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Lid geworden
24 sep 2010
Ik heb een vraag. Ik heb ingesteld dat documenten geopend worden wanneer er een bepaalde actie gedaan wordt. Maar omdat in dat geopende documenten verwijzingen staan vraagt hij altijd om bij te werken. Hoe kan ik instellen dat hij deze altijd goedkeurd. Tevens de vraag hoe kan ik als het document al geopend is hem niet opnieuw laten openen zonder een foutmelding te krijgen.

Dit is de functie die ik gebruik.

Public Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String, _
    Optional ResultOnBadFile As Variant) As Variant
' IsFileOpen
' This function determines whether a the file named by FileName is
' open by another process. The fuction returns True if the file is open
' or False if the file is not open. If the file named by FileName does
' not exist or if FileName is not a valid file name, the result returned
' if equal to the value of ResultOnBadFile if that parameter is provided.xd
' If ResultOnBadFile is not passed in, and FileName does not exist or
' is an invalid file name, the result is False.

Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim ErrNum As Integer
Dim V As Variant

On Error Resume Next

' If we were passed in an empty string,
' there is no file to test so return FALSE.
If Trim(FileName) = vbNullString Then
    If IsMissing(ResultOnBadFile) = True Then
        IsFileOpen = False
        IsFileOpen = ResultOnBadFile
    End If
    Exit Function
End If

' if the file doesn't exist, it isn't open
' so get out now
V = Dir(FileName, vbNormal)
If IsError(V) = True Then
    ' syntactically bad file name
    If IsMissing(ResultOnBadFile) = True Then
        IsFileOpen = False
        IsFileOpen = ResultOnBadFile
    End If
    Exit Function
ElseIf V = vbNullString Then
    ' file doesn't exist.
    If IsMissing(ResultOnBadFile) = True Then
        IsFileOpen = False
        IsFileOpen = ResultOnBadFile
    End If
    Exit Function
End If

FileNum = FreeFile()
' Attempt to open the file and lock it.
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #FileNum
ErrNum = Err.Number
' Close the file.
Close FileNum
On Error GoTo 0

' Check to see which error occurred.
Select Case ErrNum
    Case 0
        ' No error occurred.
        ' File is NOT already open by another user.
        IsFileOpen = False
    Case 70
        ' Error number for "Permission Denied."
        ' File is already opened by another user.
        IsFileOpen = True
    Case Else
        ' Another error occurred. Assume open.
        IsFileOpen = True
End Select

End Function
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