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Heb je in de link van Gezina gekeken en dit geprobeert?Geplaatst door Thetwins
mijn vraag is nog steeds niet opgelost
Bron; link Gezina.I contacted eAnthology and I got the instructions from them on how to remove all the files. Here are the steps as to what to do...
(I skipped to #3 and it worked)
To manually remove eAnthology programs, please follow the steps below:
1) Open eAnthology Manager, and deactivate all of the features:
- Click Start > Programs > eAnthology > eAnthology Manager.
- Click on the Stop Sign Icon.
- Click on all tabs to deactivate each feature.
- Close eAnthology Manager.
2) Press CTRL-ALT-DEL once to bring up Task Manager:
- For Windows 95/98/ME: Look for "defscangui.exe" and press "End
- For Windows XP/NT/2000: Click on "Processes" tab, search for
"defscangui.exe" and press "End Process".
If defscangui.exe is not found, skip to number 3.
3) Click Start, then Settings, and then Control Panel.
(In XP: Click Start > Control Panel.)
4) Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
5) Under the Install/Uninstall(or Add/Remove) tab, click eAnthology.
- Click the Add/Remove button(Select the programs you wish to
uninstall for newer versions: ) and click OK to approve the uninstall.
6) Also repeat the above step for eAnthology Download Receiver.
7) Reboot your computer.
8) Click Start, Programs, and then right-click on eAnthology, and then
choose the "Delete" option. Click "Yes" to confirm deletion.
If you have any problems with the above directions, please send an
email to for action.
Geplaatst door czorn
Heel erg verdacht:
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\EACDownload\rav_temp.exe -k
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