fout met phpbb3

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Heb even voor je rondgekeken en misschien heb je hier iets aan:

A blank page means that some error is fatal to the process (usually, this kind is obvious to find) and that no error message is set to (or can) show up.

SO try to activate debug in config.php, by replacing :
Select all// @define('DEBUG', true);
// @define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
with :
Select all@define('DEBUG', true);
@define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
If no error message shows up, chances are great that the error is a typo in a language file, like some characters (including white spaces before or after the php tags or some broken string or array due to a wrong copy past).
If an error shows up, it will help out to find out the cause to this.

It is though pretty surprising that your face this on a new install, did you mod anything before or after that (or added a style and / or a language pack).
Starting all over from scratch (with a new archive) could be enough too.

Laatst bewerkt:
Dankjewel , ik ga het proberen , ik laat wel horen wat het op levert!
Bedankt!, gr jesse
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