Email script

Niet open voor verdere reacties.
Ja ik kan dat inderdaad doen in outlook, alleen wat als andere mensen een email van mij zo ontvangen via het zelfde form maar iets anders aangepast, dan kunnen zij mijn banner ook niet zien.
Dus hoe komt dit en hoe los ik het op?

Nog iets, in dat nieuwe form waarin ik hun een mail terug stuur met een fake/virtueel/forward adres dan heb ik dit staan:
$to = "' $name . ' <' . $email . '>";

Hoe zorg ik dat dit werkt?

Waarom staat dit er tussen, wat doet het, kun je het even uitleggen zodat ik het goed begrijp.

$name = str_ireplace(array("\r","\n","%0a","%0d","Content-Type:","bcc:","to:","cc:"), "", $name );
$message = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $message);
De afbeeldingen heb ik niet zo een antwoord op. G. helpt misschien.

Het "to" lijkt dit te zijn
$to = $name . ' <' . $email . '>';

De 2 regels zijn een minimale security.
In het emailadres mag niet een of meer van deze woorden staan: return newline Content-Type: bcc: to: cc: In het bericht mag geen newline met een punt (of met 2 punten) staan.
Laatst bewerkt:
Helaas die $to werkt ook niet.
Maar dit werkt dan weer wel, kan dit nog beter worden aangepast of niet?
$to = "$_POST[name] <$_POST[email]>";

Die 2 beveiliging regels, is dat voor iemand die cc kan toevoegen op het formulier of puur voor mijn kant?

En dit wil niet lukken in mijn email body:
<a href="">
           <img src=""" alt="Logo"  width="100" height="100">
Laatst bewerkt:
best bron ik heb je scripts iets door elkaar aangepast met of zonder toegevoegde waarde ik hoop het iets overzichtelijker gemaakt te hebben hierdoor

Amail dus een mailsysteem globaal
/*LGPL copyright ... */
namespace Amail;
abstract class A_Mail{
      protected $error;
      protected $CRLF = "\r\n";
      protected $TYPE="NOTexist";
      public $DEFAULD_SMTPPORT ;
      public $Timeout;
      public function __construct($typename,$port,$timeout) {
            $this->TYPE = $typename;
            $this->DEFAULD_SMTPPORT = $port;
            $this->Timeout = $timeout;
      protected function setERROR($response,$msg=""){
         $this->error["error"] = $msg;
         $this->error["smtp_code"] =  substr($response,0,3);
         $this->error["smtp_msg"] = substr($response,4);
         $this->__DEBUG($this->TYPE." -> ERROR: ".$msg.": ".$response.$this->CRLF);
         return false;
      protected function __DEBUG($msg){
            print $this->TYPE." ->".$msg;
            error_log($this->TYPE." ->".$msg);
      protected function __FOLLOW($msg){
            if($this->FOLLOW ==false) return;
            $this->__DEBUG(": ".$this->TYPE." -> ".$msg." <br />");
      protected function __INFO($msg){
            $this->__DEBUG(":".$this->TYPE." -> ".$msg." <br />");

/*LGPL copyright ... */
class A_MailWith_SMTP extends \Amail\A_Mail{
  public $do_debug;       // the level of debug to perform
  public $Debugoutput     = "echo";
  public $do_verp = false;
  public $Timelimit       = 30;
  private $smtp_conn;
  private $helo_rply;
   * Initialize the class so that the data is in a known state.
   * @access public
   * @return SMTP
  public function __construct(){
    $this->smtp_conn = 0;
    $this->error = null;
    $this->helo_rply = null;
    $this->do_debug = 0;
   * Connect to the server specified or use default SMTP_PORT 25.
   * @access public
   * @param string $host the host of the server
   * @param int $port the port to use
   * @param int $tval give up after ? secs (time to try)
   * @return bool
  public function Connect($host, $port = 0, $tval = 30) {
    $this->error = null;
    if(empty($port)) {  $port = $this->DEFAULD_SMTPPORT;}
    $this->smtp_conn = @fsockopen($host,$port,$errno,$errstr,$tval);// connect to smtp server
      $this->error = array("error" => "Failed to connect to server","errno" => $errno,"errstr" => $errstr);
      $this->__DEBUG("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": $errstr ($errno)" . $this->CRLF . '<br />');
      return false;
    // SMTP server can take longer to respond, give longer timeout for first read
    // Windows does not have support for this timeout function
    if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN") {
        $max = ini_get('max_execution_time');
        if ($max != 0 && $tval > $max) { // don't bother if unlimited
        stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $tval, 0);
    // get any announcement
    $announce = $this->get_lines();
    $this->__INFO("FROM SERVER:" . $announce . $this->CRLF);
    return true;
   * Initiate a TLS communication with the server.
   * SMTP CODE 220 Ready to start TLS
   * SMTP CODE 501 Syntax error (no parameters allowed)
   * SMTP CODE 454 TLS not available due to temporary reason
   * @access public
   * @return bool success
  public function StartTLS() {
    $this->error = null; # to avoid confusion
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("STARTTLS" . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF);
    if(substr($rply,0,3) != 220){//SMTP RESPONSECODE
      $this->setERROR($rply,"STARTTLS not accepted from server");
      return false;
    // Begin encrypted connection
    return !stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->smtp_conn, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT);
   * Performs SMTP authentication.  Must be run after running the
   * Hello() method.  Returns true if successfully authenticated.
   * @access public
   * @param string $username
   * @param string $password
   * @param string $authtype
   * @param string $realm
   * @param string $workstation
   * @return bool
  public function Authenticate($username, $password, $authtype='LOGIN', $realm='', $workstation='') {
    if (empty($authtype)) {
      $authtype = 'LOGIN';
    switch ($authtype) {
      case 'PLAIN':
        // Start authentication
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("AUTH PLAIN" . $this->CRLF);
        if(substr($rply,0,3) != 334){//SMTP RESPONSECODE
          $this->setERROR($rply,"AUTH not accepted from server");
          return false;
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC(base64_encode("\0".$username."\0".$password) . $this->CRLF);
        return substr($rply,0,3) == 235|| $this->setERROR($rply,"Authentication not accepted from server");
      case 'LOGIN':
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("AUTH LOGIN" . $this->CRLF);// Start authentication
        if(substr($rply,0,3) != 334){//SMTP RESPONSECODE
          $this->setERROR($rply,"AUTH not accepted from server");
          return false;
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC(base64_encode($username).$this->CRLF); // Send encoded username
        if(substr($rply,0,3) != 334) {//SMTP RESPONSECODE
          $this->setERROR($rply,"Username not accepted from server");
          return false;
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC(base64_encode($password).$this->CRLF); // Send encoded password
        return substr($rply,0,3) == 235|| $this->setERROR($rply,"Password not accepted from server");
      case 'NTLM':
         * ntlm_sasl_client.php
         ** Bundled with Permission
         ** How to telnet in windows:
         ** PROTOCOL Documentation
        $temp = new stdClass();
        $ntlm_client = new ntlm_sasl_client_class;
        if(! $ntlm_client->Initialize($temp)){//let's test if every function its available
            $this->error = array("error" => $temp->error);
            $this->__DEBUG("You need to enable some modules in your php.ini file: " . $this->error["error"] . $this->CRLF);
            return false;
        $msg1 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg1($realm, $workstation);//msg1
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("AUTH NTLM " . base64_encode($msg1) . $this->CRLF);
        if(substr($rply,0,3) != 334) {//SMTP RESPONSECODE
            $this->setERROR($rply,"AUTH not accepted from server");          
            return false;
        $challange = substr($rply,3);//though 0 based, there is a white space after the 3 digit number....//msg2
        $challange = base64_decode($challange);
        $ntlm_res = $ntlm_client->NTLMResponse(substr($challange,24,8),$password);
        $msg3 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg3($ntlm_res,$username,$realm,$workstation);//msg3
        // Send encoded username
        $rply = $this->__TRAFIC(base64_encode($msg3) . $this->CRLF);        
        return substr($rply,0,3) == 235|| $this->setERROR($rply,"Could not authenticate"); 
    return false;
   * Returns true if connected to a server otherwise false
   * @access public
   * @return bool
  public function IsConnect($methodName="") {
    if(!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
      $sock_status = socket_get_status($this->smtp_conn);
      if($sock_status["eof"]) {
        // the socket is valid but we are not connected
        $this->__DEBUG("NOTICE:" . $this->CRLF . "EOF caught while checking if connected");
        return false;
      return true; // everything looks good
    $this->error = array("error" => "Called ".$methodName." without being connected");
    return false;
   * Closes the socket and cleans up the state of the class.
   * It is not considered good to use this function without
   * first trying to use QUIT.
   * @access public
   * @return void
  public function Close() {
    $this->error = null; // so there is no confusion
    $this->helo_rply = null;
    if(!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
      // close the connection and cleanup
      $this->smtp_conn = 0;
   * Issues a data command and sends the msg_data to the server
   * finializing the mail transaction. $msg_data is the message
   * that is to be send with the headers. Each header needs to be
   * on a single line followed by a <CRLF> with the message headers
   * and the message body being seperated by and additional <CRLF>.
   * Implements rfc 821: DATA <CRLF>
   *     [data]
   *     <CRLF>.<CRLF>
   *     SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250
   *     SMTP CODE FAILURE: 552,554,451,452
   * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 451,554
   * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,503,421
   * @access public
   * @param string $msg_data
   * @return bool
  public function Data($msg_data) {
    $this->error = null; // so no confusion is caused
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("DATA" . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF );
    if(substr($rply,0,3) != 354) {//SMTP RESPONSECODE
        $this->setERROR($rply,"DATA command not accepted from server");
        return false;
    /* the server is ready to accept data!
     * according to rfc 821 we should not send more than 1000
     * including the CRLF
     * characters on a single line so we will break the data up
     * into lines by \r and/or \n then if needed we will break
     * each of those into smaller lines to fit within the limit.
     * in addition we will be looking for lines that start with
     * a period '.' and append and additional period '.' to that
     * line. NOTE: this does not count towards limit.
    // normalize the line breaks so we know the explode works
    $msg_data = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$msg_data);
    $msg_data = str_replace("\r","\n",$msg_data);
    $lines = explode("\n",$msg_data);
    /* we need to find a good way to determine is headers are
     * in the msg_data or if it is a straight msg body
     * currently I am assuming rfc 822 definitions of msg headers
     * and if the first field of the first line (':' sperated)
     * does not contain a space then it _should_ be a header
     * and we can process all lines before a blank "" line as
     * headers.
    $field = substr($lines[0],0,strpos($lines[0],":"));
    $in_headers = false;
    if(!empty($field) && !strstr($field," ")) {
      $in_headers = true;
    $max_line_length = 998; // used below; set here for ease in change
    while(list(,$line) = @each($lines)) {
      $lines_out = null;
      if($line == "" && $in_headers) {
        $in_headers = false;
      // ok we need to break this line up into several smaller lines
      while(strlen($line) > $max_line_length) {
        $pos = strrpos(substr($line,0,$max_line_length)," ");
        // Patch to fix DOS attack
        if(!$pos) {
          $pos = $max_line_length - 1;
        } else {
          $pos = $pos + 1;
        $lines_out[] = substr($line,0,$pos);
        $line = substr($line,$pos);
        /* if processing headers add a LWSP-char to the front of new line
         * rfc 822 on long msg headers
        if($in_headers) {
          $line = "\t" . $line;
      $lines_out[] = $line;
      // send the lines to the server
      while(list(,$line_out) = @each($lines_out)) {
        if(strlen($line_out) > 0 && substr($line_out, 0, 1) == ".") {
            $line_out = "." . $line_out;
        fputs($this->smtp_conn,$line_out . $this->CRLF);
    // message data has been sent
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC($this->CRLF . "." . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF);
    return substr($rply,0,3) == 250|| $this->setERROR($rply,"DATA not accepted from server"); 
   * Sends the HELO command to the smtp server.
   * This makes sure that we and the server are in
   * the same known state.
   * Implements from rfc 821: HELO <SP> <domain> <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500, 501, 504, 421
   * @access public
   * @param string $host
   * @return bool
  public function Hello($host = '') {
    $this->error = null; // so no confusion is caused
    // if hostname for HELO was not specified send default
    if(empty($host)) {
      // determine appropriate default to send to server
      $host = "localhost";
    // Send extended hello first (RFC 2821)
    return $this->SendHello("EHLO", $host)||$this->SendHello("HELO", $host);
   * Sends a HELO/EHLO command.
   * @param string $hello
   * @param string $host
   * @return bool
  private function SendHello($hello, $host) {
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC($hello . " " . $host . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />');
    $this->helo_rply = $rply;
    return substr($rply,0,3) == 250|| $this->setERROR($rply,$hello." not accepted from server");    
   * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
   * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
   * the mail transaction is started and then one or more Recipient
   * commands may be called followed by a Data command.
   * Implements rfc 821: MAIL <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 552,451,452
   * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 500,501,421
   * @param string $from
   * @return bool
  public function Mail($from) {
    $this->error = null; // so no confusion is caused
    $useVerp = ($this->do_verp ? " XVERP" : "");
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("MAIL FROM:<".$from.">".$useVerp.$this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:".$rply.$this->CRLF.'<br />');    
    return substr($rply,0,3) == 250|| $this->setERROR($rply,"MAIL not accepted from server");
   * Sends the quit command to the server and then closes the socket
   * if there is no error or the $close_on_error argument is true.
   * Implements from rfc 821: QUIT <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500
   * @param bool $close_on_error
   * @return bool
  public function Quit($close_on_error = true) {
    $this->error = null; // so there is no confusion
    // get any good-bye messages
    $byemsg = $this->__TRAFIC("quit" . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $byemsg . $this->CRLF);
    $rval = true;
    $e = null;
    if(substr($rply,0,3) != 221) {//SMTP RESPONSECODE
      $rval = false;
      $this->__DEBUG("SMTP -> ERROR: SMTP server rejected quit command: " . $byemsg . $this->CRLF . '<br />');
    if(empty($e) || $close_on_error) {
    return $rval;
   * Sends the command RCPT to the SMTP server with the TO: argument of $to.
   * Returns true if the recipient was accepted false if it was rejected.
   * Implements from rfc 821: RCPT <SP> TO:<forward-path> <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 250,251
   * SMTP CODE FAILURE: 550,551,552,553,450,451,452
   * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,503,421
   * @param string $to
   * @return bool
  public function Recipient($to) {
    $this->error = null; // so no confusion is caused
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("RCPT TO:<".$to.">".$this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:".$rply.$this->CRLF);
    return substr($rply,0,3) == 250 ||substr($rply,0,3) == 251 || $this->setERROR($rply,"RCPT not accepted from server");
   * Sends the RSET command to abort and transaction that is
   * currently in progress. Returns true if successful false
   * otherwise.
   * Implements rfc 821: RSET <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500,501,504,421
   * @return bool
  public function Reset() {
    $this->error = null; // so no confusion is caused
    if(!$this->IsConnect()){return false;}
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("RSET" . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF );
    return substr($rply,0,3) == 250|| $this->setERROR($rply,"RSET failed"); 
   * Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
   * $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
   * the mail transaction is started and then one or more Recipient
   * commands may be called followed by a Data command. This command
   * will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
   * in and send them an email.
   * Implements rfc 821: SAML <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 552,451,452
   * SMTP CODE SUCCESS: 500,501,502,421
   * @param string $from
   * @return bool
  public function SendAndMail($from) {
    $this->error = null; // so no confusion is caused
    $rply = $this->__TRAFIC("SAML FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF);
    $this->__INFO("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF );
    return substr($rply,0,3) == 250|| $this->setERROR($rply,"SAML not accepted from server"); 
   * Implements from rfc 821: TURN <CRLF>
   * SMTP CODE ERROR  : 500, 503
   * @return bool
  public function Turn() {
    return false;
  * Get the current error
  * @return array
  public function getError() {
    return $this->error;
  private function __TRAFIC($command){
    return $this->get_lines();
   * Read in as many lines as possible
   * either before eof or socket timeout occurs on the operation.
   * With SMTP we can tell if we have more lines to read if the
   * 4th character is '-' symbol. If it is a space then we don't
   * need to read anything else.
   * @return string
  private function get_lines(){
    $data = "";
    $endtime = 0;
    /* If for some reason the fp is bad, don't inf loop */
    if (!is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {                           return $data;    }
    stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $this->Timeout);
    if ($this->Timelimit > 0) {
      $endtime = time() + $this->Timelimit;
    while(is_resource($this->smtp_conn) && !feof($this->smtp_conn)) {
        $str = @fgets($this->smtp_conn,515);
        $this->__FOLLOW('SMTP -> get_lines(): $data was "'.$data.'"'.$this->CRLF.'<br />'.'--->: $str is "'.$str.'"'.$this->CRLF);
        $data .= $str;
        $this->__FOLLOW('SMTP -> get_lines(): $data is "'.$data.'"'.$this->CRLF);
        // if 4th character is a space, we are done reading, break the loop
        if(substr($str,3,1) == " ") { break; }
        // Timed-out? Log and break
    return $data;
  private function istimeout($endtime){
      $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
      if ($info['timed_out']) {             
          $this->__FOLLOW("SMTP -> get_lines(): timed-out (" . $this->Timeout . " seconds)");
          return true;
      if ($endtime && time() > $endtime){// Now check if reads took too long 
         $this->__FOLLOW("SMTP -> get_lines(): timelimit reached (" . $this->Timelimit . " seconds)");
          return true;  
      return false;
andere files heb ik niet gedaan
Je code niet geprobeerd, maar het ziet er goed uit. Mijn voorkeur is ook smtp waarvan ik de TS een voorbeeld heb gegeven in deze post waar ik gebruik maak van de PHPMailer classes. In dit topic heeft de TS gekozen voor mail() en zit hiermee in een gewaardeerd leermomentje.

De twee filter regels hebben te maken met Email Injection. Op dit forum zal ik geen voorbeeld geven, maar google 'ns op een regenachtige middag. Dit zou de $to moeten zijn
[COLOR="#0000CD"]$headers .= 'To: ' . $name . ' <' . $email . '>' . "\r\n";[/COLOR]
$headers .= 'From: Mijnnaam <>' . "\r\n";
// $headers .= 'Cc:' . "\r\n";
Html code kun je in php het beste in enkele '....' (single quote) zetten.
$body .= '<a href="">';
$body .= '<img src="" alt=""  width="100" height="100" />';
$body .= '</a>';
In een eerdere mail heb ik aangegeven dat de plaatjes op hetzelfde domein moeten staan als waarvan mail() ze verstuurt. In je html code heb je een hoofddomein en een subdomein. Waarschijnlijk verstuurt mail() van
Omdat je het plaatje op hebt staan zou dit het probleem kunnen zijn?!
Laatst bewerkt:
Het werkt nu allemaal zoals ik wil, de email(s) dan op de website. Super bedankt allemaal.
Ik zou met bron nog 1 ding willen testen, als je het goed vind?
kun je mij jouw email even sturen dan stuur ik jouw een mailtje via mijn site om te kijken of die ook bij andere aan kan komen, en als je mij dan een screenshot zou willen sturen dan kan ik zien hoe het eruit ziet op een nadere pc met een ander email account.
Super dat het gelukt is :thumb:

kun je mij jouw email even sturen dan stuur ik jouw een mailtje via mijn site
Mijn emailadres geef ik alleen aan familie, kennissen en (mogelijke) klanten :) Je kunt het formulier eenvoudig in Internet Explorer en Google Chrome testen met een gmail account dat je hiervoor aanmaakt. De configuratie van de pc is verder niet van invloed op de weergave. Op websites die ik bouw heb ik ook niemand nodig voor controle van de opmaak en het testen van de werking.

Suc6. Have fun.
Niet open voor verdere reacties.
Steun Ons

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