Ik heb een probleem met een LISP routine kan iemand aub helpen?

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Lid geworden
23 jan 2008

Ik heb een vraag of iemand mij kan helpen met de progtaal lisp....
Zelf heb ik hier geen verstand van..
Ik heb in autocad een lispfile genaamd ATTOUT.lsp

Zelf heb ik een script gemaakt om alles te automatiseren incl de attout.lsp.

Probleem: in deze lisp zit ook een commando ATTIN.

Als ik een txt file van bv mijn kader wegschrijf doormiddel van attout, en daarna een nieuw kader insert en dan het commando attin geef krijg ik een meldingsbox met de text:
One or more records of data could not be matched to block inserts within this drawing.
Do you want to select the block inserts and assign this data interactively?

Yes ore no (popupbox)

Deze melding wil ik niet krijgen...(hij vergelijkt de handle's en als die niet kloppen krijg je die melding)

Ik zal de routine hieronder neerzetten....
Alvast bedankt voor de moeite.



;Extracts attribute data from selected block inserts to a tab delimited file.
(defun c:attout ( / ss fna )

(acet-error-init '(nil 0))

((not (setq fna (ACET-FILE-WRITEDIALOG "Enter output filename"
(strcat (getvar "dwgprefix")
(acet-filename-path-remove (acet-filename-ext-remove (getvar "dwgname")))
(princ "\nNo output file selected.")
((not (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))))
(princ "\nNo valid objects selected.")
(bns_attout fna ss)
);cond close

);defun c:attout

;function version of ATTOUT takes a filename and a selection set.
(defun bns_attout ( fna ss / lst )

(if (and fna
(setq lst (bns_attout_get_info ss))
(bns_attout_output fna lst)
);defun bns_attout

;Takes a filename and a list of string data and writes it out.
(defun bns_attout_output ( fna lst / n a fh)

(if (setq fh (open fna "w"))

(acet-ui-progress-init "Writing output file" (length lst))
(setq n 0)
(repeat (length lst)
(write-line (nth n lst) fh)
(acet-ui-progress-safe n)
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
(close fh)

(if (setq a (findfile fna))
(princ (strcat "\nOutput file: \"" a "\" created."))
(acet-alert (strcat "\nOutput FAILED for file: \"" fna "\"."))
);progn then write the file
(if fna
(acet-alert (strcat "*Error* could not open file \""
"\" for write. The file may be currently in use."
);acet-alert then
(acet-alert "*Error* invalid filename.")
);progn else print the error.

);defun bns_attout_ouput

;bns_attout_get_info - retrieves the data from the block inserts in
;the selection set provided.
(defun bns_attout_get_info ( ss / delim n j a lst lst2 lst3 lst4 na e1 blk hnd str)

(setq delim "\t"); the delimiter for the output file.

(acet-ui-progress-init "Searching for all attribute data" (sslength ss))
(setq n 0)
(repeat (sslength ss)
(setq na (ssname ss n)
e1 (entget na)
lst (acet-insert-attrib-get (list na 1))
blk (cdr (assoc 2 e1))
hnd (cdr (assoc 5 e1))
lst3 (append lst3 (list (list hnd blk lst)))

(setq j 0)
(repeat (length lst)
(setq a (car (nth j lst)));setq
(if (not (member a lst2))
(setq lst2 (append lst2 (list a)));setq
(setq j (+ j 1));setq
(acet-ui-progress-safe n)
(setq n (+ n 1));setq

;lst2 is now a list w/unique attrib tags
;i.e. ("tag" "tag2" "tag3")
;lst3 is a list of the form ((handle blockname ((tag value) (tag value)...)
; (handle blockname ((tag value) (tag value)...)
; ...
; )

(acet-ui-progress-init "Formatting attribute data for output" (length lst3))

(setq str (strcat "HANDLE" delim "BLOCKNAME"));setq
(setq n 0)
(repeat (length lst2) ;;;;build the header for spread sheet.
(setq str (strcat str delim (nth n lst2)));setq
(setq n (+ n 1))
(setq lst4 (list str))

(setq n 0)
(repeat (length lst3)
(setq lst (nth n lst3)
str (strcat "'"
(car lst) ;the handle
(cadr lst) ;the blockname
lst (caddr lst)

(acet-ui-progress-safe n)

(setq j 0)
(repeat (length lst2)
(setq a (nth j lst2)
a (cadr (assoc a lst))
(if (not a)
(setq a "<>")

(setq str (strcat str delim a));setq
(setq j (+ j 1));setq

(setq lst4 (append lst4 (list str)))

(setq n (+ n 1));setq

);defun bns_attout_get_info

;Imports attribute data from selected file. The file must be of
;the same format as created with ATTOUT.
(defun c:attin ( / fna lklay )

(acet-error-init (list
(list "cmdecho" 0)
(if lklay
(acet-sysvar-set '("cmdecho" 0))
(command "_.layer" "_lock" lklay "")
);if need to re-lock
(princ (strcat "\n" (itoa #bns_attin_modified) " Block inserts modified."))

(acet-autoload '("yes_no.lsp" "(bns_get_yes_no a b)"))

(setq #bns_attin_modified 0)
((not (setq fna (acet-ui-getfile "Enter input filename"
(strcat (getvar "dwgprefix")
(acet-filename-path-remove (acet-filename-ext-remove (getvar "dwgname")))
(princ "\nNo input file selected.")
);cond #1
((setq fna (findfile fna))
(setq lklay (acet-layer-unlock-all))
(if (equal 4 (logand 4 (getvar "cmdactive")))
(bns_attin fna nil);a script is running so no interactive placement
(bns_attin fna T);Allow interactive placement
(if lklay
(command "_.layer" "_lock" lklay "")
(princ (strcat "\n" (itoa #bns_attin_modified) " Block inserts modified."))
);cond #2
);cond close

);defun c:attin

;bns_attin takes a file name and a flag (interact) that specifies
;if the user should be prompted to select block inserts when unmatched
;data is found.
(defun bns_attin ( fna interact / fh lst lst2 lst3 lst4 lst5 n j na e1 a delim ans )

(setq delim "\t")
(if (setq fh (open fna "r"))

(princ "\nReading the input file...")
(while (setq a (read-line fh))
(if (not lst) ;change first record to upper case
(setq a (xstrcase a))
(setq lst (cons (acet-str-to-list delim a) lst));setq
(setq fh (close fh))
(princ " Done.")

(setq lst (reverse lst)
lst2 (cdr lst) ;the data
lst (car lst) ;the column headers

(acet-ui-progress-init "Importing data" (length lst2))
(setq n 0)
(repeat (length lst2)
(setq lst3 (nth n lst2)
lst4 nil

(acet-ui-progress-safe n)

(setq j 0) ;match the header row with the current record
(repeat (min (length lst) (length lst3))
(setq a (list (nth j lst)
(nth j lst3)
lst4 (cons a lst4)
(setq j (+ j 1));setq
(setq lst4 (reverse lst4));setq

(if (and (setq a (cadr (assoc "HANDLE" lst4)))
(equal "'" (substr a 1 1))
(setq a (substr a 2))
(if (and a
(setq na (handent a))
(setq e1 (entget na))
(equal "INSERT" (cdr (assoc 0 e1)))
(equal 1 (cdr (assoc 66 e1)))
(or (not (assoc "BLOCKNAME" lst4))
(equal (xstrcase (cadr (assoc "BLOCKNAME" lst4)))
(xstrcase (cdr (assoc 2 e1)))
(if (not (equal 8 (logand 8 (getvar "undoctl"))))
(setq lst4 (vl-remove (assoc "BLOCKNAME" lst4) lst4)
lst4 (vl-remove (assoc "HANDLE" lst4) lst4)
(if (acet-insert-attrib-set na lst4 nil)
(setq #bns_attin_modified (+ #bns_attin_modified 1))
(if interact
(setq lst5 (cons lst4 lst5));setq add to interactive list.
(princ "\nNo matching attribute tags.")
);progn else
);progn then
;Print what's going on...
(if (not interact)
((not a)
(princ "\nNo Handle specification.")
((not na)
(princ (strcat "\nNo entity with specified handle \"" a "\" exists."))
(princ (strcat "\nSpecified entity: \"" a "\" has been deleted or is invalid. "))
);cond then non-interactive execution
(setq lst5 (cons lst4 lst5));setq else gather a list of attribs with
;no insert home.
);progn else no home for this record
(setq n (+ n 1));setq

(if (and lst5
(setq ans (bns_get_yes_no
(list "ATTIN - Select blocks?"
"\n One or more records of data could not be"
"\n matched to block inserts within this drawing."
"\n Do you want to select the block inserts "
"\n and assign this data interactively?"
(list 40 10)
(equal ans 1)
(princ "\nSelect the desired blocks to assign the data to and press ENTER when done.")
(bns_attin_interactive (reverse lst5))
);progn then

);progn then
(acet-alert "\nError opening input file for read.")

);defun bns_attin

(defun bns_attin_interactive ( lst / na e1 )

(while lst

(if (not (equal 8 (logand 8 (getvar "undoctl"))))
(bns_print_att_list (car lst))
(princ "\nPress [Enter] to skip or [Esc] to finish.")
(if (and (setq na (acet-ui-single-select '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1)) nil))
(setq e1 (entget na))
(if (acet-insert-attrib-set na (car lst) nil)
(setq #bns_attin_modified (+ #bns_attin_modified 1)
lst (cdr lst)
(acet-alert (strcat "\nNo matching attribute tags were found on that "
"block insert. \nTry another block insert."
);progn then
(setq lst (cdr lst));setq

);defun bns_attin_interactive

(defun bns_print_att_list ( lst / sp n a b j k)

(setq lst (cons (list "---" "-----") lst)
lst (cons (list "TAG" "VALUE") lst)
sp " "
sp (strcat sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp)
sp (strcat sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp)
j 0
k 0
n 0
(repeat (length lst)
(setq a (nth n lst)
b (cadr a)
a (car a)
j (max (strlen a) j)
k (max (strlen b) k)
(setq n (+ n 1));setq

(princ "\n")
(setq j (+ j 2)
k (+ k 2)
(setq n 0)
(repeat (length lst)
(setq a (nth n lst)
b (cadr a)
a (car a)
(if (not (equal b "<>"))
(setq a (strcat a
(substr sp 1 (max 0 (- j (strlen a))))
b (strcat b
(substr sp 1 (max 0 (- k (strlen b))))
a (strcat "\n " a b)
(princ a)
);progn then
(setq n (+ n 1));setq
);defun bns_print_att_list

(acet-autoload2 '("Yes_no.lsp" (bns_get_yes_no lst size)))
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