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Lid geworden
20 mei 2007

ik zocht voor een linkensysteem, en die heb ik gevonden:D er stond dat er een admin bij was.
Maar welke link is voor admin? danku! dit is het script:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<style type="text/css">
a {text-decoration:none}
a:hover {text-decoration:underline}

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#333333" alink="#999999" vlink="#000000" text="#333300">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 bgcolor="#000000" width="100%">
			<table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
					<td bgcolor="#cccc99">
				<font color="#000000">
Runescape ClanDatabase
<font face="verdana,arial" size=2>

// General display variables
# File that contains the data
# Name of this document here
# Password for the admin section
# The message to display when someone entered data $name is the name then
$thanksmessage="<br><br><b>Thank you for your entry!</b><br>";
# The message to display, if there is an error 
$errormessage="<br><br><b>Oops! You seem to have forgotten either the name, the url or the message!</b><br>";
# Replace special characters with their html equivalents like > to &gt; (0/1)
# Convert Ascii linebreaks to html linebreaks <br> (0/1)
# Entrytext, displayed above the links
$entrytext = '';
# Rules, displayed when you enter some text...
$rules = 'Enter your link data here, please make sure to check the links before entering.';
# display (1) or hide (0) the dropdowns/textlinks above and below the links (navigation)
# Text to be displayed when a category has no data yet.
$no_link_yet="Sorry, there is no link yet";

// Display templates, the data in %% will be replaced by the real content.
// do not use ' !!! 
# detailed link display
# possible variables are %url% %name% and %message%
		<b><a href="%url%" target="_blank">%name%</a></b><br>%message%<br><br>
# compact link display
# possible variables are %url% and %name% 
		<b><a href="%url%" target="_blank">%name%</a></b><br>
# category header
# possible variables are %category%
		<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
				<td bgcolor="#000000">
					<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
							<td bgcolor="#999966">
								<font face="verdana,arial" size=2 color="#ffff99">
# text links template
# possible variables are %links%
$text_links_display = '
		<div align="center">
			<table width=50% border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#000000">
						<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
								<td bgcolor="#ffff99" align="center">
									<font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
# dropdown template
# possible variables are %dropdown%
$dropdown_display = '
		<table width=50% border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#000000" align="center">
					<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
							<td bgcolor="#ffff99" align="center">
								<font face="verdana,arial" size=2 color="#000000">

# Add link template, please ensure to use both %% expressions, otherwise the link
# will not be closed!!! 
# possible variables are %addlinkstart% and %addlinkend%</
$addlink_display = '
		<div align="center">
			<table width=20% border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#000000">
						<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
								<td bgcolor="#ffff99" align="center">
									<font face="verdana,arial" size=2>
											Add your link
// The categories, split them with a, do not use spaces after the comma				
$categories = "Clans,Hulpsites";				
$categories = split(",",$categories);

if (!$pw || $pw != $pass){ // no admin
					Introduction Screen when there is no data from the form
	if ($action != "view" && $action !="new" && $edit !="yes"){echo $entrytext;$action="view";$compact="yes";}
	if ($dropdown_up==1){ // display upper dropdown
		echo "<form method=post>".$dropdownchunks[0];
		echo "Kies catogorie: 
				<select name=\"cat\"><option value=\"all\">Alles</option>";
				for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($categories);$i++):
					echo "<option value=\"$categories[$i]\"";
					if ($categories[$i] == $cat){echo "selected";}
				echo "</select><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"view\" name=\"action\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"compact\" value=\"yes\"";
				if ($compact=="yes") echo "checked";
				echo">&nbsp;Verberg details&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Laat zien\">".$dropdownchunks[1]."</form>";

	if ($textlinks_up==1){ // diplay upper textlinks
		echo $textchunks[0];
		for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($categories);$x++):
			if ($categories[$x] != $cat){echo "<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&compact=$compact&cat=$categories[$x]\">$categories[$x]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";}
			else {echo "<b>$categories[$x]</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;";}
		echo "<br>";
		if ($cat != "all"){echo "<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&compact=$compact&cat=all\">all</a>";}
		else echo "<b>all</b>";
		if ($compact=="yes"){$viewdisp="<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&cat=$cat\">show</a>&nbsp;<b>hide</b></a> details.";}
 		if ($compact!="yes"){$viewdisp="<b>show</b>&nbsp;<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&compact=yes&cat=$cat\">hide</a> details.";}
		echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(".$viewdisp.")".$textchunks[1];

                 					   Display the links
	if ($action=="view"){
		// if there is no category, display all...
		if ($cat == "") $cat="all";
		echo $entrytext;
		$lines=get_data($filelocation); // reads datafile
		if ($cat == "all"){
		// loop over all categories
		for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($categories);$x++):
			// take template and put data in
			$cat_display_now = $cat_display;
			echo stripslashes($cat_display_now);
			$found=0; // trigger for no link found
			while($f < sizeof($lines)){
				$user = explode("#",$lines[$f]);
				if ($user[2] == $categories[$x]){
					$found=1; // there is a link here 
					// if there is no http, add it
					if (substr($user[3],0,7)!= "http://"){$user[3]="http://".$user[3];}
					if ($compact != "yes"){// display with details
						// take template and put data in
						$detail_display_now = $detail_display;
						echo stripslashes($detail_display_now);
					else { // display without details
						// take template and put data in
						$compact_display_now = $compact_display;
						echo stripslashes($compact_display_now);
			// no link in category, display message
			if ($found==0)echo $no_link_yet;
		// display category
		else {
			// put data in template
			$cat_display_now = $cat_display;
			echo stripslashes($cat_display_now);
			$found=0; // trigger if there is a link
			while($f < sizeof($lines)){
				$user = explode("#",$lines[$f]);
				if ($user[2] == $cat){
					$found=1;// link found!
					// if there is no http, add it
					if (substr($user[3],0,7)!= "http://"){$user[3]="http://".$user[3];}
					if ($compact != "yes"){ // display with details
						// take template and put data in
						$detail_display_now = $detail_display;
						echo stripslashes($detail_display_now);
					else { // display without details
						// take template and put data in
						$compact_display_now = $compact_display;
						echo stripslashes($compact_display_now);
		// if there is no link in this category, say so
		if ($found==0)echo $no_link_yet;
		// Display add link template	
		$addlink_display=eregi_replace("%addlinkstart%","<a href=\"$boardname?action=new&cat=$cat\">",$addlink_display);
		echo $addlink_display;
					Adding a new entry to the data file
	if ($edit == "yes"){
		// When there is missing data, display the errormessage and reprint the form
		if ($name == "" || $message =="" || $url==""){
			echo $errormessage."\n";
			echo "
			<form method=post>
			<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"$name\" size=30></dd>
			<dd><select name=\"category\">";
			// loop over possible categories
			for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($categories);$i++){
			echo "<option value=\"$categories[$i]\"";
			if ($categories[$i] == $category){echo "selected";}
			<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"$url\" size=30></dd>
			<dd><textarea name=\"message\" cols=30 rows=5>".$message."</textarea></dd>
			<div align=\"center\">
			<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"yes\">
			<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add your link!\" border=0>
		// If all the entries are correct, display thanksmessage add to datafile
		else {
			echo $thanksmessage."\n";
			// Change % and # to percent and no, to avoid wrong splitting of the data.
			$message = eregi_replace("#","no.",$message);
			$message = eregi_replace("%","percent",$message);
			$name = eregi_replace("#","no.",$name);
			$name = eregi_replace("%","percent",$name);
			// When specialchars are to be replaced...
			if ($specialchars==1){$message=htmlentities($message);}
			// When ASCII Linebreaks should become <br>s
			if ($linebreaks==1){$message = nl2br($message);}
			$counter = sizeof($lines);
			$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"a+");
			$add = "%".$counter."#".$name."#".$category."#".$url."#".$message."\n";
			fwrite($newfile, $add);
                 Add a new entry to the links, display the rules and show the form.
	if ($action == "new" && $edit != "yes"){
		echo "$rules<br>\n
		<form method=post>
		<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=30></dd>
			<dd><select name=\"category\">";
			// loop over categories
			for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($categories);$i++){
			echo "<option value=\"$categories[$i]\"";
			if ($cat == $categories[$i]) echo "selected";
		<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" size=30></dd>
		<dd><textarea name=\"message\" cols=30 rows=5></textarea></dd>
		<div align=\"center\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"yes\">
		<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add your link!\" border=0>

									Admin Section!
if ($pw == $pass){
// Display entries with delete / edit buttons
	if (!$del && !$edit & !$add){
		echo $entrytext;
		// load data from file 
		// Display all the entries
		for ($f=1;$f<sizeof($lines);$f++):
			$user = explode("#",$lines[$f]);
			if (substr($user[3],0,7)!= "http://"){$user[3]="http://".$user[3];}
			// get display template, display it with data 
			$detail_display_now = $detail_display;
			echo stripslashes($detail_display_now);
			echo '<table border=0><tr><td><form method=post><input type="hidden" name="pw" value="'.$pw.'"><input type="hidden" name="del" value="'.$user[0].'"><input type="submit" value="delete"></form></td><td><form method=post><input type="hidden" name="pw" value="'.$pw.'"><input type="hidden" name="edit" value="'.$user[0].'"><input type="submit" value="edit"></form></td></tr></table>';

// edit entry 
if ($edit){
	// read data
	// loop over entries
	while(list($key)= each ($lines)){
			// when the entry is the one to be edited, split in and display the form with the data
			if ($key == $edit){$user = explode("#",$lines[$key]);}
		echo "
			<form method=post>
			<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"".$user[1]."\" size=30></dd>
			<dd><select name=\"category\">";
			// loop over categories, highlight selected
			for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($categories);$i++){
			echo "<option value=\"$categories[$i]\"";
			if ($categories[$i] == $user[2]){echo "selected";}
			<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"".$user[3]."\" size=30></dd>
			<dd><textarea name=\"message\" cols=30 rows=5>".$user[4]."</textarea></dd>
			<div align=\"center\">
			<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"add\" value=\"".$user[0]."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pw\" value=\"$pw\">
			<input type=\"submit\" value=\"save changes\" border=0>

// Add the changed data to the datafile
if ($add){
	// exchange invalid characters
	$message = eregi_replace("#","no.",$message);
	$message = eregi_replace("%","percent",$message);
	$name = eregi_replace("#","no.",$name);
	$name = eregi_replace("%","percent",$name);
	// loop over entries
	while(list($key)= each ($lines)){
		// when the entry is not the one to be changed...
		if ($key != $add){
			// when it's not the first entry, don't add a % (prevents blank entry)
			if ($key != 0){$newdatas .= "%";}
			// else simply put in the old data
			$newdatas .= $lines[$key];
		// if the entry is the one that was changed, insert the new data
		else {$newdatas .= "%".$add."#".$name."#".$category."#".$url."#".$message;}
		// overwrite the old data file...
		$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+");
		fwrite($newfile, $newdatas);
		// display linkbutton back
		echo "<div align=\"center\">The data of entry ".$name." has been changed!<form method=post><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pw\" value=\"$pw\"><input type=hidden name=action value=view><input type=submit value=\"see changes\"></form></div>";
// Delete entry 
	if ($del){
		// reset datavariable
		// read in old data
		// reset new entry counter
		// loop over entries
		while(list($key)= each ($lines)){
			// when the entry is not the one to be deleted...
			if ($key != $del){
			// when it's not the first entry, don't add a % (prevents blank entry)
			if ($key != 0){$newdatas .= "%";}
			// divide into data chunks
			$user = explode("#",$lines[$key]);
			// add new counter and add the data
			if ($key != 0){$newdatas .= $count."#".$user[1]."#".$user[2]."#".$user[3]."#".$user[4];}
			// increase counter
			// replace old data file
			$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+");
			fwrite($newfile, $newdatas);
			echo "<div align=\"center\">The entry has been deleted<form method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=view><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pw\" value=\"$pw\"><input type=submit value=\"see changes\"></form></div>";


// Display dropdown and links below
if ($dropdown_down==1){
	// get template, add data in it
	echo "<form method=post>".$dropdownchunks[0];
	echo "Choose category: 
			<select name=\"cat\"><option value=\"all\">Display all</option>";
			for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($categories);$i++):
				echo "<option value=\"$categories[$i]\"";
				if ($categories[$i] == $cat){echo "selected";}
			echo "</select><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"view\" name=\"action\">&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"compact\" value=\"yes\"";
			if ($compact=="yes")echo "checked";
			echo">&nbsp;hide details&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" value=\"show\">".$dropdownchunks[1]."</form>";
	if ($textlinks_down==1){

echo $textchunks[0];
		for ($x=0;$x<sizeof($categories);$x++):
			if ($categories[$x] != $cat){echo "<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&compact=$compact&cat=$categories[$x]\">$categories[$x]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";}
			else {echo "<b>$categories[$x]</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;";}
		echo "<br>";
		if ($cat != "all"){echo "<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&compact=$compact&cat=all\">all</a>";}
		else echo "<b>all</b>";
		if ($compact=="yes"){$viewdisp="<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&cat=$cat\">show</a>&nbsp;<b>hide</b></a> details.";}
 		if ($compact!="yes"){$viewdisp="<b>show</b>&nbsp;<a href=\"$boardname?action=view&compact=yes&cat=$cat\">hide</a> details.";}
		echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(".$viewdisp.")".$textchunks[1];

// Function for reading and preparing the data...
function get_data($filelocation){
// check for the datafile, if it isn't there create blank one
if (!file_exists($filelocation)) {
	$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+");
$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"r");
$content = fread($newfile, filesize($filelocation));
$lines = explode("%",$content);
return $lines;
echo"<br><div align=\"right\"><font face=\"verdana,arial,helvetica\" size=2>Created with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">EasyLinks</a> 1.0, get it for free.</font></div>";

<div align="center">
	<font face="verdana" size="-2">
		This is a link for all page, there is no quality control of the submitted data, and the owner of this server does not take responsibility for the displayed links.
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