Outwar Players,
If you can not get to Outwar.com please read this:
Outwar.com domain was dropped by our domain name registrar Godaddy.com, we are in process of transferring the domain name to Network Solutions. This process may take up to 7 days to complete. During this time you may not be able to access the website through Outwar.com, we have set up 3 alternate Domains that you can use to access the site:
or through the IP address:
If you have purchased points recently, they may not have been awarded right away due to problems with the domain name. We have just manually awarded points to everyone who purchased them during the server downtime. We apologize for the delay on these transactions.
Please send the word out to your friends and let them know why Outwar.com is not working, and give them the alternate domains they can use in the meantime. We are doing all we can on our end to resolve this unfortunate situation. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and continue sending out your secret links.