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Lid geworden
8 jul 2001
Hallo allemaal.

Ik heb sinds vandaag een rotprobleem.
De kids internetten heel wat af dezerdagen, echter ze weten niet watze soms binnenhalen.
Het volgende is gebeurd, telkens als ik ga surfen krijg ik een DAP signaal dat hij een proggie wil ophalen genaamd NLNP29.
Dit moet bij vandaan komen .
De dader ligt natuurlijk weer op het kerkhof en ze weten niet hoe dit kan.
erg lastig, weet iemand hier wat van?????
ik ben overigens een kabelaar, dus inbel risico heb ik niet.
Alvast bedankt oentje11
Open DAP even en kijk of er nog een download staat die afgemaakt moet worden.
Hier nog wat andere info:

It seems there is a new serious spyware component that can download itself and install, without your knowledge. The last advertising company that I can remember using this technique was RealNames, last year - no longer in operation. Now, there is one originating from the link below. url]<<<------ DO NOT CLICK ON THIS ADDRESS!!!!! (I have disabled this link for security reasons!!) - Currently, there is no known cure for this parasite. Ad-aware, Pest Patrol or any other spyware checker will not alert you or disable it. If you can 'BLOCK' this domain, then do so NOW! The uninstaller this company has on their website does not remove the spyware, browser functionality is still affected after using their removal tool.

The parasite will add 3 files to your system, and enter Registry entries. The main culprits come in the form of bho.dll and winstart.exe. The winstart.exe will execute upon restarting under msconfig. Deleting these files, does not get rid of this problem. Even un-installing your browser and re-installing will not cure this infection.

Many reports worldwide, concerning this spyware are growing. Some people have even gone to reformatting their systems. Their have been reports that it affects the search page of Internet Explorer and MSN Messenger.

Some ways of prevention are:

Do not trust a 'Certificate from IGN' as trusted - should you ever receive a dialogue of this description.
Be very careful of ActiveX Control downloads.
Do not click Yes to any popups asking for permission to download.
Make sure your Security settings are set to at least Medium or Higher.
Remember this is not a virus, so your Antivirus program will not detect it, nor will it show as an attack on a firewall program - this parasite comes directly through your browser, and render it useless!
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