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mag ik vragen waar dat programma voor dient?

What is the Plus! Extension?
The Plus! Extension is a software that adds functionalities to the Microsoft Windows Messenger (also known as MSN Messenger) chat program. It is very easy to install it, as it is easy to uninstall it, so do not hesitate one second about trying it! Below is a list of the most enjoyed added features:

Logging (historic). Automatically keeps a text file of your chats so that you can laugh of all the stupid things you said, some months after :). This works quite like IRC logs (if you know what I am talking about).
Personalized Away. If you want your contacts to receive a specific message when you're away, the Plus! Extension is for you! This works kinda like ICQ. Just enter your message when you change your status to Away or Busy. It will be sent at regular intervals to anyone trying to contact you.
Messenging at work? now, with a simple shortcut you can make all your Messenger windows minimized and put your status to Busy. Your boss won't catch you anymore!
You like the cool alpha-bending (transparency) effects of Windows 2000/XP? what about adding some in your Messenger windows? the Plus! Extension brings that feature to your feet.
So much more to try... what are you waiting for? thousands of people are already using this software daily!
nou laten wij dat dan eens proberen, wie niet waagt......
Messenger Plus! 2 Zal morgen ( 7 januari 2003 ) uitkomen.

Patchou ( de maker van Messenger Plus! 1 & 2 ) had hem eigenlijk 4 januari al
uit willen brengen maar wegens
nog "te veel" fouten is dat
verschoven naar morgen..

We zijn benieuwd :)

De alpha versie is ook al te downloaden
(onder andere van m'n site) maar die is nog niet geheel foutloos! Het is ook maar een alpha versie..


heb je ook met msn plus 2 dat je bij msn 5 meer mensen dan 150 kan opslaan
ohk k hou het toch bij 4.7 die vink een stuk fijner want msn 5 is beetje langzaam vin ik
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