Geplaatst door sys88
Hier zijn de systeem gegevens:
Moederbord: Asus A7N8X-X
Processor: AMD 2800 +
1e Hardeschijf: Maxtor 40 GB
2e (nieuwe) Hardeschijf: Maxtor 160 GB 7200 Rpm 8 Mb cache
Besturings systeem: WinXP Home
Oke aan je hardware kan het bijna niet liggen.
HEb je ServicePack 1 geinstalleerd en alle updates zoja.
Doe dan het volgende maar
Configure Windows XP to access ATAPI hard disks larger than 137GB?
XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) adds support for 48-bit Logical Block Addressing (LBA) for ATAPI drives, which lets the OS access hard disks larger than 137GB (the current limit).
For this change to work, you must have - a 48-bit LBA-compatible BIOS - a hard disk with a capacity greater than 137GB - XP SP1 To enable 48-bit support, perform the following steps:
1. Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
2. Navigate to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Parameters registry subkey.
3. From the Edit menu, select New, DWORD Value.
4. Enter the name EnableBigLba, then press Enter.
5. Double-click the new value, set it to 1, then click OK.
6. Reboot the machine for the changes to take effect. x