importance to us right now. Now the distance from the End LBA to the NEXT Start LBA is 15. That is, like so: 040A xxxx xxxx xxxx 0100 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx NEXT. Again, the hex for the next LBA is reversed. That's ok though, because now we know how it works! Now go back to CD\DVD Gen(which I told ya to leave open) and look at your LBAs. If you matched up the files as closely as possible to the original DVD, then you won't have too much to change in the table. For the sake of example, however, let's assume that you put the first file at LBA 12231. Using Windows Calculator we see the hex value for this is 2FC7. Remember that we must REVERSE this. So our replacement hex is C72F. We now go back to our table in Hex Workshop and replace 0A04 with C72F. Because our first file is SYSTEM.CNF, which only takes 1 LBA, our End LBA is the same. So, for the second value, replace 0A04 with C72F again. You will now go on to repeat this procedure for the remaining files. I will not go into exact LBAs for the remaining files because your LBAs might vary from person to person. But,
you know how the table works, and you know how to find the entries, and you know how to determine your replacement hex for Start and End, so you're good to go on your own from here on with the table. Once you have finished modifying the table, save your changes and exit Hex Workshop. You may now close CD\DVD Gen as well.
[STEP 6] Now that we've finished with the table and the DVD check we are FINALLY ready to build the ISo image. As we have done many times we enter: iml2iso atv.iml ATV.ISO. Once the ISo is done you can remove the files in the temp dir on your hard drive.
[STEP 7] Using CDRWin we burn our ISo just as we've done before. We now go take a nap to recover from all that work we put into ripping this one! (^_~)
Upon waking from our nap we discover that we now have a working rip of ATV(assuming everything went according to plan^_~). WOOHOO!! We done did a hard one(doesn't THAT sound perverse!)!

Well, that conclude the first set of my DVD Ripping tutorial series and hopefully we've all leaned a lot along the way. Using hands on examples, we've tackled everything from the very easy(Orphen) to the pretty damn hard(ATV) and a few in between. We've seen various ways to downsize our game, we've learned how to *better* recognize valid DVD checks, we've learned about LBA Tables, we've gotten familiar with the tools of the trade, and so on. I sincerely hope that you found this series of tutorials helpful. As always you can post your questions to the DVD Ripping Forum at Zima's ( I will do my best to answer all questions. And remember, do NOT get discouraged! As with most things in life, DVD Ripping is an acquired skill; it's a learned ability. Just keep at it! :) Hope you had a little fun along the way too. Bye!


En dit gaat dan op voor sommige games, en voor ander games zijn er weer andere tricks dus weet waar je je vrijetijd aan gaat besteden :D
Nou zal ik niet zeggen waar, maar de spellen die jij wilt "backuppen", kun je volgens mij beter gewoon downloaden. Volgens mij is dat nog niet eens fout, aangezien jij de spellen netjes gekocht hebt, toch?
Dat scheelt een hoop gehobby...:D

Voor het backuppen van ps2 dvd - r gebruiken.

Voor dvd's worden in 99,9% van de gevallen dvd + r gebruikt.

Maar op bijna alle dvd's zit een beveiliging maar met de juiste software gaat dit prima.

Eigenlijk was ik ook van plan om de back-ups te downloaden, maar ik wist niet of dat legaal was.

Die passen makkelijk op 4,7 gig dvd tjes.

Bedankt allemaal

Nu alleen nog:

Welke dvd schijfjes kan mijn LG brander aan??
(kan op officiele site niet vinden, maar ik vind het zonde om 10 verschillende te proberen en dat ik er dalijk 9 weg kan gooien)

En die Lord of the Rings?? waarom doet die het niet?

Op de pc speelt hij hem met de brander helemaal goed af. Met menu en onderiteling en alles erbij.

Komt dat omdat ik een dvd-r heb gebruikt in plaats van + voor een film???
Hoi Erik;

Waarschijnlijk kan je dvd-speler geen -dvd's afspelen.

En doorgaans doen de +dvd's het wel.

Wat lege dvd's betreft zou ik het merk Arita nemen,niet te duur en wel goed.
Prijs ongeveer € 1,60 per stuk ( prijs inclusief nieuwe heffing )

Oke, bedankt

MAar de LOTR die ik gebrand had, las hij op de pc wel door de brander, maar niet door de dvd-speler in de computer

De dvd-speler bij de tv doet het ook niet, en de PS2 doet het ook niet...

Dus die kan alleen de brander lezen, vaag toch, of niet??
Hoi Erik;

Ja, het is inderdaad wel vreemd.

Heb je wat meer info waarmee je brand en de kopieerbeveiliging omzeilt?

Ik heb gekopieert met clonedvd

Ik weet het eigenlijk verder helemaal niet meer...

Maar ik heb ook maar 1 keer geprobeert, met de dvd-r die ik heb gekregen toen ik de brander heb gekocht...

Maar ik kan me eigenlijk niet meer herinneren of ik heb gescant op beveiliging etc.

Maar bedankt voor de hulp, ik ga nog wat Arita dvd's kopen

(op de computerbeurs... :) geld besparen)

Bedankt, deze vraag is opgelost
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